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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. OutsideMatchInside

    Care Package?

    The ones they gave me were soft and fluffy and I still wear them around the house in the winter. I guess it varies like everything else with surgery.
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    Care Package?

    They give you socks in the hospital. The only thing you really need is lip balm. Maybe make a care package of different lip balms.
  3. I use it to make Peanut Butter. I do not eat the PB2 brand because they add sugar. Removing fat and adding sugar is terrible. I can keep the powder in the house and not touch it, but peanut butter is too tempting and I will have spoonfuls. Not worth having in the house.
  4. OutsideMatchInside

    361 Days Later: My Story

    MCT oil is a good way to get energy for a work out, but you have to build your tolerance for it, because it goes right through you until you do.
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    361 Days Later: My Story

    @@higher they eat more fat than Protein, that is what true keto is. I need to get at least 100 grams of protein so that doesn't leave much room for fat. I need to eat more avocados but it is hard to eat them before they go bad. I wanted to actually show a true account of what I eat. A lot of people say what they eat and claim they are tracking but where are the food logs? People need to put up or shut up.
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    Go public or stay private?

    Keep is private until you are sure. Once you go public you can never go back, plus it is for the rest of your life. 10 years from now you will still be that person that had WLS to other people, even when you feel normal.
  7. One year, no gallbladder issues ever.
  8. Play Pokemon! Enjoy the outdoors! Walk and hatch those eggs. 10km in walking has never been so fun.

    1. Cervidae


      I see you're a fellow Mystic! Woo! :D Caught anything good yet?

    2. OutsideMatchInside


      Lots! I am level 15!

  9. OutsideMatchInside

    Loner ...

    I haven't really ditched anyone post-op, but people have distanced themselves from me, and that is cool. Like my lifestyle is really different now than it was a year ago. Everyone isn't active and into the things I am. I don't mind, people grow apart.
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    New hobbie/addiction

    @@samararousse This addiction trade isn't a guarantee. I shop less post-op than pre-op so I can't say shopping. I used to buy clothes online almost every single day but I don't know because I can't buy things without trying them on. I guess my only new habit that I am religious about is weighing my food.
  11. I eat spicy food without drinking. The only time I ever end up drinking while eat is chicken because it is dry and can get stuck.
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    Dreading the Nausea!

    @@NewAdventure2016 I was only nausea once really and that in the hospital because I don't tolerate narcotics well and morphine is a tool of the devil (I really don't get the benefit). Other than that, I have felt kind of a sick a few times but that is from what I have eaten and I knew I over did it or ate something wrong. My sleeve is a sleeve of steel for the most part.
  13. OutsideMatchInside

    New relationship after sleeve surgery

    Unless I am going to be joining my finances with someone, there is no reason for them to know my credit. I live in my own home, pay my own bills, own my car and multiple businesses. I don't need financial support from my partner, so my finances are none of their business. Likewise, I don't need someone to make medical decisions for me, I already have a person, my best friend, and it is likely to stay that way for some time. My point is there is absolutely no reason to disclose things to people that don't involve them and area none of their business. There are levels to relationships and personal disclosure, there is no reason to tell someone your whole life out the gate.
  14. Today is my one year, 139 pounds down, 50 to go!

    1. VSGAnn2014


      You have SO ROCKED THIS!

    2. OutsideMatchInside


      Thank you everyone. Went and tried some clothes on today. Surprised at how well things are fitting in normal stores. I think it is really going to take me a while to get used to that.

    3. her1981
    4. Show next comments  363 more
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    New relationship after sleeve surgery

    If I got engaged to someone and he hadn't told me he had had such a life-changing surgery, I would re-evaluate whether I really knew him at all. How long does it take you to provide your credit report to them? Also, @@Nikki Monroe why did you make the exact same thread twice?
  16. I do all the time but it depends on what I am eating. I can eat 3 cups of salad greens easy, because salad is a slider.
  17. @@baoros All I do is walk. I just walked today and burned almost 1000 calories with walking. Download Pokemon Go, and work on leveling up. That is all the exercise you need.
  18. @@baoros You don't have any of your surgery information filled out. What weight did you start at? what weight are you currently at? Do you log your food? What are your carbs and Protein?
  19. OutsideMatchInside

    Surgery without telling anyone?

    @@lynnedilligaf People know I had surgery but they all live several states away. My family doesn't know, and none of my business associate know. I don't have the dreaded co-worker issue most people seem to have. It is pretty easy to keep to yourself. And spite of people on message boards saying that "everyone will know you had surgery when you lose all that weight!". They really don't. As long as you aren't sitting on your ass all day eating bon bons people are going to think you put in hard work to lose weight, and it will be the truth because losing weight even with surgery is hard. Also for you, your BMI is low enough, you won't drop weight super fast and you don't have a lot to lose, so it should be easy to keep it to yourself. If you really want to keep it to yourself. That means keeping it to yourself. Anyone you tell can be the weak link that tells someone else and then boom, everyone knows. All of my friends that know are friends with me but not with each other.
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    Best advice on wearing a bra after surgery

    Let me revise what I said. I wore sports bras around the house and to work out and wired bras when I went shopping and to the doctor. That is the smallest incision with the least amount of pain, for me anyway. Padding it out totally works.
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    Liquid flow question

    @@Alex_Lycan You are healing faster than most people. Be happy, enjoy it. Liquids don't trigger restriction so there is no reason you can't drink a lot. Have at it.
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    Best advice on wearing a bra after surgery

    I wore a padded bandage over that incision for a couple weeks to protect it and wore my regular wired bras. Worked perfect.
  23. OutsideMatchInside

    361 Days Later: My Story

    @@sondra2368 I have never used any Keto apps, so I can't offer any recommendations beyond the ones I provided already.
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    How can I stop weight loss?!

    @@mmy I'm surprised a Dr would do that serious of malabsorption on someone your weight. The sleeve would have been a better choice, slower weight lose you can control. I don't think you can physically eat enough calories to stop or slow your weight loss. I would consult your Dr though if you BMI dips below the healthy range.
  25. OutsideMatchInside


    I definitely understand and respect that. The guy I am dating now notices my small appetite. I always give him half of what I am eating or he notices I don't always finish my food. He made the comment the other day about being "concerned" that I wasn't eating enough food. I told him I was but that I just eat a little more often. Makes me feel like that conversation may have to happen sooner than I anticipated. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App How much time do you spend with him? Like have you spent a whole day or a weekend with him? A lot of people think I don't eat much until they spend a day with me and I eat all damn day. I eat every 2-3 hours. When people see that, they don't comment anymore, because you are eating more often than they are.

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