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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. OutsideMatchInside

    What's normal after dumping?

    @LA_lady @melissa1227 Dumping with the sleeve is really rare. You only dump really if you eat off plan so it is easily avoidable. I dumped once early on, like at 3 months eating out. I ordered something that shouldn't have sugar but it did cause you know, America. At one year I can eat whatever and not dump. @@Beck90 Yeah you are miserable after dumping and that is how it is supposed to feel. It is supposed to be so aweful you never want to do it again, so if it happens to you, you will avoid making those kind of choices again. Everyone that posts here is an adult but you are less that 2 months out from surgery and you are making a lot of questionable food choices, repeatedly. This is the time to learn new habits and build a new relationship with food. You seem to be squandering your honeymoon period very early on. Right now you can only eat limited quantities but at 3 months you are going to be able to eat more and at 6 months you will be able to eat a lot more, these off plan choices are going to do more damage later down the road.
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    Temperature change post surgery?

    I was cold all the time for the first 6 months or so. Now I am probably pretty normal. I don't get warm as fast as I used to, and I am more susceptible to being cold, but I am not freezing all the time like I was when I was dropping weight really fast.
  3. OutsideMatchInside

    need advice, gaining weight

    @@2feelgood Like people told you in the thread you made yesterday, another surgery is not going to fix your problem. You can eat all day with gastric bypass too. Nothing is going to stop you from grazing except you.
  4. My sleeve doesn't rumble or make noises but my small intestines do. It is digestion.
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    Weight Loss Surgery Success Habits

    If you don't eat animal Protein, then substitute the protein of your choice. If you are vegan or vegetarian you are should already be used to this.
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    WLS bracelet or necklace?

    You should take your Dr's advice but I wasn't told this was needed.
  7. PokemonGo is the best thing so far in 2016, exercise, lose weight and meet men at the same time!

    1. Cervidae


      I love it too! I wish I weren't so gimpy recovering from my knee surgery still, but I'm really looking forward to playing on my college campus starting next month! Mystic rules! :P

    2. Unbridled


      How fun! Never thought of that! Don't bump into anything. Ha!

  8. OutsideMatchInside

    Weight Statistics

    I am using my high weight when I went to the Dr the first time, which isn't my true highest weight, I only lost 7 pounds on my liquid diet, so there really isn't any reason to separate that out.
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    Why im not going thru with surgery

    Thank you so much for that! My biggest issue is that this has forever been my biggest demon i feel that getting the surgery will cheat me of that experience of doing it on my own and i fear going thru life unfufilled. I would consider myself Somewhat of a plus size athlete lol i love the gym i love being active i have always dreamed of being a runner. Im also afraid that i wont break my food addiction and will seriously hurt myself if i go thru with this. I told my Dr i would let him know my final answer in a week. Little tia I have a competitive spirit and these are some of the thoughts I had also. That I would taking shortcut and and would forever feel like there is an asterisk next to my weight loss. Yeah the first 3 months or so you get a real boost from surgery. If you follow the food steps laid out in your plan, you change your relationship with food. After that though, it is the same hard work as anything else. You can eat more at 3 months as some of your swelling has gone down. Then at 6 months you are fully healed, swelling gone, body adjusted, sleeve less temperamental and you can eat more and varied foods. At one year for me, I can eat basically anything, just in small quantities. I have to choose to eat properly. So it is still hard work, especially since we live in a world full of tempting bad food choices. Sometimes you can make a bad food choice simply by not thoroughly reading a label. Finally, a lot of people have surgery and fail at it. Everyone isn't successful just because they have surgery. If you can reach your goals and maintain them, you will still have accomplished something not many people have done, not even WLS patients. Don't worry about cheating yourself out of a life victory, just make sure you win.
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    The Waiting Game

    @@josiek1988 Your nurse practitioner sounds like a dumb ass. It is 100 degrees every day. People are going to retain Water, it is the middle of summer. You can't control that. Good luck.
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    Anxiety about being almost one year post op

    @@esskay77 is right, you can't focus on the past. Just focus on what you can do now. Have you found the medical help you need in your area yet?
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    Allmax all whey protein on Groupon

    It depends on which one it is. I used their ISONatrual in unflavored as my unflavored powder and I liked it.
  13. OutsideMatchInside

    Band > Sleeve now what?

    @@FrankiesGirl is right, weight loss is 80-90% diet related. @ Gave you the right tips about getting back to basics. If you are eating carbs and sugar, and snacking, a 3rd surgery is useless for you. You can do all of that with bypass too. I'm not even sure you can revise from the sleeve to bypass, the revision from the sleeve is DS and no reputable surgeon would do that surgery on you with so little to lose. Work on your diet, if you gave up carbs/sugar/snacking you could lose. A surgery can't do all the work for you, you have to contribute. @@deekel8 The sleeve is the first step of the DS, not bypass. The sleeve was used for people that were too heavy for the long surgery that bypass requires.
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    Carb Level Suggestions for Weight Loss

    I came across this today and just thought I would share it. http://www.marksdailyapple.com/press/the-primal-blueprint-diagrams/#axzz4F3sVUTW0
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    Carb Level Suggestions for Weight Loss

    @@Dub I had to stop because of the heat, just too hot to work out in the gym at the time I like to go. I am going to pick it back up in the Fall.
  16. OutsideMatchInside

    Alcohol Addiction

    @@Proud2BMe We have missed you around here, but I am glad you made this post. I hope you get better soon.
  17. OutsideMatchInside

    Carb Level Suggestions for Weight Loss

    @@Dub Crossfit+Paleo/Keto etc is great. I feel so fit and strong when I do Crossfit. I love how Crossfit is customized to everyone levels so everyone can be challenged but not left out. It is really a personalized unique experience. @@jenn1 I have definitely had to add some more carbs in just to get my calories up at this point. It is still hard for me to crack 50 carbs in a day. Most carbs I don't even like, plus I don't have room for them. It is a struggle.
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    Abnormal stress test

    It was easy. The drugs were awesome and the snacks were delicious. It sounds very scary but it's a piece of cake.
  19. OutsideMatchInside

    No wonder I always gave up

    @@needtorecover Good job! Yeah before surgery I would have quit in a stall, now there is no option to quit and eating right is easy to do. Is your weight current?
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    Abnormal stress test

    Not for RNY, I had the sleeve. I failed my stress test so they did a cardiac catheter. That was fine, so I was cleared for surgery.
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    Why do we have to wait?

    If you get pregnant now you will be high risk because of your weight which is still high and the fact you had surgery. That is really going to suck a lot of the enjoyment out of being pregnant. High risk pregnancy is no fun, it is a lot of testing, doctor visits and restrictions. Wait, at least 6 months until you are healed so you can eat enough calories to support a pregnancy.
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    Excess skin

    @@emalou47 Surgery.
  23. OutsideMatchInside


    @@flvsglife What do you eat? How many calories, carbs, fat, Protein?
  24. OutsideMatchInside


    They approved me in 3 days. Their requirements are minimal depending on what what plan you have. My plan had basically no requirements just Dr recommendation and obviously be heavy enough. I do not think they liberally deny people at all, esp BCBS IL they have a very streamlined process.
  25. OutsideMatchInside

    How have you adjusted to wls life?

    I ate whatever I wanted until I had to start my pre-op. I don't think having cravings means you can't adjust. If you follow the steps in your plan and eat appropriately, you can easily make the changes. The WLS is the reset button to help you relearn to eat properly and in a healthy manner. If you advance the stages or go back to eating old things you work against the surgery. It is also far easier to eat healthy will a small stomach

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