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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. I haven't had any since surgery, only had maybe 1 in my life. I hate yogurt and don't touch it. We have a ladies only forum that you can post in for your feminine needs
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    Need help one again lol

    Because they are going to give you anesthesia and they need to know what is going on with your body.
  3. OutsideMatchInside

    Not behaving myself...

    Eating slowly takes practice. I learned to do it early on because not eat slowly hurt. It just takes time. Take a bite, put your fork/food down, wait 30 seconds, take a bite.
  4. OutsideMatchInside

    How long did it take for your insurance to approve you?

    3-4 business days
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    Did I make a mistake?

    @@greeneyedgrrl24 Now that I am further out, I realize that having a sleeve is kind of like having strep throat. If you stop drinking when you have strep throat your throat swells to the point you can't swallow at all. The sleeve is kind of the same, if you keep drinking it keeps it open. If you stop is swells. Even know if I cut back on how much I eat, like I am sick so I don't really eat, I go back to a lot of restriction, so try to drink all day. Tea and broth, warm things help so much.
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    Dating and excess skin

    If you are confident men don't care. I swear.
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    Weight loss is sllllloooowwww

    @@SimplySheavon You have a lower BMI, expect slow weight loss.
  8. OutsideMatchInside

    Did I make a mistake?

    I never thought a made a mistake after surgery. However like you, the pain meds did more harm than good. I stopped taking them right away and felt better. Swallowing hurts but it is easier on you if you drink all day, even if it hurts, not drinking doesn't help you. The first 2 weeks are rough but the 3rd week is better.
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    Not sure if I should do this?

    Find a therapist to working on your emotional eating. Have surgery. You have less than a 5% chance of losing that weight on your and maintaining it at over 300 pounds.
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    I don't want to talk about it anymore....

    Are you seeing a therapist? You make almost the exact same post every week. Maybe you need someone you can discuss all the changes you are going through with that will support you and offer you advice on managing your new life and feelings.
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    Creamy Tomato Soup from Panera

    The macros on almost every panera soup are terrible. Unless you are adding protein powder to it, it is basically empty calories.
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    Low carb versus I don't count carbs?

    @@sleever54 I keep my carbs low because I have always liked eating low carb and most of the carby things that people like (Pasta, popcorn,crackers,chips,rice), I do not like at all. So it is easy for me to cut them out since I never really ate them. If you follow your plan, you end up being low carb by default. I am always amazed how people get so many carbs in. I have to eat my veggies as "snacks" to get them in because if I eat my Protein I am full. 3-4 ounces of dense protein fills me up and there is no room for anything else. I think keeping your carbs low matter just because it makes sure you aren't eating junk, and by junk I mean things with little nutiritional value and things that don't meet your dietary needs. The main dietary needs post-op are protein and Vitamins and that means meat and green veggies. The carbs in veggies are Fiber for the most part and don't count. The only way you are eating high carb post op is if you choose to do so on purpose.
  13. OutsideMatchInside

    What's normal after dumping?

    @@Beck90 I'm glad you are offended, hopefully you will pay attention. My intention wasn't to pat you on the head and say good job. You know you are making questionable and poor choices which is why you wrote a whole paragraph in your maximizing your money at the buffet thread telling people what NOT to tell you, because you already knew the whole idea was a disaster. Most of the vets won't touch this thread with a 10 foot pole because they just don't care but you are self sabotaging and you need to stop it.
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    Band > Sleeve now what?

    You can absolutely revise from sleeve to bypass. I revised on 7/1 to control out of control acid, not to aid in additional weight loss but it can definitely be done. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App You can absolutely revise from sleeve to bypass. I revised on 7/1 to control out of control acid, not to aid in additional weight loss but it can definitely be done. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App I didn't say you couldn't but that isn't the normal route, and it definitely isn't how the sleeve became a WLS surgery instead of just one for cancer and ulcers.
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    Dating and excess skin

    @@MayMarie If someone can't accept you as you are then they are not meant for you. You can't force people to accept and like you. The right guy won't care about the skin, he will be there for you as a person. The one thing I liked about being fat was I knew that guys were really interested in me as a person. Men used to compliment me on my personality and other attributes as well as my face. Now I just get compliments on my looks and it is harder to know if they are really interested I me as a person or me as an acquisition. Don't let the skin hold you back from dating, just be cautious about who you date and when you choose to be intimate.
  16. OutsideMatchInside

    Dating and excess skin

    @@MayMarie I know what you mean. I was confident naked at my largest also, because there was no hiding really what was underneath. Now in clothes I look on the larger end of regular sized but under the shapewear and flattering clothes there is a different story. Still men don't complain. Like I said they will comment on how I eat not how I look naked. Luckily everything on me is shrinking except my boobs so they take most of the attention. Men don't care about some things as much as we think.
  17. OutsideMatchInside

    Protein Pancakes

    Yeah the BBQ sauce sucks. The pancake syrup however rocks, it is the best thing they make. This is the best sugar free bbq sauce I tried. Tastes delicious http://guysbbq.com/
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    Dating and excess skin

    I don't talk about it. Men don't disclose their flaws, I'm not going to start off handicapping myself for no reason. Never received a comment on it. It just isn't an issue. I get more comments on not stuffing myself at dinner, or from the cheap ones the implication I am wasting their money.
  19. @@Dub is right. And so many places are used to people ordering without a bun, just do that. You will be fine. You might only be able to eat half a burger though.
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    Protein Pancakes

    Walden farms syrup, calorie free and delicious. And I was a pure maple syrup kind of person. However, you cannot beat calorie free. You should give it a whirl @@Dub you might be surprised
  21. I am not a bypass patient, but I stalled for a few weeks at 6 months, so it would be that instead of the birth control. Stall + hormones changes + summer could be the explanation. Your weight is also pretty low at 6 months so you won't be losing a lot in chunks from now on. There are a lot of factors but call the Gyno office and tell them your concerns.
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    What's normal after dumping?

    Can you please tell me what/how much you ate? For example if I have a BITE or two of something I.e a cookie or cake can that cause dumping? It's not that I'm planning to sabotage myself but I am human and do plan on having things in moderation (not in the near future but a few months down the line). Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App It was chicken salad but it had sugar in it. I really didn't think putting sugar in chicken salad was common. I certainly have never seen a chicken salad recipe call for it. Home made chicken salad never made me dump. It was not the fat it was the sugar, since I was regularly eating chicken salad at home. I was eating at a resturant and didn't think to ask. I always ask now.
  23. Ask your gyno? Did you weigh yourself every day before starting BC pills? I know that my weight fluctuates 2-4 pounds depending on the content of my gastric system and any Water weight from the heat or my period. In a 4 week time span you have lost 2 pounds. I would try the pills for a couple more months, but if you really have concerns talk to your gyno. I have an IUD because I can't hang with the hormone drama of pills.
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    Gastric sleeve journey so far.

    If you lost 42lbs in 5 weeks I wouldn't call that slow, at all.
  25. OutsideMatchInside

    Protein Pancakes

    If I want pancakes I just make cream cheese pancakes or I make pancakes with the bob red's mill low carb bake mix. Never tried that brand.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
