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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. @@Bee healthy Are you only using the app or do you use the website also? I am assuming you have premium since you are able to set goals. I set all my targets and everything using the website. Start by setting your goal weight and your calorie target. The app is going to tell you that your calorie target is too low, ignore that. Then set your other goals. My goals are Protein 100g a day minimum. Carbs 10-12% Fat 40-45%
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    Surgery and hair

    @@kizzmia Box braids should be fine. You just can't have any metal in your hair. I had a sewin when I had surgery, no problems. However, post-op, once you are healed I suggest giving the braids up. That extra weight and tension might make your post-op hair loss worse if you lose hair post-op. Not everyone has a lot of shedding post-op but some dude. The braids are not going to help.
  3. You should get your lean mass tested so you know exactly how much you have and base your protein intake off of that. People that have been over 300lbs for a decent amount of time have more muscle mass than someone that is in the 200s and hasn't been obese for that long. If you have a lot of muscle mass it will help you lose more weight faster and keep your RMR/BMR higher forever. You eat for your lean mass maintenance not your weight A lot of people that advocate eating 60ish grams of protein get stuck eating 1000-1200 calories a day forever because they have ruined their metabolism and have very little muscle mass left. The leaner you get the more protein you need to prevent muscle loss. There was a study published about this in 2011. Consult with a Dr. Have your RMR tested, and have a DEXA scan if you can have one. Understanding the science behind what YOUR body needs is better than taking random advice from people on the internet (hey, even including me), when people have wildly varying needs based on their body composition, activity level, and dietary needs. Consult with professionals that can help you tailor something to your specific needs.
  4. OutsideMatchInside

    Cheese itz?

    Goldfish crackers were nasty back in pre-school in the 70s (and all food processed food in the 70s/80s tasted better than the processed food now), so anything that tastes like goldfish crackers has to be nasty by association. So I guess I am not missing anything. I really don't get the national love affair with crackers or popcorn, at all.
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    Cheese itz?

    I have never had a cheez-it in my life. Do they taste like cheetos?
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    Dealing with Rejection

    @@Lexigurl82 As a single person that has never been married but ends up dating divorced people... Please work on yourself and become a whole person before dating. Get to know yourself, your likes and dislikes. Learn to love and value yourself not considering other people. If you are confident and self assured you will attract people that value that, instead of people that want to diminish your shine. Good luck, it is hard out here.
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    Geez, let's make nutrition even harder to understand

    Yes it's not politically correct, but I do tend to agree. It's amazing that certain drugs work better in one race than another. We are all people and deserve the same rights and protections, but we have to recognize biological realities too. Right, it is just a biological fact, not prejudice. Different people in different areas of the world have adapted to their environment over the centuries and their bodies and blood process certain foods better. Just like it is no coincidence that as soon as western style eating and fast foods show up in countries, the obesity rate explodes.
  8. OutsideMatchInside

    1500 calories?

    I think at your stage probably 800-900 with high Protein low carb is the goal. 28lbs in the first month is great, I started at 358 on day of surgery and I don't think I lost 28lbs in the first month. My weight loss didn't speed up until after 6 weeks when I could eat more calories. At a year out, I have to eat a minimum of 1500 calories a day or I stall out. My BMR is about 1750 and I burn an additional 500-1000 calories a day above that on activities.
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    Geez, let's make nutrition even harder to understand

    @@CowgirlJane I totally agree. People have really varied nutritional needs. Based on blood type, age, ethnicity etc. Years ago I read Eat Right for your Blood Type and it outlined some of these differences not just by blood type but also ethnicity.
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    Did anyone NOT have a miserable recovery?

    I was not miserable at all. I live alone and was able to take care of myself. The two people I know that had hysterectomies had worse recoveries than me. It helps if you have a high pain tolerance, which I do, but I was in very little pain. The worst pain was my shoulder ache from the gas they fill you chest cavity with.
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    Things that I'll be taking to hospital

    Almost everything you listed you don't need. The thing you will probably need the most you don't have on the list which is lip balm. Although, I didn't even need that really, when I woke up and said my lips were dry the nurse put vaseline on them for me. They provide everything for you at the hospital. If you are going to a hospital that doesn't, I wouldn't let them cut on me.
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    Pissing off my boss

    Depending on your skills, screw it. Have the surgery and if she fires you, then get another job. The year is almost over, might as well do it now and not delay. This is all if you have a skill set where you can quickly acquire another job. Just look for another job. Do you even want to work for someone like this?
  13. OutsideMatchInside

    My story of screwing up. Support? Ideas?

    @@Hopefully A Butterfly When I was your size I purchased most of shapewear at Avenue. A 4x should work for you and provide you enough control. If you are really squishy, a 3x might be better. http://www.avenue.com/en_US/easy-up-easy-down-firm-thigh-slimmer-230122658.html?dwvar_230122658_color=101#start=4&cgid=shapewear-thigh-slimmers http://www.avenue.com/en_US/firm-control-legging-230124221.html?dwvar_230124221_color=101#start=5&cgid=shapewear-thigh-slimmers Just make sure you get the maidenform brand, not the avenue brand. maidenform offers a lot of support, the avenue brand not so much. If you live near an outlet mall you can try the maidenform store, but I think they don't have above 2x in the outlet stores. I have only shopped at them since I have been smaller.
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    Post op regrets topics - not popular

    I am very sorry you have had so many issues. I do think that it is important that all perspectives be shown so people can learn the good and the bad. When I did my research I knew the worst can scenarios and I decided I would rather die fast, rather than dying slowly like I was being super morbidly obese. At a year out and still losing, I eat whatever I want. What I want has really changed, and even when I do eat off plan, it is a one off and go right back to how I normally eat. I'm not on a diet. I have a different way of eating. People who think of this as a "diet" are going to make themselves miserable. A new or better way of eating is a better way to think about it. I don't even eat like a bariatric patient, I eat like a normal health conscious person. Early on, yes there is a specific diet you have to follow to heal properly and safely, but this isn't a life where you follow a diet for the rest of your life. If people follow the proper steps post-op, don't skip steps and don't think they can just eat "normally" in small portions, you learn to eat properly, and it because natural instead of a diet. I don't "exercise" in the sense of what people consider exercise. I am infinitely more active. I walk a ton. I don't go to a gym. I do yoga some of the time. I lift weights at home. When it cools off I will be starting crossfit but that is to get stronger not to lose weight. People can lose weight with almost no exercise if they can control their food. Honestly it is easier and faster to lose weight without exercise because you don't have as many calorie deficit concerns and you aren't over stimulating your appetite (if you have one) with exercise. I think anyone that had all the issues you had early on would have a negative perspective of surgery. I thought previously by your posts you were further out from surgery. I think once you are healed, at around the 6 month mark, you might have a different opinion. I hope so, and good luck.
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    My story of screwing up. Support? Ideas?

    @@Hopefully A Butterfly Get some shapewear for your stomach so you have support and it doesn't pull on your back. Something high waist and thigh slimming. Wear it all the time, it will make it easier for you to workout and be active.
  16. OutsideMatchInside

    Salad....ever again? If so when?

    On my program I was allowed starting at 6 weeks. I didn't have room until 6 months, and it wasn't until 9 months that I really added salads as a part of my meals. I have a salad for my afternoon snack.
  17. OutsideMatchInside

    Bit of the USA in Runnymede, UK

    Thank you for sharing that bit of history with us. I have to ask, is it a Pokestop?
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    African American Sleevers

    @@Chrysalis77 I have long natural hair, I always feel like I need a nap after washing my hair.
  19. OutsideMatchInside

    African American Sleevers

    If that is what you think you don't have to participate but we definitely have different issues. I am working with a University Professor in sport nutrition and other things along with my bariatrics and the definitely know that African Americans and Asian Americans for that matter are different. Different ethnic groups have different needs and different issues. Besides this thread is barely utilized anymore. All the new people are on the app and don't use search.
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    Wedding ring too loose

    @@Dub She is waiting to hit goal instead of have it resized multiple times.
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    I hate shopping...wait, what?

    I used to shop online almost everyday because i knew my size and I had places I knew what size I wore there. Now shopping takes hours because I have to try ever single thing on, every single time I go shopping. Even if I haven't lost weight, that doesn't mean I haven't lost inches. *sigh* Also I am not navigating a lot of new stores and new sections and it is just a journey of its own.
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    You know you lost weight when

    The sugar daddies come knocking... I'm not interested but I find it amusing my looks are on the level for sugar babying.
  23. I feel like Quest is trying to make their bars taste bad, you can't ruin a product this much without making a serious effort. I decided to give them another chance and try a new flavor. Every time I have a bar it is worse than the last time. NEVER AGAIN.

    1. OutsideMatchInside


      I like Oh Yeah One bars. Quest keeps changing their formula. I decided to give them a chance since they came out with oatmeal chocolate chip, but it sucked, I only had 2 bites and tossed it. Apple pie was favorite and the last time I had one a month or so ago, it sucked too. They have just ruined them. You might still like them though.

    2. Valentina


      I'm eating one right now. The fudge brownie is my favorite. I also like the cinnamon bun and the lemon. I enjoy them and I like their numbers. works for me. I do not like the protein bars that taste so much like candy bars. Each to their own, I guess.


    3. OutsideMatchInside


      I just like for them to taste like something that resembles food..

    4. Show next comments  351 more
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    What is on your Trader Joe's Shopping List?

    Adding Jicama sticks to the regular list http://www.traderjoes.com/fearless-flyer/article/2803 I think they would be good for people that like crunch. However, I used them as a potato substitute. I used this recipe https://ketodiet.me/recipe/seasoned-jicama-fries/ I used duck fat instead of lard and I just used Cajun seasoning instead of all the spices they list. I did soak them in the boiling Water. I think you could spray them with olive oil and just bake them in the oven. I might try that next time. Also adding Grilled Cauliflower http://www.traderjoes.com/fearless-flyer/article/2385 I have a recipe with grilled cauliflower and chicken sausage I am going to try this weekend. I will post and let you guys know how it works.
  25. OutsideMatchInside

    The look your pet gives when your naked

    @@MinaDina I adopted my lap dog right after surgery. He could barely sit in my lap, even though he is tiny. Now he uses my lap as a playground. He will jump directly into my lap. He walks all over my thighs. He turns around and adjusts. Just whatever he wants. He has plenty of room. Your dog will love your new body, and possible increased Snacks from you not eating as much.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
