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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. OutsideMatchInside

    Completely Undecided.

    @@okiegirl1980 I picked the Sleeve because I am young and active. My Dr said the Bypass was for older inactive people. Also I was completely opposed to having my intestines touched since they are perfectly healthy. You can live without a stomach if something goes wrong, but you really need a working intestinal tract.
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    Explain the honeymoon period

    @@James Marusek Sleeve patients have the part of our stomach that produces Ghrelin removed from our body (that 85% stretchy part is the part that produces ghrelin, which is part of the reason that the Sleeve is so effective) so we definitely experience reduced hunger, probably more than Bypass patients.
  3. OutsideMatchInside

    Looking for Fitbit sleevers!

    @@Shemekasr Use search there are several threads with fitbit users you can add
  4. Unless you are allergic to fish, I suggest people learn to like fish, there are all different kinds. If you don't like fish fish, swai has a very mild taste. Why fish? It is low in calories, packed with Protein and super easy to digest. Enjoying seafood will make your weight loss so much easier. I love seafood but I don't like tuna or salmon. Never eat them but I have crab, shrimp, lobster, cod and swai all the time.
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    Explain the honeymoon period

    The first 6 months after the sleeve you are healing and your stomach is swollen so you have the most restriction and can eat the least. This is the best time to build good healthy habits because your stomach is going to offer you the most support and you should hopefully have no legit physical hunger during this time period (notice I said legit physical hunger, you can still have head hunger or confuse acid for physical hunger). 6-18 months you are fully healed but you should still have little to no ghrelin (stomach hormone that signals the brain for hunger). It gradually returns over time. The first 18 months you get the most physical support from your body to facilitate weight loss. You also have your set point lowered so your body is not actively trying to maintain a higher weight. So while you have this support from your body and this hormone and physical reset, you should take advantage. Learn new eating habits so they because a new lifestyle not a diet and avoid things that cause weight gain. I don't eat carbs, I didn't eat them during the first 6 months and now I don't want them. If I have the occassional carb, it is a once a day once a week kind of thing, not a habit. They just don't appeal to me. You can really change the way you think about and relate to food if you follow the eating steps laid out in your plan. WLS is more than a physical thing, it offers the chance for a complete mental reset in how you think about and relate to food. If you don't follow the plan or the steps you blow that chance and a lot of people end up feeling like they are dieting forever. So the difference ends up being, creating a new way of life, or being on a diet forever, or worse, failing. This Dr has a lot of very good information about Weight loss and weight loss surgery
  6. @@LxA Even when I was on clear liquids I could have Protein shakes. I had a Protein shake in the hospital. So you aren't having any protein at all and are justing living off Water and air? Is that right?!!?!?
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    Keto/VSG help please!

    @@Bee healthy Probably about the 4th month, at first it was hard to just meet Protein goals so no room for anything else, but I never did low fat. It is basically impossible to do low carb and low fat. I still have a hard time most days meeting my fat goals, but I try to get my healthy fats in. My focus is always on protein first.
  8. OutsideMatchInside

    Lost a Friend This Weekend

    @@JamieLogical I'm sorry for your loss. Like other people have said he has to come to it in his own time and his own way. It won't hurt to say something to him about WLS but I wouldn't push it.
  9. I rarely ever eat anything remotely breakfast like for breakfast. I don't really like breakfast food and most of it doesn't have enough protein. I usually have steak for my first meal of the day. Or a fish fillet. Just because it is breakfast doesn't mean you have to have breakfast. You can have grilled chicken strips.
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    New clothes and spicy food

    @@AudreyDarling I don't suggest that. In the beginning you might lose weight so fast and your shape changes so quickly, you will skip sizes. You probably won't go a size down, you will probably go down 2 sizes very rapidly. Buying clothes as you lose/fit them and wearing them immediately is kind of the only way to go in the beginning. I would have clothes fit one week and be too large the next week.
  11. OutsideMatchInside


    @@Inner Surfer Girl She already told everyone she isn't interested in any advice. She just wants to post into the void and have no comments whatsoever about her eating and ignoring per plan. chicken, gravy, potatoes and push it all through the sleeve with sips of Water. No one is supposed to comment on it, except to pat her on the back. So don't waste your time.
  12. I'm in, I am excited there will be another challenge. I am trying to get under 200 before the end of the year.
  13. OutsideMatchInside

    Panera smoothie ?

    This is the nutrition on the low-fat strawberry banana. Terrible Macros. Just sugar, almost no Protein. This is the Peach Blueberry with almond milk... It actually manages to be worse, if possible. These are all empty calories basically. There are no good options in any of these smoothies. Lots of calories, lots of sugar, almost no protein.
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    Clothing Sizes: What do they even mean anymore?!?!?

    @@Daisee68 I haven't been in old navy lately. I will stop in there this week. The curvy jeans there do fit well. I didn't purchase last time I tried some on because it was the beginning of summer, and I knew I wouldn't be wearing them.
  15. OutsideMatchInside


    None of the stuff you are eating will trigger restriction. When you have soft foods, that will change. Lots of people have lots of energy and feel back to normal right away. You still had major surgery though and you should rest, even if you don't feel the need. Your body is trying to recover.
  16. OutsideMatchInside

    New clothes and spicy food

    I guess buying clothes depends on your budget. As soon as my old fat clothes were loose I dumped them all. As soon as my new clothes get loose, I dump them. So I buy a few things at each new size. I mostly wear workout clothes around the house and I just get those from walmart. I wear those longer than my street clothes, I have been wearing the same workout clothes all summer and they are like 3 sizes too large now. I'm not buying new shorts, when it cools off I am just going to buy new leggings. My short have draw strings and I have been just making them work. Some of the summer workout tops are on clearance at walmart so I was able to pick up a few new tops in my correct size for $1 each. I think we notice our weight loss better if we wear clothes that fit and you look better in clothes that fit. So I suggest if you can afford it, keep a nice pair of jeans and a few tops that fit at all time. You can wear dresses longer than other things, but clothes that fit I think are really important. I have said this before on this forum but the only person I know that lost 200 pounds on their own and kept it off for years gave me the advice of wearing clothes that fit and immediately tossing the ones that do not. It is a very powerful thing mentally and I really suggest it. If you keep wearing the same loose fat clothes, you feel fat, even when you are smaller. I don't plan on buying a whole new wardrobe until my weight is stable for a long time. Then I will start investing in expensive quality pieces, that might be a year or 2 from now. I have had hot sauce and spices since about 6 weeks. You don't have to give up spicy foods.
  17. OutsideMatchInside

    Would you do it again?

    I would totally do it again. I was happy before I had surgery but life afterward is just amazing.
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    Clothing Sizes: What do they even mean anymore?!?!?

    Yeah, I will probably get them next week and just resell them, I am probably only going to wear them once. It is too hot for jeans but Jeans are the best option for this date I have coming up. I'm still thrilled to even be in BR. I have some tops, but I haven't been able to fit any bottoms until now.
  19. OutsideMatchInside

    Am I a Slow loser ?

    @@LMSWNYC NO, you are not a slow loser. You are not a 500 pound man, you are losing weight faster than most women you weight could ever dream of.
  20. I am smugly sitting here in my Size Large Victoria Secret Workout top, just enjoy life! I hope everyone had a great weekend!

    1. CLN.BK


      I haven't fit into Victoria Secret's product in 10 years. Soon, though, soon! Congrats to you!

    2. heidikat72


      It's been close to 20 years since I could wear anything from there. That is great to be wearing clothes without an X in the size!

    3. higher
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    Clothing Sizes: What do they even mean anymore?!?!?

    I have been busy lately and haven't been able to engage in my favorite sport, trying on clothes. I spent the afternoon trying on jeans. banana Republic fit the best, not sure I want to invest $98 in some jeans that will last me a month or so. I need some jeans for a date, that I will probably end up getting them.
  22. OutsideMatchInside


    @@priscillaparker my eyes watered. I didn't even think about because you know, I was happy to be alive, happy to be at church and just overall just in the moment but as soon as I took that sip I was really trying to hold it together.
  23. OutsideMatchInside

    30/30/30 rule

    I grew up not drinking with my meals, so it wasn't that big of a deal early on. I mean if you really don't understand why eat and drink at the same time while on soft foods. The pain and discomfort will stop you from ever wanting to do it again. At a year plus out I do take a sip with something that turns out to be dry like chicken because taking a sip is better than choking on dry meat I think practicing before surgery is almost impossible and a waste of time. Life post op is so different at first, it will teach you.
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    Wondering why?

    This a complicated question, the short answer is what @@KristenLe said, it varies based on training and experience what the team recommends. I am just going to speak on my situation. My post-op book has all kinds of food options, a lot of them carby and a lot crappy. The thing is several doctors work within this program and do all different kind of surgeries. Even though my book told me I could have xyz, my doctor told me on an individual level if I want to be successful to avoid these things. I was told I could have alcohol 3 months, but I didn't drink before surgery so I still don't drink on a regular basis. I will have a couple tiny sips of wine with a meal, because I'm not a savage and I do enjoy a complimentary wine with a quality meal, but that is more about taste and less about alcohol. So a couple tastes are fine. I doubt in the past year I have had enough alcohol to even equal one drink. Mentally I know alcohol is empty calories. Drinking alcohol does not align with my long term weight loss goals. So I avoid it. I think programs try to make the books middle of the road so people feel like surgery is viable. If they made them as restrictive as they should be most people wouldn't opt for surgery even if it could save their life. People are addicted to food, and addicted to processed foods. Telling people moderation is easier than telling them abstinence.
  25. OutsideMatchInside

    The mighty scale

    The scale is really important for me to hold myself accountable. I got fat by not weighing myself on a regular basis. I thought I was obsessing about my weight for a while so I started weighing myself 3 times a day for like 2 weeks, so I could see all the flucations. That helped me detach from the scale. It is kind of like your credit score. It just shows a picture at that moment, (like your score can drop with a maxed out card but if you pay it off, it will go up as soon as it reports), but it does show your spending habits. Weight is Fluid, it changes all the time based on the content of our bodies. I know that for me to be long term successful, I need to weigh myself daily or every other day and log every thing I eat forever. If you have let go of the scale, awesome. BTW, Drs really need to know your weight, a lot of medicine is prescribed by weight, it isn't just a method of fat shaming people, it has a legit medical purpose.

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