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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. OutsideMatchInside


    I wouldn't go as far as say the word never to anyone! Just know there are support groups that you can go to that you find support. That's what I have to do. I don't have much support either. Even a sister who had the surgery herself is not supportive of me. So I have to find support elsewhere and that's ok. I was scared to. I waited 3 years myself now I'm on a journey all my appointments are almost scheduled determined1LD That is why I said probably before never, qualifying words matter, and so does reading comprehension. And statistically, someone that morbidly obese has less than a 5% chance of losing weight on their own and keeping it off. I just think being rude to me and mean to her in inappropriate. This supposed to uplifting and supportive saying things like that is uncalled for. determined1LD First I am not being mean to OP. Surgery is the best option for OP, and a lot of other people. I wasted years of my life going back and forth about surgery, gaining and losing weight. I am not quoting statistics to be mean or doom someone, FACTS ARE FACTS. I am encouraging OP to peruse surgery because that is going to give her the best long term outcome. It is basically impossible to lose weight and keep it off on your own, especially once you get over 300 pounds. Ask a Dr or Google. Your body will defend that weight and fight against you at every turn, the hormonal and set point change created by surgery forces your body to let go of that weight. The only people saying different are people trying to sell snake oil. As far as what I said to you, if you are going to try and correct someone, then be correct in the first place. Don't try to take me to task when you are just flat out wrong, then get mad when I clap back that you are wrong. I said "probably never" because yeah there is a chance that OP can lose the weight on her own, but that chance is very slim. Thus the reason I used probably because the probability is very low.
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    Day 5 without food...

    @@DADDY_BUTCH If you can't keep Water down you will be dehydrated or are already dehydrated, if you are dehydrated, then you will have an even harder time eating or keeping anything down. If your Dr won't see you go to the ER, TODAY. You can't go 5 days without hydration and nutrition and no one should be throwing up blood. @@mohairbears They are throwing up blood and you are talking about eat slow? Are you serious? This is a serious situation.
  3. OutsideMatchInside


    I wouldn't go as far as say the word never to anyone! Just know there are support groups that you can go to that you find support. That's what I have to do. I don't have much support either. Even a sister who had the surgery herself is not supportive of me. So I have to find support elsewhere and that's ok. I was scared to. I waited 3 years myself now I'm on a journey all my appointments are almost scheduled determined1LD That is why I said probably before never, qualifying words matter, and so does reading comprehension. And statistically, someone that morbidly obese has less than a 5% chance of losing weight on their own and keeping it off.
  4. OutsideMatchInside

    Am I losing too fast now?

    @@RobertD16 There was a point I was losing weight rapidly and my body was changing fast and it really scared me. I slowed my weight loss down on purpose, which I regret now but it seemed like the right choice at the time, I was terrified. Looking back it was just a lot of change very fast. Don't slow down, keep going, eventually your body will slow down and the rest of the weight will come off slow on its own.
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    Ideas for exercise

    If you have knee pain, Water is pretty much your only safe option. You can lose weight changing how you eat which may be easier than exercising in your case. Look here and see if they way of eating appeals to you at all. https://www.reddit.com/r/keto/
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    Day 5 without food...

    Call and demand to be seen or find another Dr and demand to be seen.
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    Am I losing too fast now?

    Yeah it is fine, your body is going to decide when your weight loss slows down, not you. Plus you are a man, enjoy the fast weight loss.
  8. OutsideMatchInside

    Video: Exercise Isn't the Best Way to Lose Weight

    Exercise is important for health. I don't think anyone will discount that but it isn't important for losing weight, what you eat and in what amounts, counts for more. I think a lot of WLS patients lose muscle because their Protein recommendations are way too low. I see grown men on here striving for 60-80 grams of protein, and that isn't enough. And I totally agree that building and keeping muscle is important long term, mainly because it keeps your RMR/BMR up. I still think a lot of the focus on exercise is a stress inducer for people and counter productive. Drs and other tell people they have to work out in a gym to lose weight and that is just not true. There are all kinds of ways to increase your activity and exercise levels that don't include a gym. I have been to a regular gym I think 3 times since surgery, maybe 5.
  9. OutsideMatchInside


    @@overweight.and.tired At your height and weight you will probably never be able to lose the weight on your own and keep it off. The odds are just against you. Surgery is the best option for you. If you don't have the support of people around you that will make your recovery harder and it will make long term success harder. Getting at least the people in your house on board is the best thing for long term success, if you can. If not worry about your own health. You are the only person that has to live in your body, no one else.
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    Feeling alone

    Unfortunately, that is how it is for some people. Just because you are ready for change doesn't mean that they are. You might lose some people along the way. Just remember your health and recovery are the most important. It might be rough to lose people but in the end you will find out who really loves you. You can always post here, there are lots of people going through the same thing.
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    Eating out on stage 3

    @@dede_mont The Wynn is not reasonable, it is one of the nicest Hotels on the strip. The Soups and food are divine. However any buffet will have Soup, and soup or baked fish are your best options. I have a bariatric card. I have never used it. I didn't eat out really until 3 or 4 months and by then I was able to make a decent in most things, so no point.
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    When can I drink through a straw?

    3 months, I did it by accident. Since I didn't die or burst into flames I kept doing it. Looking back I wish I had done it sooner, it makes getting fluids in so much easier. Just be careful you don't drink to fast with them. I think that is more of a real danger than air.
  13. OutsideMatchInside

    Tummy control

    I like Maidenform. With the sleeve (no idea about RNY) you really can't wear a lot of compression, because it makes it too hard to eat. http://www.onehanesplace.com/shop/onehanesplace/maidenform-brand/maidenform-shapewear/shapewear-tops/flexees-shapewear-m1866 http://www.onehanesplace.com/shop/onehanesplace/maidenform-brand/maidenform-shapewear/thigh-shapewear/flexees-thigh-slimmer-m2355 I'm not sure how you are shaped. I have a very hourglass shape but my lower stomach is flabby this helps smooth me out and keep me tight. The ones above have the most control but you can see that diamond if you have on something tight and thin. http://www.onehanesplace.com/shop/onehanesplace/maidenform-brand/maidenform-shapewear/thigh-shapewear/control-it-slimmer-m12622 That one has control and should be undetectable under clothes, not as much control as the other though.
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    Weight Loss Timeline

    Counting by the week is pretty pointless, especially if you are a female. I had a period every 2 weeks for months, so the week before and the week of the period was a stall, then I would drop weight after my period ended. Going by the week it would have been nothing but stalls, but going by the month I lost every single month. The first 6 weeks are for healing and not for weight loss as told to me by my Dr. Most people can't eat enough calories in the first 6 weeks for the most part to support weight loss. Everyone is different so there is really no telling how much you might lose. Likely a low BMI you are probably looking at losing 10lbs, then probably 3-5 pounds a month after that.
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    Mixed Emotions

    Bypass wouldn't be my first choice either but if that was my only option, I would take it. If you already have acid issues, the sleeve will make your life a living hell. So do what your Dr suggests.
  16. OutsideMatchInside

    Post op vitamins

    You can just see a primary doctor and have them do your blood work. I take a multi, Iron and b-12 sublingual. I have always had to take iron even before surgery because I struggle with anemia.
  17. OutsideMatchInside

    Using 401k for surgery?

    I would take the loan and not cash out. A loan is better and you pay yourself back, lower interest than CareCredit. You have to think if itemizing is really better than taking the standard deductions. Ask an accountant, a real tax accountant not someone at HR Block or whatever.
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    Eating out on stage 3

    The buffet at the Wynn has great Soups. Just get a soup, even if you are at a buffet and don't stress about it. Also you can't really bring outside food into most resturants. If anything have a Protein shake before you go.
  19. OutsideMatchInside


    If depends on what you are eating and what a bite is. A bite isn't a scientific measurement, it can mean anything. The moisture content of the food really determines how much you can eat.
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    Alcohol and mixer suggestions please

    Vodka and Tonic.
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    My PCP "doesn't care about me"

    Your BMI is high enough that is doesn't even matter. You count as suber morbidly obese so if your insurance covers WLS switching Drs is not going to stop you. I started this process with a brand new primary Dr. He and my other Dr never ordered my records from my previous Drs or endo. Switch doctors, make sure you find one that is supportive of WLS and don't look back. Don't give this Dr another co-pay. Yeah once you get started switching Surgeons can be a problem, but Primary care Drs matter very little. They just sign off that you are okay for surgery, but there are ways around that too.
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    Starting Liquids on Monday....any tips?

    https://amzn.com/B000GBI6K4 That is the brand I used as recommended by the guys at my local supplement store. I purchased it locally not on amazon. Research genpro outside of these forums. This is honestly the only place I have seen GenPro talked abouut in a positive light, they are joke on the bodybuilding forums.
  23. OutsideMatchInside

    Starting Liquids on Monday....any tips?

    Get unflavored Protein powder and make or buy some high quality broth (the lamb broth at Whole Foods is delicious). You will get bored with sweets quickly. Drink all day, all day. Drink Water, all day. All day. It is the only thing that is going to keep your from feeling like you are starving. Plan on goin to bed early.
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    WHAT I'VE LEARNED..MY experiences!

    Eggs are the worst. Just avoid them until later. I can tolerate them now but early on it was a disaster
  25. OutsideMatchInside

    Taking pills right after surgery

    I took all of my pills like normal within 30 hours of surgery.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
