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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. OutsideMatchInside

    African American Sleevers

    @@illailla Fat stores hormones so as you lose weight it floods your system with them. Also all the Vitamins and other changes are a lot on your body. You can try this face scrub http://www.sheamoisture.com/SheaMoisture-for-Men-Official-Real-Smooth-Man-Regimen-_p_1412.html The facial wash and scrub, I couldn't find a picture of it alone. They have at Target's that stock a lot of products for African Americans.
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    Protein bars suggestions.

    @@AC3 Oh Yeah One are my favorites. I love the lemon. https://ohyeahnutrition.com/products/copy-of-ohyeah-victory-bars https://amzn.com/B01A9D5B2Y
  3. You can't add most Protein to really hot foods and if you cook most protein powders you ruin them. The chicken soup from unjury is a good option for something savory. other than that, I would slowly add my protein to my warm broth with a whisk and that created few clumps.
  4. OutsideMatchInside

    Frozen Banana treat

    People on the app can, but they rare do, see what forum stuff is posted in.
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    Frozen Banana treat

    Bananas are super high in sugar for a fruit, and since they can vary so much in size, people should be careful with them.
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    Looking for a bariatric-friendly frosting

  7. OutsideMatchInside

    Eating too fast.. Aaarrgh!

    I purchased really nice flatware and plates before surgery and since I live alone they would go unused if I used baby utensils. I have always used regular utensils and plates. I used to eat fast pre-op and I tried myself to not eat fast post-op by taking a bite, putting the for down, set a timer on my phone for 90 seconds, take a bite. I also eat while I read on my phone or computer and that causes me to naturally pause some to scroll, etc.
  8. OutsideMatchInside

    60-65% of Excess Weight?

    @@IveGotThePower The 60%, is 60% of your excess weight within 2 years. Taking your start weight and height, you would expect to lose 98 pounds within 2 years and end up at 192. Your surgery date is not filled in so I am not sure if you are pre or post-op. I met/exceed the 60% in the first 12 months, and hope to lose the rest over the next 6-12 months.
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    Having a sleeve vs. old school dieting?

    @@stefanie0804 Do you need will power with the sleeve and motivation. If you are properly motivated, your sleeve makes it easier to make the right choices because you are satisfied with less and you can eat to normal portions. In the beginning, which is the stage almost everyone in this thread is in, the healing process makes it easier to stick to your plan. Once you are healed at 6 months, you have your normal capacity which is higher than right after post op. If people don't learn early on to eat healthy and properly (the opposite of what they normally eat just in smaller amounts that a lot of people seem to try), when they can eat larger amounts they stop losing, and eventually start gaining. Your sleeve won't stop you from eating cake or ice cream or cotton candy or elephant ear, or crackers or chips. All the empty calories and sugary carbs are very easy to eat and you can eat them in quantity. You have to decide not to eat them The difference with the sleeve is if you follow your program, following the stages, it reprograms your mind and body to be satisfied with Proteins and veggies and you relearn to eat properly like a baby. The stages exist not just to help with healing but also to change the relationship with food. A lot of people miss that point and skip that aspect of surgery by skipping the steps, or advancing them or eating what they normally do in small amounts. If you change your way of eating for life, you are never on a diet.
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    How much weightlifting post op?

    Nothing is going to stop you from lifting post op but you need to wait until you heal. Surgery cuts through your abdominal muscles and you need to let them fully heal or risk a hernia.
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    Weightloss Roll Call!

    27 lb first 6 weeks
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    Labor Day weekend. .. anyone struggling?

    No. I grill most days. I grilled yesterday, grilling again today. I have sugar free BBQ sauce and sugar free BBQ rubs. If you can cook, I really don't see holidays being a struggle as far as food.
  13. @ As other people have said, at 6 months you are fully healed you can eat more, and there is less chance of accidentally over eating and causing pain, so our aversion to food lessens. When I was 6 months it was like a switch flipped for me, and instead of feeling like a WLS patient I felt normal. In this time between 6-12 months it is really important to learn that just because you CAN eat more at one sitting, doesn't mean you SHOULD. Weigh/measure your portions and stick to those, those portion amount will satisfy you. The goal is to be satisfied not full. When you hit the 12 month mark you will have even more capacity, so if it important to learn and practice discipline before it happens.
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    I'm so unsure of what I want! Help!

    @@jtellechea001 The sleeve and the bypass are the same long term. At the 2 year mark the results are almost exactly the same. Bypass patients will lose faster in the very beginning but those stop losing faster. The person that gave you the advice doesn't seem to be that knowledgable about bypass, because most bypass patients don't dump and those that do, only usually dump early on. I have an associate that had bypass 4 years and they eat incredible amounts of sugar (and have regained about 1/3 of their loss and they never hit goal or anything close to it, never got under 200), and they do not dump or get sick. Finally if in 10-20 years you need some kind of revison, with the sleeve, at least you can go to the DS. If someone wastes their bypass and regains all or most of their weight back, they are stuck with that "gold standard" and no where to go. In 1 year I exceed my 2 years expected weight loss with the sleeve and probably in the next 6-12 months I will probably get to or below my desired goal weight. The tool doesn't matter, what matters is the person using it. Also if they are having results that bad with the sleeve at that hospital, then they aren't doing them right. a well formed sleeve is just as good if not better than bypass. The skill of the surgeon matters in the Sleeve.
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    Who did you tell?

    Well you don't have to tell anyone about your health choices, there are laws that even say you don't. They already know you are over weight so just tell them you start a medical weight loss program. Most people have jobs. The program I went to, when I had appointments they were clustered together, so it was 1/2 a day or whatever and got it all over with. you need to talk to them about how you can work appointments around your work schedule.
  16. OutsideMatchInside

    Please help

    @@saphfyre14 Are you tracking your food and your exercise in an app? Where you can see the numbers? You won't feel bad about the food you are eating when you see the calories you are burning right next to it. Also you don't want to get a bad attitude towards food or an exercise addiction, that is a gateway to an eating disorder. You have to have balance.
  17. OutsideMatchInside

    When do you delete your online dating profile?

    @@thisisthenewme Nice Story. Most people can't get to know someone in a month. The older I get the less time I have to waste. I'm not going to date one person at a time unless they have really held my attention for a while. It is too easy for people to pretend to be one kind of person in the short term, but long term they can't keep that faking up. Your profile picture has a baby in it, so I am guessing you are a family type of person. Everyone who is dating doesn't have those goals, seeking a long term companion for some people is about more than creating a family. @@4MRB4PHOTO This is like the third time you have told this story. I get it, your feelings were hurt. I don't get why people expect that someone who is dating them is only dating them. There is a reason is it called dating. She was rude for telling you it was a competition, but people should keep their options open. The kind of man that isn't willing to compete for my attention isn't the kind of man I am interested in. I have infinite things I could do with my time, if someone isn't worth my time and holds my interests, why should I spend time with them? I could cuddle with my dog.
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    When do you delete your online dating profile?

    @@SleeveSoon If you are really looking for a serious long term thing. Don't focus all your attention on one person, date several people and make them compete for your time. That makes it easier to weed people out and you don't end up dating one person for 90 days only to realize they are a complete waste of time. I think a month is too soon to zero in on one person. Dating is a numbers game.
  19. OutsideMatchInside

    I'm in love, Part 2- Protein2O

    The coconut is the only one I have tried and it is my absolute favorite. That tropical pina colada kind of flavor. You inspired me to order a case. I love them and I think they are an awesome product. Nice to know they are a cool company too. I'm a fan. I just looked at their website and realized where they are. It makes sense now that I am seeing them all over. I am going to make sure to give them business. God knows Illinois needs jobs.
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    Has anyone had trouble with constipation?

    Drinking lots of water is the best long term solution. It doesn't have to be a ton either but you find the sweet spot eventually. Also added in salad greens like a European mix and or spinach. I didn't want to start down the laxative fiber route and be stuck having to take them forever, so I just found natural ways to stay regular.
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    Medicinal bone broth

    I have never seen bone broth with medicinal in front of it. I opened this thread expecting to read about the wonders of alcohol infused bone broth, only to learn we are just talking about normal bone broth
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    Please help

    @@saphfyre14 If you have a normal metabolism (if you are really working out and into it, have it tested), your RMR is 2000-2200, depending on your age. RMR is what you would burn if you did absolutely nothing and stayed in bed all day, it is the base number of calories your body burns just being alive doing bodily functions. If you are eating 1000 calories, you are at a 1000 calorie deficit already, then you add in that you are burning another 400-500 at the gym (and that doesn't even include your other normal activities), so those could easily be another 200. It is very possible your daily calorie deficit with your diet and exercise it far too low. It looks like you are working on getting your calories up, so good luck on that. It is hard to do at first.
  23. OutsideMatchInside

    What's on your plate?

    The one thing I have learned with my sleeve is, if I don't eat something then I have a hard time with. It almost seems like you have to use/exercise your sleeve. I can tolerate dense protein because I eat it every day. If I am not feeling well for a couple days and I don't eat much of anything, like just have Protein shakes to get by, when I start eating again, I have to start all over. Building myself back up to how many ounces of protein I can have at a time.
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    What's on your plate?

    @@Clementine Sky LoseIt! Premium
  25. OutsideMatchInside

    I'm in love!

    Protein2O is my fave, I love to grab them on the go. I have never had the lemon flavor, I'm jealous. They are cold in the cooler by the door at the grocery store.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
