This is just my opinion but from years of observing people that have had WLS, the people that "eat the same just smaller amounts" always fail in the long run. They never use the surgery for the mental reset it gives you.
If you really learn nutrition and learn what healthy eating is, you never have to diet. You will never gain weight on veggies, it is impossible to eat enough, spinach for example, to gain weight.
I think using WW is a waste of money and effort. People can just learn to eat properly in the first place.
You have to really mentally be in a place where you want to eat healthy for life and and for the health benefits, not just to lose weight. If you adopt of way of eating that you like and is healthy, you never have to diet and you never have to obsessively watch what you eat.
Like @@Christinamo7 said, the difference with the sleeve is, if your surgery was done correctly and your follow up care is correct (with acid controllers), then you are not hungry. Not being hungry for a solid 6 months or more makes it easy to adapt a healthy eating life style. It because a normal life style choice and not a diet. In the end you feel so much better that you enjoy it and there is no reason to "cheat" and lots of things don't appeal to you. You can't really understand what it is like to not be hungry at all for months on end, it is just something you have to experience, but it makes it 1000x easier to eat healthy.