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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. I started at 370, when I got to about 260 my collar bones were very visible, but like another poster, they were always there just barely. I never had a fat neck and could always wear normal chokers and necklaces. Now at 218 they are really popping. I could put roll of quarters in them. My neck veins are really popping also. I look pretty thin shoulders up. Also I have visible veins popping up all over my body.
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    I THOUGHT I was sleeved...

    You better not have to pay they better comp it. Go up the chain at that hospital right now. Have you done your survey yet? This is ridiculous. No one should have to put up with this kind of treatment.
  3. OutsideMatchInside


    OP said they didn't like them. Instead of trying to shove them down their throat, why not offer alternative suggestions? Every one doesn't have a sugar addiction or candy bars. And some people like to enjoy life and enjoy delicious food.
  4. OutsideMatchInside

    How many grams of sugar per day?

    The only goal I was give was for the amount of sugar in Protein shakes, not a daily total. I try to stay under 25g of Carbs
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    I THOUGHT I was sleeved...

    @@KristenLe They did talk to me, and ask me repeatedly what surgery I was having, with each new person I encountered the whole time. My form said bypass was an option but I knew it wouldn't happen because my Dr doesn't do them. They stated what I was having over and over before and they talked about it repeatedly afterward. There is no way there would have been any mystery about what happened. Plus the next day before I left the hospital I saw my sleeve live on screen for my swallow test. I know I have a sleeve and I know exactly what it looks like and where it is located. OP I hope you get a straight answer soon, this seems very odd. Did you have surgery in the US?
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    I THOUGHT I was sleeved...

    @@KristenLe When you sign consent forms, they leave the option to change the surgery, and switch to open from laparoscopic, so that isn't really helpful.
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    I feel like a loser

    @@T@reB@are What did you eat? How much? When is your surgery? Can you follow your plan from here on out?
  8. OutsideMatchInside

    Considering sleeve

    @@k8lynpirkle16 I'm not married but, do you really need permission from your husband for your own body? Is that how marriage works? Unless he is going to carry your excess weight for you every singlr moment of every day, it isn't his decision. It is your body. Hit him with the stats. If you are morbidly obese, your chances of losing weight and keeping it off on your own is less than 5%.
  9. OutsideMatchInside


    @@northcountyr1 They all suck now, they are nasty. They keep changing the formula like every 6 months and they are complete trash now. Try Oh Yeah One bars.
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    I THOUGHT I was sleeved...

    @@leebick Umm didn't your surgeon come talk to you before you were released? What did they say? My Surgeon and the PA saw me the next morning and talked to me about my surgery and how I was feeling.
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    African American Sleevers

    @@bpowell16 Yes, my Dr told me the first 6 weeks your body is using all your energy to heal. Also you can't intake many calories. Once you can get over 600 calories every day and get to about 4 weeks, you have more energy. This is still major surgery even if it doesn't feel like it.
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    Pouch Reset

    I think instead of doing liquids when you are not going to use any of the restriction you have anyway. It is better to just do dense proteins. Steak, chicken breast, pork chops. You are going to feel your restriction and be more satisfied.
  13. OutsideMatchInside

    First lie!

    I didn't have to "lie" because I really didn't tell people I was having any kind of surgery all and I had basically zero downtime so no one missed me. All my real friends know, so there is no lying to them, everyone else are just random strangers. You should really rethink considering it "lying". You are protecting your privacy from nosey ass people asking questions that are none of their business. We have HIPPA laws for a reason. Medical issues shouldn't be open issues for people to question, it is so impolite it baffles me that people ask these questions. "Good manners sometimes means simply putting up with other people's bad manners." H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    Back fat?!

    You can't spot lose fat. You can't tone fat because it isn't a muscle. If you build back muscles under fat you are just going to look bigger. The best option is to just keep losing. Almost all my back fat is gone, because I have just kept losing weight.
  15. How are the meats prepared? Is there any logic to your issues? Are you weighing your portion? What happens if you just eat an ounce, wait and eat another ounce.
  16. OutsideMatchInside

    My NUT is a nut

    I asked the program nutritionist like 3 questions, she revealed herself as a twit. Never went back to her. You can lose weight without a nutritionist. @@Barry W Humans have no bioligical need for carbs.
  17. OutsideMatchInside

    Drinking trouble

    @@Ms. Thankful Are you still taking pain meds? The pain meds were giving me more pain than stopping it, because they were causing my intestines to clinch basically. They keep your intestines a sleep, which is why people so notoriously have constipation when taking narcotics. When you are off pain meds, you might have an easier time.
  18. OutsideMatchInside


    @@amanihegazy Have you tried warm broth with unflavored Protein powder? Your sleeved stomach is almost like a muscle, the less you use it, the less you will be able to use it. So not eating increases the restriction and makes it harder to eat. Are you drinking constantly? I mean sips all day, basically every waking moment? That will help ease up your stomach. They eat those small amounts that you can, several times a day. You really should see a medical professional, if your Dr isn't helpful, find another one. The person that does your surgery doesn't have to be the one that does your follow up care. You could have a stricture and it needs to be addressed. Go to the ER.
  19. I have been shrinking, shrinking, inches coming off everywhere but in a scale stall. Stall finally broke and the scale moved.

    1. Caribear


      Yay! Isn't it funny how much that scale number can get to us? I'm so glad you are seeing progress, with or without the scale moving!

    2. OutsideMatchInside


      @Caribear everyone should take their measurements every month. It is really more helpful than the scale.

    3. her1981


      I'm down to monthly weighing for that reason.

  20. OutsideMatchInside

    too much, too soon....

    If you can cook that is awesome. If you can't don't get the canned broth it is high in sodium. The broth's at Whole Foods are of a nice quality and very delicious. The lamb broth is amazing.
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    Protein shots?

    IF they are the ones I am thinking of they are so nasty. I still have the box from when I had surgery. Used one and decided never again.
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    Metabolism testing (RMR)

    @@Kathy812 I have to lay there for around 30 of the most boring minutes of my life.
  23. I'm sitting with the Fall Vogue on my lap, picking out things I am going to try on and buy this weekend. Before surgery I would have just been looking at shoes and purses, but now clothes are an option. Post-op life is great!

    1. Josey Quinn

      Josey Quinn

      I'm still shocked that I can now wear so many things I couldn't wear before. I have to keep my wallet closed to avoid going broke at the mall!

    2. OutsideMatchInside


      I can basically shop anywhere. I did a lot of damage when I was large, I don't know how I am going to contain myself now.

    3. LipstickLady


      High end consignment. LOVE.

  24. OutsideMatchInside

    Diet after Sleeve (fear of my own sabotage)

    @@stefanie0804 This is just my opinion but from years of observing people that have had WLS, the people that "eat the same just smaller amounts" always fail in the long run. They never use the surgery for the mental reset it gives you. If you really learn nutrition and learn what healthy eating is, you never have to diet. You will never gain weight on veggies, it is impossible to eat enough, spinach for example, to gain weight. I think using WW is a waste of money and effort. People can just learn to eat properly in the first place. You have to really mentally be in a place where you want to eat healthy for life and and for the health benefits, not just to lose weight. If you adopt of way of eating that you like and is healthy, you never have to diet and you never have to obsessively watch what you eat. Like @@Christinamo7 said, the difference with the sleeve is, if your surgery was done correctly and your follow up care is correct (with acid controllers), then you are not hungry. Not being hungry for a solid 6 months or more makes it easy to adapt a healthy eating life style. It because a normal life style choice and not a diet. In the end you feel so much better that you enjoy it and there is no reason to "cheat" and lots of things don't appeal to you. You can't really understand what it is like to not be hungry at all for months on end, it is just something you have to experience, but it makes it 1000x easier to eat healthy.

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