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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. OutsideMatchInside

    Frustrated beyond belief!

    @@myfatisnotaflaw You won't lose weight on those calories. You didn't answer are you taking a PPI for the acid? You shouldn't be hungry. Have you been back to the Dr? You should be able to eat and drink more. Just 35g of Protein a day is going to make you sick and slow your recovery. 60g is the bare minimum for any adult. What you just posted here is that you are not even breaking 400 calories a day probably with that amount of protein. That is starvation, you will never lose if you are eating like that. Your body is going to start breaking down your muscles for energy. Please see the Dr ASAP.
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    Pre-op prep, mental and physical

    Removed all the excess stress from my life. Which included streamlining my business and cutting a lot of toxic people from my life. Making sure you are mentally checked in, and happy I feel is the biggest thing. The physical changes are so big, I don't think it is worth trying to practice for them. I would have never been able to mentally imagine sipping the way I had to sip post op. I could have never done it. Clean out all the cabinets and stock them only with the healthy foods I will be eating. DIGITAL scale A scale is the key, weighing your food is the most accurate and easiest way to track.
  3. OutsideMatchInside


    You could try vitamin e oil or bio oil on them. If they have been used twice they are going to be more visible than most scars, still they will fade. My scars are barely visible now. It just takes time.
  4. OutsideMatchInside

    Frustrated beyond belief!

    @@myfatisnotaflaw Are you taking something every day for acid? A PPI? You really shouldn't be hungry. Are you drinking Water all day? I mean literally all day non stop? Sipping any time you are awake? Are you regular? I always gain with my period, and lose after. I had my period every 2 weeks for months, so that made my weight loss all over the map. It has finally fixed itself back to normal. Also saying you aren't eating bull**** and that you are eating every 3 hours is not useful. That can mean absolutely anything. Do you track your food? How many calories are you getting in each day? How much Protein? How many carbs? Are you over 600 calories? Over 800? As a taller lady of African American descent, you need more protein for muscle mass. Are you getting in over 100 grams of protein a day? Adding in more activity if your calories are low will slow your progress instead of speed it up. In the beginning just walking is enough to speed your weight loss and walking has the added benefit of helping keep you regular. Do you take your measurements? Take them every 2 weeks for the first 6 months then monthly. You will see inch changes sometimes before scale changes. I started with a high BMI and thought the weight would come off fast and in huge chunks and it didn't. I was discouraged in the beginning, even though I was losing very fast. With the hormonal changes and all the emotions you go through it is hard to be objective.
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    I THOUGHT I was sleeved...

    @@leebick I hope you get some real answers today. I am so angry for you, this is ridiculous. Good luck
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    Breaking Up is Fun to Do, Sort of

    @@sweesee Torrid was the first place I dumped months ago. They haven't had cute clothes in about 2 years, I dunno what their buyers are thinking. I am so sick of all that skulls and pleather they push. The final straw was in the fall when I went there, and they were trying to put me in the wrong bra, telling me just to hook it on the last hooks, umm thats not how you start with a bra, as soon as it warms to your body and stretches a little, you have no where to go. Also, $40 for a graphic tee? DIAF Torrid. @@gowalking The weird thing is looking at the clothes and knowing they are too big, even the smallest ones. I used to be in the top sizes at plus size stores, so I was always looking for a roomy 28. Now to know that I won't even fit their smallest sizes, not even in the shapewear (I will miss buying shapewear at Avenue), is such a rush. I have really arrived.
  7. OutsideMatchInside


    chicken and eggs can both be hard to digest early on. Chicken is really dense and can be very dry. Have you tried baked fish? Baked it is very soft and flaky and melts in your mouth.
  8. OutsideMatchInside

    Just wondering.

    My tastes have not changed but they have came more extreme. Things that I was lukewarm on pre-op like scrambled eggs, I hate post-op. Never liked yogurt, despise yogurt now. Loved fish before, really love fish now.
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    Costs resulting from WLS

    It's great for the buyer - not so much for the seller! I sent in 20 items - I got paid $21.00 for all of them - they then listed them all for $15-30. Not worth it - I'd much rater donate them. Total rip off for the sellers. Better to give them to goodwill and get the tax write off. When I saw what they were paying out, it isn't even worth it. They can pound sand, I take all my stuff to goodwill unless it is still new with tags, then I sell it on ebay. I'm also going to go on record as being extremely against wearing loose, comfortable clothes. They make it impossible to see your weight loss so you feel you are making no gains. Loose comfortable clothes are what made it easy for a lot of people to expand without noticing. Wear clothes that fit, with structure. Not only will you see your weight loss better, notice that your waist is going down fast and just in general look better and more pulled together. The structured clothing will help hide and constrain issues we have, like loose skin.
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    Is it true what I hear ?

    @@bellabeans When you are on liquids and really swollen, you can think you are full on liquids, but you don't know restriction and what it feels like until you have solids. Like right now at one year out I am sitting here chugging Water. I am drinking really fast so I am feeling full but water full, feels nothing like steak full.
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    Slow eatting and why?

    Hmm 30 is the max, not the optimal, 20 minutes is the goal for most programs. You want to eat slowly so you are not overly full and get all the signals to your brain. In the very beginning most people don't have their nerves reconnected. If you are actually weighing/measuring your food and not over eating, you don't have to drag it out. I definitely don't, because I like the temp of my food very hot.
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    I like to cook and kinda hate prefab food

    I didn't because I honestly hate Soups and broths. Before surgery I was more of a cream based Soup kind of person.Ha! those days are over. Yes, they would be better nutritionally, and taste better. Just don't make too much, you have no idea what you really might want after surgery. I hate pre-made foods. I cook all my food, fresh every meal, every day. I don't eat left overs, hate them. I love cooking and it is part of the meal now since my meals are small and short, but I love meal prep. If you love to cook, losing weight post-op is a breeze. You have a ton more options if you are willing to cook and like to experiment.
  13. OutsideMatchInside


    @@Bufflehead I love you! On this forum and others
  14. OutsideMatchInside


    @@HopefulInVirginia Please don't feel ashamed. All kinds of people have all kinds of struggles, ours are just visible to other people, which makes it easier for people to comment. Make your life easy, don't tell people about your surgery. It isn't any of their business and it is not worth rolling the dice on if they will be supportive or be evil and petty. Be proud you are taking control of your life.
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    Considering sleeve

    Dr Weiner is amazing. I almost want to give up meat for him. Almost...
  16. OutsideMatchInside

    Suddenly sweaty

    @@Adellk0405 Could be from excessive hormone dump or you could be dumping. Does it happen after you eat or at any time?
  17. Try eatmeguiltfree.com brownies. I don't like Protein bars and they are my only the go protein source. I don't like sweets though. If I had an issue with sweets I would touch them. To be fair, they don't taste sweet or like brownies, more like pound cakes.
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    How long before you started noticing changes?

    @@tiff291 When I was not able to eat solids, I had cravings. Lots of cravings. Not chewing for a month or so (when you include the pre-op diet) will do that to you. It was just head hunger and I occupied myself. Once I started on soft foods the discomfort changed my opinion of food and for the first 6 months I was mostly afraid of food, because even day to day that amount of food I could comfortably eat, would change. One day 3 ounces would be fine, next day maybe only 2. My clothes had to be replaced at 6 weeks and since then it has been an every 3-4 week purge of clothes. Which has been fun and terrible at the same time. My body adjusts a lot and my shape is in constant flux (except my boobs which are big and here to stay). I have gone from a 28/30 to a size 12 or 14 depending on the brand.
  19. OutsideMatchInside


    @@jennabela You have to take your measurements. I barely lost 10 pounds over like 2 months but I lost 10 inches all over and a dress/jean size. Stalls are your body catching up, you can be losing but it won't show on the scale. Since you eat a lot less, you have to drink a lot to push the food through your digestive system. You don't have the volume of food to do it so you have to do it with fluids. Also if you are not eating enough calories, you won't lose weight, so tracking your food can really help.
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    I THOUGHT I was sleeved...

    The Dr should know what surgery they did and re able to give an answer in seconds. I really don't get the delay, or the confusion. Really hoping for the best for you OP.
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    People that not happy for you

    @@shaylady08 It doesn't have anything to do with surgery. I have an associate, downgraded from friend, that is really in their feelings over my weight loss. They don't even know I had surgery but they did have surgery, and weren't that successful and it is like my success is a slap in the face to them. And it is mainly that I have been able to achieve something they have not, and I am not even done or a success yet in my mind. They keep shading me over and over in every way possible. Some people will never be happy for you and it has nothing to do with you, just with their own issues and insecurities.
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    Costs resulting from WLS

    @@sgc A plus size t-shirt at Walmart is 6.88 and a regular size shirt is 4.96 in the Danskin sizes. Yeah there is a price difference but it isn't much. Plus size Levi's are 49.99 at Macy's on sale and the regular sizes are 39.99 on sale. When you get into specialty women's retailers, almost all dresses are $59-89 plus or smaller (of similiar quality). When you have to get one or 2 shirts because you are supplementing your existing wardrobe, it doesn't matter that they cost $6.88. When you need 7 workout tops at once (so you don't have to do laundry every other day) and they are $4.96 and you might have to get more because they won't fit in 4 weeks. Where is the savings?
  23. OutsideMatchInside

    Costs resulting from WLS

    My best advice is don't stock up on anything. Clothes, Protein anything. Get what you are going to eat in the next week or 2. Purchase clothes that fit now and you will wear immediately. Don't try to save money buying clothes for a size you aren't at yet. You can easily skip sizes. Tire of Proteins or become intolerant. The biggest unavoidable expense for me has been under garments. Bras are a non-negotiable item. Have to have them, dude being blessed by God, they are never going to cheap. Next shape wear is a must just to be comfortable. Also buy an entire new set of panties every few weeks. These are items you can't get used and they need to be quality. I have to replace my entire wardrobe. Socks, shoes, coats, boots, underwear, even gloves. All my bracelets are too large. I had a huge clothing, shoe, jewelry collection and parting with all of it was tough but even harder is trying to slowly replace it without buying too much at once. I have about 10 brand new items I purchased last fall and never wore that I am trying to sell now. Until I am done losing, I am never going to buy more than one or two items that I plan on wearing immediately. Also, smaller clothes aren't really cheaper. Especially when you are constantly purchasing them. You have more of a selection so you have more sales opportunities, but the costs aren't really lower. And if you end up giving into vanity, you will spend even more.
  24. OutsideMatchInside


    If you are going to jump into my disagreement that doesn't involve you at least read all the responses and use some critical thinking before you start typing. She had already said her opinion. I stated mine and she came back just to disagree with me. Lots of people don't like Quest bars. The quality is terrible. The brand is tarnished and they always had questionable ethics. They were always posting on the body building forums threatening to sue people, lol what kind of corporation really does that?!?!? There are lots of other Protein bar options and other options available. If you can only eat a little it should be delicious. No one should be choking down a Protein Bar they don't like. This is real life not Oliver Twist.
  25. OutsideMatchInside

    Portion sizes?

    At 2 months I could eat 4 ounces of baked fish and 2 ounces of anything else. At one year, I eat 4 to 5 ounces of dense Protein and up to 8 ounces of other stuff.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
