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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. OutsideMatchInside

    Birth Control

    You don't know the ingredient? call the Dr office.
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    Food tracking

    I use Loseit! Premium.
  3. OutsideMatchInside

    My family is freaking out

    If you are an adult, why does it matter what your family thinks?
  4. OutsideMatchInside

    Large boned. ..

    LOL People told me that. People told me I would look like a bobble head doll with a big head and a little body. Guess what, I am a lot smaller, totally proportionate. I have long feet, they used to be long and wide, now they are long, regular and leaning towards narrow. I still have big hands and long fingers but to my surprise, my wrists are 6.5 inches, down from 8 plus. I still weigh over 200lbs but I wear a size 12 or a 14, even with F/G cup breasts. People just can't get out of themselves to think about you being smaller. Some people are malicious and trying to discourage you because they feel they will always be fat and want you to be fat with them, and some people just can't see you as smaller in their mind. Also, so many people has such skewed views on what a proper size or proportion is. When I talk to my still morbidly obese friend in the south and she tries to me she is "thick" at almost 300 lbs, I just roll my eyes. That isn't thick that is fat as hell. 20-30 lbs over weight is thick.
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    Conflicting info!

    @@debd80 Try upping the Protein and dropping the carbs down to like 25.
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    Before and After- 3.5 years out

    @@erp You are gorgeous! You took 10-20 years off your face! OMG
  7. OutsideMatchInside


    Really? My surgeon was saying to try to stay below 100 g protein because I went over 1 day and I was worried so I asked. I did the fast track program because it was self pay and so after originally meeting with the surgeon, I had my surgery within a month so I'm still learning a lot way after the fact of surgery. Thanks for the response and helpful advice!! Sent from my SM-G935T using the BariatricPal App I am not sure how long you were at this weight, but once you are morbidly obese for a long time, it changes your body. You have denser bones and more muscle mass. The amount of just lean mass I had with my last DEXA scan is basically what my total weight should be with a normal BMI. That is a long winded way of saying that I have a LOT of muscle mass. I started at 370/365 and I had been over 300 pounds for 17 years. Carrying that amount of weight for that long, your body has to adjust to carry it. Another reason to increase your protein goals is because it increases your calories and energy levels without leaving room for a lot of extra calories. Honestly you can get in 110 grams of just protein for less than 600 calories if you are eating fish. Example swai is 70 calories for 4 ounces and 4 ounces is 15g of protein. If you mix it up with higher calories protein like beef, pork, chicken. It is pretty easy to pull off. So even if you don't want to increase calories, you can increase protein and keep your calories low. Only thing is, you can't get that much protein in with 3 meals. I eat 4-5 times a day to get my protein in. There is some flexibility to how you eat and you have to find something that works for you. Like you I went from pre-op to surgery very fast although I used insurance. I didn't really lose any weight pre-op, I lost all my weight post-op. My program, the advice is okay, but I found a lot of it to be lacking, so I supplemented it with athletic science nutiriton and advice from a local university professor. My surgery buddy that I met at the hospital that had surgery the same day I did and started off weighing more than me, has lost less weight than I have. So I think the way I eat is effective for me. I have managed to lose over 150 lbs, not damage my metabolism (it is as high or higher than a normal woman my age), and maintain enough muscle mass, that I am smaller physically now than I was in HS but I weigh a good 30-40 pounds more.
  8. @@Babbs Yeah with dedication (boredom) and time I could easily eat 3000-4000 calories in a day, probably more if everything was crunchy like store Cookies or crackers. Thin crust pizza triggers no restriction for me. If I liked ice cream or milk shakes, I could suck down a large milk shake from steak n shake, those are around 1000 calories each. Toss in a few cocktails to end the evening, lol. Nothing stops me from eating like this except me. I am not interested in that stuff, so I don't eat it. Also because I KNOW I can eat all I want of those types of things I avoid them like the plague. Steak, I just can't eat more than 4.5 ounces. Even with a fatty steak the calories are nothing. Restriction won't help you long term if you don't let it help you.
  9. OutsideMatchInside


    @@mb5282 I was advised to be at around 1000-1100 calories at that point and it was really hard for me to get there because I mostly ate fish at that time. You started with a high weight/bmi so you have more muscle mass than a lot of the people that post here. You need more Protein if you want to keep that muscle and you want to keep that muscle because it makes it easier to keep losing. Try getting up to 100-120 grams of protein a day.
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    Conflicting info!

    Like @@Babbs said, you have to experiment with yourself and find what works for you I have to keep my calories up, or I stall. If I am feeling lazy or just don't feel like eating much and let my calories fall to 1100. I stall out. I have to eat at least 1300, 1500 is best for me to lose. I need over 100g of Protein each day. I had to work my calories up over time. You didn't post exactly what you are eating. No amounts, no grams. Are you weighing and measuring your food?
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    Attitude Problem

    It happens to most people on a low carb diet. Your brain fires a lot faster off carbs. Which is one of the reasons I always kept coming back to low carb eating even before surgery. It is good for business, staying sharp.
  12. @@nolady The one year revert totally makes sense. All the research I have read is that after 1 year, the Ghrelin production for RNY and Sleeve patients returns almost to normal, after being basically nothing right after surgery. Not just that but once you are healed, if you don't have complications, you can eat just about anything if you want to. Which is why creating healthy habits early on when you have all the support from your body are important. People have to find a WOE (way of eating), that works for them long term, that is healthy and promotes a healthy weight. You won't have your tool to lean on for the rest of your life. It is there to help you in the beginning and for you to learn with it. If you waste it, it is wasted, no do overs.
  13. OutsideMatchInside

    Hunger or Acid

    Not sure, I find that I have to drink a lot of fluids every day or I get acidy. Try drinking Water before bed time, and as soon as you get up.
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    I THOUGHT I was sleeved...

    @@leebick I'm glad you finally got an answer and it worked out how you wanted. Wishing you a speedy recovery!
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    Breaking Up is Fun to Do, Sort of

    I was an avid shopper before losing weight. Buying new clothes almost daily. I had tons of emails coming every day from all types of stores. So now that I have solidly been in regular sizes, for a little while at all stores (It really isn't a fluke! I had to convince myself), I have decided to cut the cord to my old life. I am breaking up with all my old plus size store mailing lists, youtube bloggers, IG Stores, IG Bloggers. It is time to end. I am not a plus sized lady anymore, I need to stop living like one. I keep seeing cute things that are too large for me (sigh, grass is always greener), and it is getting annoying. I realized this week, that is not my identity anymore. I rock True religion and J Brand Jeans. I buy my T-shirts at Banana Republic. I get my underwear from VS. Time to move on. In a way it feels like a security blanket has been removed. I really have to live and navigate the regular fashion world, which I have been dying to do and I am really enjoying but in a way I feel guilty and disloyal. When I had limited options these other stores and brands were there for me, and I am grateful. Have you broken up with all your old store brands? Cut up you store cards? How does it feel?
  16. OutsideMatchInside

    Pre-Op Worries About Post-Op

    For me the pain meds caused more pain and discomfort than the actual surgery pain. Post-op just felt like I did 1000 crunches. A few days later the dull ache from the gas hitting my shoulder was the worst. I have a high pain tolerance but the post-op pain isn't much to worry about in my opinion.
  17. OutsideMatchInside

    Sizes clearly mean nothing

    I am finding that jeans that go by waist size are pretty standard, which is nice.
  18. I mean I can do that now at 14 months, but I would have never been able to that early. Some people heal well and don't have much swelling, so I wouldn't worry but I would suggest trying to slow down if possible.
  19. OutsideMatchInside

    People that not happy for you

    When you change your life for the better, in any way (new job, new house, whatever), you find out who really loves you. That is one of the things that has made my life richer. Learning who really loves me.
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    Frustrated beyond belief!

    @@myfatisnotaflaw Your doctor didn't prescribe one? Your stomach is till producing enough acid for a full size stomach, it takes a few months for it to adjust to the new size. Get some Prilosec, you should be less hungry, not hungry at all after 4 to 7 days. Please see your doctor and eat more.
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    Question for sleevers with a start of 350 +

    @@QueenOfTheTamazons I have done this solo, since I live alone and I live in area where I don't know anyone. I still find it easier to be self motivated and rely on myself because no one else can derail me with their lack of motivation or seriousness. I have friend that are trying to lose and they don't have the motivation. For example I have logged all of my food every single day since surgery. I weigh and measure all of my food. I have a few friends WLS and others that are not consistent with that at all, they go weeks sometimes without logging and none of them weigh their food. If I was relying on them for motivation or support, I would be severely lacking. I'm not the relationship/marriage type, I am sure for people that are, having the support of their partner makes it easier. Still a lot of people that post here have partners that don't need to lose weight or aren't trying to lose weight and they are still successful.
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    Bananas are NOT a low carb food

    They basically have the same macros as 3 oreo Cookies. Almost no Fiber, lots of sugar and just pure carbs. Fruits that are low carb Less than 5 Net carbs (subtract the fiber) 1/2 cup of raw strawberries (3.3 net carbs) 1/2 cup of raw raspberries (4.2 net carbs) 1/2 of a medium peach (4.3 net carbs) 5 whole sweet cherries (5.1 net carbs) 1/2 of a kiwi fruit (4.3 net carbs) 1 medium apricot (3.2 net carbs) 1/2 medium Haas avocado (3.7 net carbs) Less than 10 net carbs 1 cup of raw strawberries (6.6 net carbs) 1 cup of raw raspberries (8.4 net carbs) 1/2 cup of raw blueberries (8.6 net carbs) 1/2 cup of raw boysenberries (8.0 net carbs) 1/2 cup of blackberries (5.9 net carbs) 1/2 cup raw grapes (7.1 net carbs) 1/2 cup raw pineapple (8.7 net carbs) 1 raw plum (8.6 net carbs) 1 medium tangerine (9.4 net carbs) 1 raw lime (7.1 net carbs) 1/2 medium apple (9.0 net carbs) 1/2 Valencia orange (5.2 net carbs) 1/2 cup raw honeydew melon (7.8 net carbs) 1/2 cup raw cantaloupe (5.7 net carbs) When it comes to low carb and healthy choices, berries are the most bang for your buck with fruit.
  23. OutsideMatchInside

    Age, menopausal and under active thyroid

    @@ovaw8ovathinka Drs don't know everything. Plenty of people here exceed their Dr goals. I think that even if you "only" lost 50 lbs, that would be a huge benefit to you, just because you won't be gaining. You would also be able to maintain that 50 pound loss a lot easier.
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    Post-op diet with real food?

    @@anonmom Most plans aren't going to allow you meat or solids until week 3 or 4. If you are willing to live on broth and unflavored Protein powder, you can easily live on "real" (I mean protein powder isn't real, it is processed) food. My Dr pushes real food ASAP and is against processed foods. I was over 3 months when I had a Protein Bar, and I am not a fan of them at all, they are fake frankenfoods. IMO, Protein Bars are for emergencies, not a part of a daily diet and even the meathead guys at my supplement store agree. A piece of steak or chicken is always a better option. If you like seafood, then this can be really easy for you. soft baked fish, you can eat pretty soon because it literally turns to mush in your mouth. I skipped purees because I am really weird about food textures, and just did an extra week of liquids. Good luck! It is nice to see someone posting interesting in actually eating healthy!
  25. OutsideMatchInside

    Question for sleevers with a start of 350 +

    Pre-op lost 8 pounds. It was 105 degrees every single day, Water weight is real. I wasn't required to lose anything, so it didn't matter. I had a 10 day liquid diet. 1st month 21lbs 2nd month 11.5 lbs 3rd month 13.6 Month 12 144 lbs in total I never really tracked by month, I looked it up in my log just to post for you, because it doesn't matter. Starting with a BMI of 60 ish. I knew it was going to take me 2 years to lose my weight. It doesn't matter how fast it comes off as long as it comes off. I am glad I didn't lose any faster because it is a lot of get used to and I am still adjusting to being so much smaller. My goal weight is a weight I was in HS, 180. I picked it along with my Dr because we thought it was realistic. I feel long term I will probably end up lower than that weight just because of how I enjoy to eat, it isn't really conducive to gaining weight. I do not workout with a partner unless my dog counts. I walked to lose most/all of my weight. I do weights sometimes, but not very consistently. I have been to the gym, maybe 5 -10 times since losing weight. I learned that I hate being in doors, not that I hate being active. Working out indoors is like being in prison for me. I started doing Yoga when I hit around 300 lbs. I go sometimes but not regularly in the summer. I like to be active outdoors, I will return to yoga when it cools off. I am very against working out with a partner, it is a recipe for failure. Other people will hold you back, they may not match your motivation, drive or schedule. You have to be very self motivated and relying on other people is a bad idea. I walked every day, rain or shine and in the freezing cold in the winter. I bundled up and made sure I walked at least 2 miles a day. 5 miles is better, but 2 was a minimum.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
