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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. OutsideMatchInside

    It absolutely makes NO freaking sense to me... **MY RANT**

    @@Babbs I love how people that hate drama are always the most dramatic. Irony.
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    It absolutely makes NO freaking sense to me... **MY RANT**

    LOL. I lost 102 lbs in the first 4 months. But just for the record, I did it being 99.99% compliant with my doctors instructions (ok, so I did have a couple of potatoes chips once or twice). I wouldn't consider it a "prisoner of war" diet. But your comment did make me laugh.I have lost almost 100 pounds during my six-month pre-op diet. I haven't even had the surgery yet. It is Wednesday. I have certainly not been on any "prisoner of war" diet, but I have been incredibly focused on my journey, re-establishing my relationship with food, and improving my health. I, too, read of these insane posts where people can't even work to improve their situation for a few hours, let alone long term. But it is what it is, so I never comment. This surgery next week is a tool that will help me continue my journey, but it isn't the whole journey. I am DAMN proud of what I have accomplished, and I just because the loss has been swift doesn't mean that it is unhealthy. You are a man, you lost 100 lbs it in 6 months, that is only 16 pounds a month, or barely over 4% a month (which is a normal amount to lose, people lose that on dietbet) , you started at almost 400 lbs, super morbidly obese. That isn't the same as a middle aged 5'2 female going from 250 to 150 in 4 or 5 months post-op after not eating anything at all but Water and crystal light for weeks. So my comments stand, they don't apply to you, and you didn't even bother applying any kind of critical thinking to what I said before jumping in to defend yourself when it didn't even apply to you. If you really even comprehended what I said in the first place you would have never commented. Atleast @ could use that Big 10 Education (Go Illini) to know it isn't about him. Congrats on your weight loss so far.
  3. OutsideMatchInside

    When I'm Hungry I'm HUNGRY!

    Are you taking a PPI? Are you drinking water all day? like literally all day, every moment you are awake?
  4. OutsideMatchInside

    It absolutely makes NO freaking sense to me... **MY RANT**

    LOL. I lost 102 lbs in the first 4 months. But just for the record, I did it being 99.99% compliant with my doctors instructions (ok, so I did have a couple of potatoes chips once or twice). I wouldn't consider it a "prisoner of war" diet. But your comment did make me laugh. You are a MAN though. You guys wake up from surgery down 30lbs and feeling great!
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    Dietitian/Trainer question- I need some advice FAST

    Honestly, all those option suck. Are you near U of Mich? Or Mich State? Anyone can be a certified personal train for a $400-600. It doesn't require any real training. Most of the personal trainers at chain gyms and the Y are just going to show you how to use the equipment and a few basic things. They are going to give you an eating plan that is 40-60% carbs, with whole grains and blah blah. Depending on how far out from surgery you are, you don't really have different requirements from anyone else training. You won't be able to eat in excess calories to gain muscle, but you can eat your Protein high enough to main your current muscle mass which should be your goal. Burning fat and keeping as much muscle as possible. Everyone losing fat is going to lose some muscle just because your body doesn't need that muscle to carry around all that extra fat and you can't eat excessive calories need for gains. Knowing your exact lean muscle mass, with a DEXA scan or similar can make it easier to set your protein needs. Even though you can't eat large amounts at once, you can eat protein in amounts that give you 20-30 grams at a time, and if you need to you can eat 4-5 times a day, spaced 2-3 hours apart. If you are healed and taking your Vitamins and had the sleeve, your needs aren't that different from anyone else, except limited capacity and inability to eat in excess.
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    Band Fail to Sleeve fail. :(

    @@homeesiick Your old Dr sounds like a quack, no offense. You probably don't have a properly formed sleeve, it isn't easy to make a sleeve the right size, and if that was his first one, it is unlikely he did it right. Also he is a pediatrician and not a bariatric surgeon? Did I read that correctly? I would start with seeing a new Dr and have them order tests and evaluate your sleeve and make sure it is really correctly done. I think any Dr would want to see exactly what they are working with before just passing you off to a nutritionist.
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    Sluggish and depressed?

    @@BillyD Until you can get a decent amount of calories in, you feel tired plus. This is major surgery. Your body is using most of your energy to heal. It gets better after 6 weeks but you can still be randomly tired.
  8. OutsideMatchInside

    It absolutely makes NO freaking sense to me... **MY RANT**

    @@Icantbelieveit A lot of people do lose a lot really fast at a low bmi. There are lots of people with lower BMIs than I have that have lost weight monthly faster. Some people are just younger, and that makes sense, if I had the sleeve when I was like 24/25 I would have lost weight super fast but... It comes at a cost though for some people. They stay on low calories and Protein forever, and they ruined their metabolism. They are stuck on low calories forever. I might not be at goal weight in 14 months, but I still have a normal functioning metabolism. I can cut calories if I feel like it because I still have calories I can cut. I still lose on 1300-1500 calories a day. If I needed to, I could cut to 1000 or 1100. Those people that stick to 800-1000 for months and months on end, end up never being able to eat much more than that without gaining. They have ruined their metabolism. Read here long enough (and other forums) and you will see it all the time. Don't worry about other people just follow your program, after all this is the internet, everyone could be lying.
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    It absolutely makes NO freaking sense to me... **MY RANT**

    @@rolosmom7 I think some of the things that newbies or just other patients period post, are an education to me. I had to be able to drink Protein to be released from the hospital. The told me flat out they would not release me unless they were sure I could intake nutrition. I was able to meet my protein goals from the time I was released from the hospital. Reading here I was very surprised to learn that people not only are released from the hospital not being able to drink Water or anything else, but that some people have instructions that tell them not to have any protein supplements at all, ever! WHICH IS WHY PEOPLE NEED TO STOP COMPARING THEIR WEIGHT LOSS TO OTHER PEOPLE. There are a ton of people that post here that lost a ton of weight really fast because they were basically on a prisoner of war diet and they starved for weeks/months. Long term that is going to do them more damage than good, so yeah its awesome they lost 100 pounds in 4 months or whatever, but they aren't telling they went through to get there, just that they got there.
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    8 Diet Myths Debunked!

    Thank you for clarifying these topics. Especially gluten free. Most gluten free items on store shelves are more carbs than their gluten versions. They are not low carb or low calorie items. Also, almost everything at Panera is bad for you except the black coffee!
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    It absolutely makes NO freaking sense to me... **MY RANT**

    Well if you want to rant about WLS patients making really bad choices, you aren't going to rant about it on a makeup forum. This is the Rants and Raves section on a WLS forum so that is what it is going to be about. You knew this was going to be a post about something you didn't want to read again, but you popped your ass in here and commented yet again. You are as much of a problem as the problem you are complaining about. @@rolosmom7 You are very lucky, most people don't have that kind of family support and are married to asshats.
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    Messed up

    Nothing better than 5 Guys Burgers and fries!!! :-) 5 guys comes off as cheap. shake Shack or Smashburger have higher quality.
  13. OutsideMatchInside

    It absolutely makes NO freaking sense to me... **MY RANT**

    After the last incident we had here, I had to detach or stop posting. This is my only connection to surgery so I still need to post here, so I detached. Everyone doesn't have the same education level or investment in surgery, and most importantly people don't have the same outlook on life. While the app is great and it makes the forum accessible to lots of people that would never come here otherwise, but it is also terrible because there are lots of people that come here that would never come here otherwise. I just say my opinion and move on. A lot of people that post here remind my of my associate that had RNY. Never changed eating habits, still eats sugar with wild abandon, never cooks. And every day is a struggle for this person. They have regained, and in the next few years will probably regain all the way back to their previous weight, because they keep gaining and are unable to make any lasting changes. They keep asking me what I do and I have told them over and over and over again. This person cannot or will not make any real life changes, I can't keep investing myself in trying to help them. It is making me crazy. Every week they ask me the same things and say they need to make a change, only hours later to go out to eat instead of going to the grocery store. They are full of excuses, and even they admit their excuses are ridiculous. People have to do it for themselves.
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    Why am I pooping?

    Your intestinal track is very long. Even if you aren't eating things currently, you can evacuate things that you had days ago.
  15. @@ShelterDog64 I was super motivated to go home the day after surgery because I hate hospitals, I feel like they are death traps and my friend was going home so I needed to be discharged so she wouldn't have to change her ticket to go home. After my swallow test, I had to drink Water. I got down a 2-3 ounces of water. Then brought me a tray a couple hours later, it had broth, tea/coffee, Jello, Protein shake. I had to be able to drink at least 1/2 of the Protein Shake, and I was pissed about it because the shake had real sugar in it and the macros were complete crap, I would never buy or drink that normally. I had 2 or 3 cubes of jello, about 1/2 the broth because warm things felt better, and a couple sips of the tea or coffee, I can't remember which it was. I had walked the floor the whole entire night, annoying the nurses because I would not sleep (who can sleep in a hospital?) and I was going to the bathroom unassisted from the time they took me to my room. I would have done anything to get out of that hospital, ASAP.
  16. OutsideMatchInside


    Well no one posting here has died, lol. Surgery is serious, anyone can die. You can also die in your sleep, driving, etc. I decided that even if I died on the table it was better to die fast than to die slow like I was doing.
  17. OutsideMatchInside

    Do you ever miss.....

    Margaritas unless you get a low carb specialty mix, have a ton of sugar. If you are going to drink, something like Vodka tonic would be better.
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    Munchies lol

    I honestly don't know a single person in real life that smokes weed and gets the munchies, I thought that was just on the movies. It has the opposite effect for the people I know, they are evened out, no interest in eating. I suggest searching the forum, there have been a few threads about marijuana on here and they all usually fall into hell.
  19. OutsideMatchInside


    @@sweetpea38 Well you have to follow a liquid diet after surgery. Did you do a liquid diet pre-op? Are you taking something for acid? A PPI like Prilosec? Are you physically or mentally hungry? Would you love to eat some broccoli? Or do you want to one specific thing? You shouldn't be physically hungry. Mentally hungry, yeah, its hard with nothing to chew for days on end.
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    Movie snacks!?

    Water. Seriously water. If you can get into mindlessly drinking water when everyone else is stuffing their face, you can really win at this.
  21. OutsideMatchInside


    Sounds like you're speaking from experience Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App I had the smallest sip of communion wine without thinking at like week 4 or 6 or something and it felt terrible. And that is diluted. I can't even imagine what Vodka would feel like. I dumped one time, not alcohol related and it was the worst feeling in the world for hours. It was like an after-school special.
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    Single and a bit frustrated/anxious

    @@Alfred Day I live alone. My best friend flew from the coast the day before surgery and left 2 days after. Surgery on Wed, home on Thursday, friend left first thing in the morning on Friday. I was alone the whole time after that. I think being single and living alone is a massive advantage in this process. There are tons of posts of people whining about their family, co-workers, and partners. Less drama, less stress, the better. You don't have to worry about anyone else and their feelings. You have complete control over the food in your house, and you don't have other people projecting their feelings onto you. I have it even better because not only do I live alone, I also work alone from home. No nosy fake caring co-workers to deal with. My friend drive me to and from the hospital and picked up my pain meds from the pharmacy. I stopped taking the pain meds after my first night at home because the narcotics were causing more pain than they solved. The biggest mistake I made relating to living alone was stocking up on a bunch of stuff thinking I wouldn't be able to leave the house. Most of that stuff went to waste. I was driving on Saturday after surgery. Enjoy being single, it can be a gift in a situation like this. I missed this was male only, but there aren't many really single people around here so I think my advice still stands. Didn't mean to thread into male land.
  23. OutsideMatchInside


    Have one, you won't like it. It will feel like swallowing liquid fire. It would also really suck to dump at a wedding, and look like a heroin addict. But hey, #yolo, enjoy.
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    Protein Shakes

    I used this https://amzn.com/B000GBI6K4 with a lot of various broths and premier Protein. Do yourself a favor and get samples and try a few different things to get somthing you LOVE before surgery, if not you are going to be miserable post op, when that is your whole life for a couple weeks.
  25. OutsideMatchInside

    Real sugar vs fake sugar?

    Yes and no. First a lot of these articles and studies against artificial sweeteners are sponsored by the sugar companies, so you have to be careful. Artificial sweeteners depending on what type they are can trigger your brain to react just like you are having sugar. Fruit can also do the same thing. I use stevia and I don't have that type of reaction but I only use liquid stevia, a certain brand and from the health food store. Anything that is granular has bulking agents and other things to make it granular and that adds carbs even if they don't accurately add carbs to the carb count. It is best to just limit your consumption of anything that isn't real. I hate crystal light, can't stand the taste, but I don't think a glass or 2 a day is going to hurt you.

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