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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by schel

  1. To funny! I told the doc I work with about this one and she laughed also!

    Anyone seen "The Man Show?" My husband watches it and I have seen some of it here and there. They had this commercial called...

    OOPS! I CRAPPED MY PANTS!!! (A commercial about undergarments)


  2. Kryssa, and everyone else in the slow loosers club,

    No you are not the only slowest looser here. I was banded on Nov 22nd 2005. I've lost only 20 pounds and thats pre op, post op and after first fill. I go Feb 16th for my 2nd and am going to insist on

    MORE restriction. I don't know what to ask for, because it seems that a lot of bandsters here have the 4cc band and I have the 9.5cc band with a 4cc fill. I am able to eat 1 & 1/2 cup of food at a time and the docs say no more than 3/4 cup. The "full" feeling only lasts about an hour and then I'm hungry again.:hungry:

    I did join Weight Watchers today to have some accountability of having to get on the scale once a week. Otherwise I'd never get on the scale at home. I HATE THE SCALE! :funscale:

    I actually thought I had lost some more weight when I went to weigh in and nope....status quoe.....:phanvan

    Well better luck this next week, we'll see I guess.

    Maybe need to mix it up a bit and take the dog for a walk, yannow?

    Get off my butt and move!:banana

    Take care,


    P.S. I just love these little smiles we can use!

  3. Jolean,

    Thats what my doc said that they want me to be eating only at most 1 cup of food at a time. I seem to feel it sometimes at 1 and 1/4 - 1/3 cup,

    and sometimes seems like I could eat more. It depends what it is. I try not to eat foods that don't make me feel full. Like for instance, tonight we had chicken, for some reason, I was full on one breast and refrained from eating anything else, because I was full. But some things, like Soup or pudding, etc... I could eat lots of before I even felt full.

    I have a 9.5cc band and a 4cc fill. I go on the 16th for my second. I am hoping for maybe a little more restriction. He said he would base it on my food intake and weight loss. Well see after that.

    Take care,


  4. I was told I would have to give up my coffee. NOT ME!!! Nope I only missed my oral caffeine one day. That was the day of surgery.

    I told the "knock out doc" and they said they would give me some IV so I wouldn't get a bad headache. My husband said thats all she needs! Caffeine IV!!! I am very creative, even when on my "only liquid" phase, I used my milk and carnation instant Breakfast in my coffee as my cream.

    Take away my Java, and I would seriously have a melt down.:)

    As for alcohol, my vise was beer. No more of that. No carbination.

    So... Wine is good! In modreation though, I am not a big drinker anymore, I did my sowin of my oats in my 20's. :)

    Take care!


  5. What a HOT topic!...

    Oprah?... well, I don't think she had any WLS.

    Kirsti?... well, I don't think she did, because it could be a legal

    thing with Jenny Craig.

    Star?... I live in Minnesota and Belinda Jensen who does our

    weather on KARE 11 said she knows her and she did in

    fact have RNY. They were talking about this on the air

    on Wednesday this week. She was recently on Dr. Phil

    I am surprised she didn't admit it being Dr. Phil is so

    " if you did it you need to own it!"

    Anna?... She's just not right! She did NOT loose all that weight

    with just Trim Spa. I tried Trim Spa before banding

    along with every other thing under the sun and it's a


    I have to admit I miss "The Anna Nicole Show" It was

    like watching a train wreck I just couldn't help


    Oprah, Kirsti, and Anna? Just my opinion. Star? I tend to believe

    what I heard on the air.


  6. Thanks everyone,

    I am going to put a call in to my doc. I already have been taking the cough meds, but I will increase the Water thing.

    My first day back to work was yesterday after surgery, and being sick and all, today I don't feel better, I feel worse. My husband said I am to do nothing but REST. Thats been so hard for me always, because, being sick for a week, and a day now, my house looks like a 6 year old, yellow lab and husband tornado went off inside it. I swear mom gets sick and everyone thinks its a free for all! NOTHING gets done. I know though I need to get better or what good will I be a week from now? So its off to rest for me and I think I'll put on a blindfold to not look at the mess, or just close my eyes and sleep. Thanks again, I'll chat soon.


  7. Hello,

    I am probably asking a dumb question, but I have been sick with a cough and want to know if I can do any harm to my port or band with all the coughing? The only place I have pain is the port area, but it is also sore everywhere else on my stomach area.

    I did start wearing my abdominal binder to hopefully help with support for the caughing.

    Thanks. Schel

  8. Dear Clementine,

    Do not fret! I was banded Nov 22 and have had no fill yet in fact not until Jan 13th am I scheduled. I don't feel any restriction at this point either. I so look foreward to my fill. On top of all this my activity level has been ZERO! I have had the respiratory flu and feel like I've been hit by a truck! I got on the scale today and dum da dum.... I gained 3.5 lbs. ahhhhhhh! I totally understand where you are coming from. I told myself and I'm telling you now that the problem of the holidays are past so, lets all get on the ball and do better. I know I plan on it anyways. "The biggest part of fixing a problem is identifying it so you can get to the solution." I sound like Dr Phil. Only because I've heard him say that. So get back on track and you will be ok. Good luck to you.


  9. I am recently banded, and am planning to join after the first of the year AGAIN! Mostly because I want to be sucessful and I feel the meetings are what gave me push to be GOOD in the past.

    Weight Watchers is recognized by my Doc and he said "great program." I have to agree.

    So what do I think? GO FOR IT!


  10. You can still use the Bene-protein in Clear Liquids also. Just remember to not nuke it. Make sure the hot liquids are not added at a boiling temp and added at a temp you would drink it at before you add the Bene-protein. Use a whisk to mix it thouroghly.

    If you need the Bene-protein sooner than ordering online, if you go to a pharmacy most likely they will order it for you and have it next day. Thats what my pharmacy did for me. Good Luck!


  11. I agree with everyone! I had my lap band placed the same time my best friends Aunt had RNY. Know what? She's in intensive care and is on her way to a nursing home after she's out of danger. I hear they had problems with rerouting her and after had major leaking and almost died.

    Wonder what is in store for her in the future if she does recover.

    I think we all who have the band are very lucky and should be greatful for every pound we loose and not gain.

    Hugs to you and be happy!


  12. Yep, I have to agree, HIPPA. If your HIPPA rights have been voilated, you have grounds to possibly seek legal advise. I am an nurse and I work for Allina. All the compliance training I have had to do because of the

    no-no's Allina has pulled. I am quite aware of something that isn't right.

    I agree I wouldn't stop and I'd look further into this if I were you.

    Good luck.


  13. Well here is my 2 cents. I know someone told me at one time to be careful with rice, but I have had no problems. This recipie was altered to make it low in fat. It's one of my husbands favorites and he doesn't like soup!

    Schel’s chicken Wild Rice Soup Recipe by: Schel

    2 cups cooked wild rice (cooked according to pkg. directions)

    2 - 3 cups cooked white rice (cooked according to pkg. directions)

    1 cup shredded carrots

    1 cup chopped celery

    1 cup chopped onion

    3 cups cooked cubed chicken

    4 cups skim milk

    2 cups canned chicken broth

    3 - 4 Tbls. chicken granules (or more to taste)

    7 Tbls. flour (divided, 3 & 4 Tbls.)

    4 Tbls. light margarine or butter, or 3 Tbls. regular butter.

    Cook chicken. While chicken is cooking, start rice cooking. While rice is cooking, grate carrots up, (enough for one cup.) Chop onion and celery enough for one cup each. Set aside.

    After chicken is done cooking, (about 45-55 minutes if boiling)cool and then cut up. While chicken is cooling, rice should be done, just set it aside. In large kettle or soup pan, put margarine or butter, carrots, onion, and celery. Saute’ all until soft. After soft, and add 3 Tbls. flour, add slowly while stirring. Add skim milk, and cook, stirring constantly until thick. Add rice and chicken and stir. Measure chicken broth in a glass measuring cup and add remaining 4 Tbls.flour and whisk until lumps are gone. A large bowl may also be used, just be sure to get all lumps out. Add to soup pot and stir. Add chicken granules and stir.

    * If desired, and a richer taste is desired, instead of 4 cups of milk, use, 3 & 1/2 cups skim milk and 1/2 cup fat free coffee mate.

    * If wanting to make a easier job of the rice, purchase wild rice and the white rice mix in a bag. Use 4 cups of the cooked mixed rice mixture and one cup of cooked white rice.

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