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Everything posted by pr_pitbullgrl

  1. pr_pitbullgrl

    I Want To See Before & After Pics! (Cont'd)

    Honey..I must say your waist is snatched to capacity!...you have an amazing shape. Great work! Sent from my SM-G925T using the BariatricPal App Thanks Marie! I'm lucky in the waist area. Almost makes up for the icky legs I got lol.
  2. pr_pitbullgrl

    Surgery day!

    @@goplay94123 i did always have an hourglass of sorts even when i was huge. my waist was my best feature. i can't believe that first photo actually where my stomach is flopping over like that. it's hideous. i haven't waist trained but i might just to make it really small and take the focus off my terrible legs lol.
  3. pr_pitbullgrl

    Surgery day!

    @@tinkershells believe me at 5'3 - 200+ lbs is big enough LOL
  4. pr_pitbullgrl

    Surgery day!

    @ so glad you said that. i have been following a pretty strict no carb no sugar diet but when i looked at keto diet plans they have WAY more fats than im eating so im trying to incorporate avocados and almonds etc to raise the fat count.
  5. pr_pitbullgrl

    Surgery day!

    @@jaxmom thanks! i'll try to keep things as relevant as possible and try not to just rant all the time.
  6. pr_pitbullgrl

    Surgery day!

    tummy to tummy comparison lol. 81lbs down. the scars are fading nicely. i don't have a lot of loose skin but there are things sagging. i have a small waist but i still have my stupid FUPA my butt, my boobs, some on the arms and inner thighs are saggy too. i did lift weights for most of the journey which i think helped but i need to tone up big time. i will definitely have surgery if i can afford it and im unhappy at the end.
  7. @@Luckygrl well your surgeon is wrong too. i was told most people don't reach their goal weight. that last 20lbs rarely comes off. bs. i reached my original goal and now i'm on my way to 140. it's all within your reach. don't listen to anyone cuz everyone's journey (and body) is different. best of luck to you!
  8. yep. my goal weight was 160 which still left me overweight. i am now 150 and heading to 140. i don't reach "normal" BMI until im at 141 apparently.
  9. pr_pitbullgrl

    28 grams of Protein in 4 oz!

    @@NewSetOfCurves ok cool. thank you. i might try it cuz im lifting a lot now and i need to keep my Protein up. thanks!
  10. pr_pitbullgrl

    28 grams of Protein in 4 oz!

    @@NewSetOfCurves nice! i love this. do they have it in liquid form? i hate dealing with the foam and the gas of blending a powder.
  11. pr_pitbullgrl

    Transformation Tuesday

    @@Sugary Sweetheart nice job! and yes, it's really a life changer
  12. pr_pitbullgrl

    ketogenic/keto diet

    Thank you so much. I searched keto nut nothing came up. I'll try it again
  13. pr_pitbullgrl

    Getting Called Fat After WLS

    oh wait wait i shoulda told you this in the beginning. when i lost my first like 60lbs some guy said to me "hey!!! i didn't even recognize you! cuz you were pretty fat before, but now you look good!" and granted he said it in spanish and maybe i just translated it harshly but still.......aaaaaaaaaa---hole lol
  14. pr_pitbullgrl

    Transformation Tuesday

    151 today. transfo tuesday. in a size "7" cuz 8 is loose but don't think im quite a 6 yet. i think i wanna be a 4. but why do i like the same in an 8 that i looked like in a 10?
  15. pr_pitbullgrl

    Surgery day!

    i ate a hot dog last night (well half of one) WITH the bread. it was amazing LOL. i haven't been able to eat bread in 7 months! but then again i'm not gonna eat it again. #goals
  16. @ omg so easy. here are the recipes i use: http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/giada-de-laurentiis/parmesan-crisps-recipe.html http://www.acouplecooks.com/baked-butternut-squash-chips/
  17. @@her1981 haha i hear you there. i make a pretty mean Parmesan cheese chip or a decent butternut squash chip but i don't have to tell you, you've lost over 140lbs! that's amaze. are you working out?
  18. @@her1981 i have found a pretty good way to eat whatever i want tho my struggle is actually getting enough to eat cuz i'm totally off food. anyways i can make pizza, spaghetti, enchiladas, fried rice, brownies etc. i just make sure it's got no carbs and no sugar. try cauliflower fried rice or pizza with cauliflower crust, or spaghetti squash lasagna. i also make a killer low carb brownie with almond flour and frosting. it's all possible if you're willing to be creative. also, you need more Protein if you're hungry all the time. protein keeps you from feeling starved. good luck mama! you got this!
  19. pr_pitbullgrl

    and now my shoes too!?

    @@OutsideMatchInside i've always been a 6 1/2 but now apparently i'm a 6 so i went the opposite way lol @@Shaydi.Laine
  20. down 81lbs with 10 to go. why do i still feel fat?

    1. her1981


      I think it's normal when our bodies change so fast. I still feel fat (I still am technically), but I've lost almost 150 pounds and I don't feel much smaller at all.

    2. Daisee68


      I am 11 1/2 months post-op, down a total of 140ish pounds and just this weekend, I finally started realizing how much smaller I am. Takes a lot longer for our heads to catch up to our bodies!

    3. pr_pitbullgrl


      you both got that right. i feel like i have to be 115lbs just to actually feel small "enough" it's a big mental challenge. even tho i feel mostly good everyday i can't believe how critical we are of ourselves! @her1981 @Daisee68

  21. pr_pitbullgrl

    Getting Called Fat After WLS

    he's being a d**k. prolly just jealous that you are looking great and losing weight. or he likes you and it's his way of "pulling your pigtails". in any case. what a d**k. ignore him. someone told me today i shouldn't lose anymore weight that i'm getting too skinny and i wanted to punch them in the face too. it goes both ways. just do you and know we're always here to support you and bring you back up! xo P.S. while there is no anti-bullying legislation in place it is covered under "hostile work environment" and is completely appropriate to report to HR. Just sayin #iminHR lol
  22. pr_pitbullgrl

    Surgery day!

    why do my size 8 pants look exactly like my size 10 pants in photos?
  23. pr_pitbullgrl

    Surgery day!

    Hey dudes. Sigh. So I'm 150 today and I know I should b excited but I'm mopey and going thru a break up plus I have like zero appetite right now so eating is a big challenge. Yesterday I had like four ounces of steak and lots of vodka lol. Anyways. I bought a size 8 slack and when I tried it on it fit loose [emoji37] which is good and bad at the same time lol. #neweardrobewoes. Anyways gonna use my newfound free time to start training at a gym instead of at home so that should help with my flabbiness and mopiness. Have a great week ya'll. Xo
  24. @@cindyw41 I live right by red rock! It is a great place. I'm glad you enjoyed your time here. It's a good place to visit. Just not to live.

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