Last year (2008) in january I tried getting the lap band. And the medical office that was going to perform the surgery was not very helpful at all. So I kinda gave up. I was watchin tv and saw that 1800-get-slim commercial for the lap band and I called. Well today I went for a siminar & they where so nice. I found out my bmi was 59!!! :-( but the doctor made me feel better when he told me my stomach wasn't super big I jus have a lot of arm fat, leg fat, and a huge amount of breast weight. So he wants me to get a breast reduction BEF0RE the lap band. (im a 54ddd) And guess what? My insurance company gave them approval for my lap band, tummy tuck, and breast reduction. I jus broke out in happy tears, they even gave me my physc evaluation today to, and on may 30th I have to go to beverly hills,ca (where the surgery will be performed) to get my blood work, ekg, and endoscopy(when they stick a camera down your throat) done. Im so happy! The receptionist said she'll call tomorrow & set up a appointment with the plastic surgeon. The doctor said he thinks its better to get the breast reduction now rather then later because the insurance company will consider it cosmetic If I wait. I guess my journey begans here, and I would like to thank you all for the inspirational blogs, and threads, they give me hope.