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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by fernandfj

  1. fernandfj

    Finding it hard to believe...

    All I can say is.. BELIEVE!!!!! I know I doubted how far I could go when I had my surgery five months ago and I am constantly amazed by what I have been able to achieve so far. I've stuck to the program and lost a bit over 100 lbs in five months. More importantly, I feel better than I have in years. No more pain and no more meds! I feel like a brand new person. You get as much out of this whole process as you put in, so just stick with what your doc and nutritionist tell you, get in your Water and Protein and the positive results will come.
  2. I'm five months out as well and like you have been really limiting my intake. My NUT says that sweet potatoes at this stage are OK, although only after Protein. I haven't tried them yet, however. I am slowly starting to expand my food repertoire as I really am getting tired of a a very limited range of foods so far (made even more limited by my sensitivity to lots of foods post surgery). It's worked well and I am happy with my results, but I know that in order to be successful further on, I will need to expand the types of food what I am eating. Good luck!
  3. What a marvelous and thoughtful post. You have achieved so much and I aspire to have your attitude when I am two or three years down the road. Thanks for inspiring us and showing s how it should be done! I pray your hopes for 2016 to be even more fulfilling than 2015 comes true for all of us!
  4. Congratulations on all you have achieved and overcome! Thanks so much for sharing - your words are inspiring and helpful to those of us who are much newer in the game. Your words make it clear how far we all have to travel travel on this journey. Good luck in reaching your goal n 2016 and sorting out the remaining issues!
  5. fernandfj

    lessons learned at 9 months out

    Thanks so much for sharing your experiences and insights! Congrats on being nine months out and on your determination and self awareness. Having those qualities is a key to succeeding. I am still in the free fall stage, but I am worried about what will happen when maintenance comes and when my picky sleeve starts tolerating more and more foods. We will all eventually have lapses - we are human, after all! What makes the difference between a lapse and a course change is attitude. And your attitude seems to indicate that you will get right back on course. Good luck and keep us posted!
  6. fernandfj

    Weight Gain 3 days post op?

    It's IV weight gain - don't fret. Most surgeons load you up with IV liquids after surgery to make sure you are hydrated, knowing that getting in liquids the first 48-72 hours after surgery can be difficult. Stick with the recommendations given you for Protein and Water and the weight will right itself. This is a long process and you will lose your weight at the rate your body dictates - no faster or slower. You will be OK!
  7. fernandfj

    Christmas wishes

    So, it's Christmas eve. AT this time of year, I send more time reviewing what happened over the past twelve months. It's been an incredible journey for me, going from really being depressed about my state of health to beyond hopeful after dropping over 100 lbs. No present is better than what I have given myself with the surgery and the work afterwards - a brighter, healthier future. I;m very happy and thankful for that. I also seem to be getting over the testosterone rage from all the testosterone flooding my system after the fat loss. The past few weeks I have calmed down,and I thank God my wife had the patience to ride out this storm with me. Now I look forward to what will come in 2016 and beyond. I will look at my family this Christmas and be thankful that I will be around longer to enjoy them. What a great gift! I wish everyone a wonderful holiday season and a bright and joyous, and much lighter, 2016!
  8. fernandfj

    Note to self: Don't be so competitive!

    I know exactly how you feel! I finally had to stop myself from looking at other;s stats and focusing on how far I've come. Also, the suggestion above about NSVs is dead on. The numbers don't mean as much as dropping 14 pant sizes and 4 shirt sizes! That is an incredible accomplishment. Even more impressive are the health benefits you list. You are kicking butt, my friend!
  9. fernandfj

    No longer in "Mommy Jeans"

    CONGRATS!!! It's an amazing feeling to see those waist numbers shrink! The other day I looked in the mirror and for the first time in years my chest was actually bigger than my gut!
  10. fernandfj

    So disappointed :(

    The first week or two is not easy. Your body is sore, you are weak from getting used to lower calories, and you are uncertain about what will happen. Stick to the program, get in your Protein and Water, and just wait - positive results will come. You are in for a life long marathon, not a sprint, so just take it slow and easy. It will get much, much better!
  11. I was sleeved five months ago and if I eat too quickly, too much or something too fatty, the slime comes. If it goes on for too long, you lose you food as well. It only happens a few times however, as you quickly learn what to do and how much to eat. I've learned to sample new food and if no reaction happens within about ten to fifteen minutes, I know I can eat it. I have also learned to eat slowly and to stop eating before I reach my max capacity.
  12. Almost 5 months out, feeling great and 101 lbs down! Before - 350 lbs. Nov 2014 After - Dec 2015 250 lbs.
  13. I have been using the Now Foods whey Protein isolate available on Amazon. I found it when searching for unflavored Proteins. It mixes well in my morning smoothies and is cheaper than many unflavored alternatives.
  14. fernandfj


    That is incredible! Congrats on a wonderful achievement and for paving the way for those of us behind you!
  15. fernandfj

    Male Before and After Pictures

    @@Dub - great post! How do you post pictures!
  16. fernandfj

    Male Before and After Pictures

    What an inspiration thread! Congrats to everyone for the great success and God Speed for the future I am a week short of five months out form my surgery and my life has changed. I can move, I am off meds. I feel better than I have in years. I am down from a 50 waist to a 38; 2XL (snug) to L (fits loose) in shirts; 100 lbs overall! The journey has had its ups and down, and I am blessed to be supported by a wonderful and (very tolerant) wife! It has been so worth everything! here go the pics: Before - Nov 2014, 350+ lbs Dec 2015 - 247 lbs
  17. fernandfj

    Did you say "what did I do" !

    I questioned what I had done the first few days, but as the weight came off and I felt better, the regret ended. Now at almost 5 months out and 100 lbs down, I know it was the wisest decision I ever made regarding my health!
  18. fernandfj

    Almost down 100!

    Hard to believe it's almost been twenty weeks since my surgery and I am down 99.2 lbs from my high weight prior to the pre-op diet! I am having a hard time with food, as more and more things seem to upset my stomach. I still do best with rare and raw meats, but how much carpaccio and sashimi can you eat before you can't stand it anymore? I even purchased a meat grinder to start grinding my own fresh meat to make raw kibbeh and beef tartare! I know many find the thought of raw beef overwhelming but it sits best n my stomach and any day I can avoid returning my food is a victory. My surgeon says that this stage will last a month or two more, and I can't wait until I can eat a greater variety of things. Lots of NSVs the past few weeks. I have dropped over 10 inches in pants waist sizes and I'm now using L shirts and they fit loosely! I get pulled aside at work all the time by people telling me how great I look after the weight loss. I did this to be healthy again, but the positive reinforcement is wonderful! I am having trouble however keeping up with my exercises. I have gone from 7 days a week to 3 but I've added strength training with resistance bands in addition to my cardio work out. I actually feel guilty when I go two or three days without exercise! Now I just need to turn my guilt to action and get back to a good exercise rhythm. I also can't shake my compulsion to weigh daily. I am dutifully recording what I eat on myfitnesspal.com and that seems to ease my obsession with weight and I recently went away for a week and did not weigh myself but right after I came back I'm at it again daily!☹️ Life is good right now and I am still really happy I did this. My wife remains my biggest fan and supporter and I know that I could not have come as far as I have without her! Tomorrow I have my monthly check in with my nutritionist and we'll see how that goes. She is co concerned that my weight loss is too fast and I may be losing more muscle mass than she'd like. We'll see what she says tomorrow. I am happy with the weight loss and know that I am in better shape now than I have been in many years.
  19. fernandfj

    Decaf coffee

    I've been drinking decaf since about three months out, but only sporadically. It hasn't been a problem. But as in so many things it depends on the individual. Your always better off talking to your surgeon and nutritionist to get their input and then make an informed decision to try or not. Good luck!
  20. fernandfj

    100 Pounds Down

    congratulations! You're doing great!!!!!
  21. fernandfj

    Anthem BCBS OH please help

    BCBS is difficult to deal with - at least it was for me. I submitted alt the necessary information per their brochure. I was then asked for more information and when I questioned it they said they would review again. It took a month, but then they turned around and approved (It was the federal BCBS program). It's so confusing that you have no idea what is needed - which I think is the plan all along. I stuck with it and prevailed, but it was not easy and frustrating.
  22. fernandfj

    6 months post op

    AMAZING!!! Congratulations and thanks for the inspiration!
  23. My wife has been my biggest support and fan throughout the process. My weight has yo-yo'd throughout our marriage and she has always worried about my health. We pledged that we would do what was necessary to be with each other into old age, and I dropped the ball the last few years as my weight ballooned. She stuck with me, and I think she is happier about my weight loss and lifestyle changes than I am! I could not have come as far as I have without her. I am blessed that my marriage has always been strong and loving, and we have been through a lot and always emerged stronger. My undertaking the surgery and making the lifestyle changes has demonstrated my commitment to a better, more active life for us in the future and that has strengthened us even more. It is important to realize that the dramatic changes that come as a result of WLS will affect everything and everyone around you. If you embrace that change it can be transformative.
  24. Congrats!!! I guess it takes our brains a while to catch up to what we have done. But it's good to enjoy what you have achieved and how you got there. I understand where you are coming from, however. I look in the mirror and I recognize that I have lost weight, but I feel I have a long way to go. My wife and doc can't understand how I don't see my progress. I do, it's just that I also have a goal in mind and that is what I am striving for. Congrats on how very far you have come and good luck in achieving your goal!

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