I almost didn't remember, and then at some point today it hit me: It's been two years since I had gastric sleeve surgery. Two years since I woke in post-op, so sleepy and sore and full of hope for a better life.
And two years later, as I'm still learning how to be a person who is 147 lbs in this world instead of 264, I hit a new milestone. In Crossfit this morning, during a workout meant for the public at large (read: not just hard-core Crossfit types), I outran a number of people who are considerably younger and fitter than me. It wasn't a competition and by no means do I feel superior, but it was a small personal victory all the same.
Because two years ago, I couldn't have run a single 100 meter without getting winded. And just a year and a half ago when I first started Crossfit, I would have walked a good portion of this workout. And here I was, still "overweight" via BMI and in my early 40s, crushing a workout that was challenging to 20-somethings.
So cheers to two years out. And to an even better three, and four, and beyond.
Let's crush it.