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Gastric Bypass Patients
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About Lemon109

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  1. Okay-I admit it. I'm completely Facebook illiterate. How do I get to the group once I am logged in? I couldn't find it yesterday.
  2. Lemon109

    Scared. Having second thoughts.

    @Summermonkey. That is so funny....that's exactly what made up my mind. I've been gaining and losing the same 5 pounds for two months!
  3. Lemon109

    Scared. Having second thoughts.

    @TWeb. Surgery is a big decision and like any major life change, you have to consider lots of things. I had the same question about whether or not I should just be trying harder. What I decided was to commit to doing the six months that my insurance requires in preparation for surgery approval. After about four months I knew my answer. It was a tough decision for me, I thought about a lot of things. I think what you are going through is pretty typical. Keep thinking, keep trying....you don't have to make a decision right away. My thought was I wasn't committed until I climbed onto the surgery table! Good luck on your journey.
  4. Lemon109

    Scared. Having second thoughts.

    I understand. It's hard to think about losing the place you've always held with your family and friends. It's scary to think about what is unknown at this point. Think of how many things you will discover about yourself that you never realized before and how everyone will enjoy discovering them with you. If your family or friends are anything like mine, they'll still ask those questions and ask you to make things. The only thing you have to lose is all those unhealthy pounds, revealing the new you. You've come this far and you are strong and brave. You can be brave and scared. You can do this!
  5. @aunttraci You are moving right along aren't you? Sorry about the C-Pap....the sleep apnea might resolve following surgery...that would be a great thing!
  6. Lemon109

    Birthday Cake

    @Indieflicker-What about a low-carb chiffon cake? Try boomerinas.com for one that uses some artificial ingredients but doesn't seem so bad.
  7. So I met with the Dietician yesterday at the Bariatric Center.....she said their office requires patients to only use Protein formulas that are whey/soy isolate only.....no concentrate at all. Does Premier Protein have whey concentrate in it? She also said no bananas, ever. Too starchy. She was wonderful though, answered all the questions that I had and didn't talk down to me at all. I hate when that happens. Just because I have a question doesn't mean that I need to be treated like a toddler. Definitely worth the trip into the city. She did said she prefers when patients use a "meal replacement" like Bariatric Advantage instead of just a Protein Drink....the Meal Replacement ones have Fiber in them which keeps you full longer. When I told her that I only found a few that I liked and they were just Protein powder, she suggested adding benefiber. Maybe I'll give the Bariatric Advantage another shot. I've been buying single serving packs of stuff to try out. To me, the Bariatric Advantage tastes like foam. Does anyone else get that from it? In regards to Vitamins, the BA ones are okay and get everything in them. I tried the Celebrate ones (and the $3 is worth it, they give you almost one of everything) but for some reason the chewable multivitamin burns my throat. I like the ones from Bariatric fusion...both the chewable and the soft chews. I also like BA's chewable Calcium in the cinnamon flavor. It's like a softer version of a Certs for those old enough to remember those . So here's the weird thing. She won't go over the post-op stuff until two weeks before the surgery. I suppose it's because people will forget if they do it sooner but it's frustrating. I'd like to order vitamins so I don't have to order everything at once (those suckers are expensive!) but I guess I'll just have to wait. I haven't really ordered any big packages of protein powders yet....I've seen so many posts about tastes changing and things getting too sweet that I've hesitated. I know what I like now (unjury chocolate splendor and strawberry sorbet and Syntrax nectar grapefruit and lemonade)....what does everyone else like? Any recommendations for a plain powder to add to foods? I haven't tried any of those yet. This is really happening isn't it? It's a little surreal to me.
  8. Lemon109

    Holiday Hell

    @dancingqueene...what a great plan for Thanksgiving! Enjoy every moment of the love and support of your friends and family. You'll do great! @chasingchloee....I betting the first one is going to be the hardest and then it will get easier and easier. You've got this!
  9. I've been waiting too! I'm tentatively scheduled for November 9th. I'm kinda excited....but it's a big change and that makes me a little anxious. I'm not such a good transitioner but I love change. Much like exercise, it's the getting there that is the hard part for me. I've scheduled an extra appointment with the dietician for tomorrow because I can't wait until two weeks before surgery to have all the ins and outs explained. Doesn't leave much time for planning, I think I'm skipping this year's holidays <smile> Too many Italians, too much temptation...
  10. Lemon109

    Holiday Hell

    Would pureed turkey and a little gravy to make it slide right down work? You can have a spoon of mashed potatoes or sweet potatoes with it.....that being said, I informed my family I won't be coming at all. Strangely, they weren't too upset-LOL. Oh well, most of them aren't in favor of the surgery anyway.
  11. Lemon109

    I'm new here.

    Welcome....and congratulations on both the upload and the weight loss Your weight loss really shows already....good job! It will just keep getting better and better!
  12. That's a really good idea!
  13. Good morning everyone. What is your favorite Isopure liquid flavor? I tried orange as that is my go to fruit flavor but I could only drink a sip and then it had to go.
  14. Hello everyone. I have a question about walking up and down stairs. Was this something that you could manage when you went home from the hospital? I am planning to move next month into an old city row house that has three floors and really steep stairs up to the second and third floor. Also, any thoughts on that first week after surgery when you live alone? Thanks so much for sharing your experiences, it really helps!
  15. Lemon109

    Infused Water

    I really like strawberry-kiwi fruit infusion. I just cut up a strawberry, add a couple of slices of kiwi fruit, muddle them a little and add Water. Sometimes I put it in a small pitcher and strain it as it comes out but I love the way the slices of fruit look floating in my water. If it looks good, I want it more

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
