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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by notforthefaint

  1. well folks...it has been a while...like a long while but I figured wth? might as well post an update!

    I am officially 6 years post op.

    My current weight is at 188

    I never did hit my "goal" weight but honestly totally fine with that, I still maintain that this surgery was the BEST thing I EVER did for myself.

    Working on ditching 23lbs but overall?

    Thrilled to be where I am at.

    For any of you new folks...don't give up! You got this! xxxooo

    2021-06-23 09.07.46.jpg

  2. UPDATE time! been a long long time since I have been in here.

    So it's safe to say it's about time!

    TODAY I am Officially 1 year and 5 months out today.
    WOW! the time sure is zipping by! seems so odd to see that typed out!

    let's hit those stats!
    Starting weight 251
    Surgery day weight 238.8
    Weight today – 180 (I had gained for the holidays and I was at 188 on January 1st)
    Total current loss – 71 lbs
    Goal weight - 135
    DREAM goal weight - 125

    So what have I been doing? or not doing?

    wellllllllll for starters after SCREAMING when I saw the scale on January 1st I reigned myself and Sylvia (my stomach) back in and got back to the basics and back on track!!
    What does that mean for me?
    means Protein Protein protein FIRST
    seems like the simplest of things and yet why do we stray?
    because we just fucking do, that's why! hahaha so yeah I have been keeping my carbs under 100 grams a day (I actually try for under 50 but give myself the leeway)
    Water Water and more water and yes I STILL struggle with this and I still use the hydrocoach app but I tend to ignore it. not good.
    (however working out has certainly helped me get water in!)
    tracking in MyFitnessPal
    I have been able to work out hard for the first time since my accident in June! I joined Orange Theory Fitness and I am loving it! It's not easy but I feel it's efficient, motivating and I love that I know exactly how many calories I have burned. I also joined their weight loss challenge so it's a good way for me to be accountable since I have to go a minimum of 3 times a week to stay in the contest. I have been averaging 4 times a week! woot woot!
    I also went back to using my wean green jars for food (pictured below) they are six ounce jars and the perfect portion size. If it doesn't fit in there then it's too fucking much and I ain't eating it! LOL!
    also stopped eating those horribly yet wonderfully addictive wasabi rice crackers! those crunchy spicy little fuckers were going to kill me and Sylvia if I didn't stop!
    I also have released myself from the obligation of always cooking. I am tired of tossing food in the bin, it makes me feel incredibly guilty (having parents that were born in 196/1933 doesn't help that guilt) so instead I have been shopping a lot at the Italian market by my house, they do a lot of premade items that are GREAT including seared ahi tuna and they also make zoodles which I LOVE! So I find I am eating different stuff (which keeps me entertained) and I am not wasting food which is good.

    What else is going on?
    this past month at the end turned surprisingly and unexpectedly stressful for me and my son when my ex-husband informed me he is moving out of FL to MA. I was pretty upset because that greatly impacts my son and if any of you know me at all you know that my son is my EVERYTHING he is my why and even typing that out put tears in my eyes. The good part of it...I didn't OVEREAT out of stress. That is really a fucking miracle!! Because no one pisses me off or spins me into a rage quite like my ex-husband and the stupid selfish shit that he does. I am happy to say it seems we have somewhat come to an agreement that will work and hopefully over the next two months it will all get finalized. I just want my son to be ok and I know it's not going to be easy on him.

    let's see...what else?

    I realized that I still identify with the fat person. In the gym I see the big girl or guy and I think, that's me...but it's not.
    not anymore.
    It's so weird.
    Sorta goes hand in hand with shopping and picking up items that are WAY too big yet I think they'd fit me.
    Not sure how long it will take to sort that out in my head but I am working on it.
    I actually want to run up to every overweight person I see and SCREAM YOU DON'T HAVE TO FEEL THAT WAY anymore!! YOU CAN CHANGE IT!!! but I know they have to be the person to have that epiphany. I know in my heart that this is the best thing that I have ever ever ever done for myself (other than having my son) and the only regret I have is that I could have done it sooner.
    I do plan on making up for lost time, that is for sure.

    So keep at it my fellow sleevers, we are on a mission and it's a good one! Don't give up. EVER because I sure as hell don't plan on giving up.

  3. I know exactly how you feel but I bet just like me you don't plan on stopping till you get where you are going!!! :) Congratulations on your one year surgiversary and kudos on the hard work!!

    I am one year out today with a total loss since start of journey of 65Lbs. I too am on the slow loser side but am so happy to have lost what I have and looking forward to losing about 30-40 lbs more in the next year! I would like to say it has been easy, but I would be lying. It is a struggle even with the restriction to eat how I should and keep going towards the prize. I keep reminding myself that the sleeve is just a tool and that the other pieces (exercise and eating right) also have to be in place to be successful! I also go to a weekly weight loss program to weigh in and hold myself accountable and that has been so very helpful to me. The meeting at the program discusses exercise, nutrition and emotional aspects of weight loss. I am so happy to have had the surgery and lost the weight and looking forward to keeping those 65 lbs off and have some more weight join those 65 lbs!

  4. good luck! you are well on your way!

    Alright September 29er here. Getting anxious, spending most of my time at work not working. Started liquids a week ago tomorrow and am down 11#'s so happy about that. Liquids haven't really been a problem, lightly cheated a handful of times mainly with unsalted peanuts. I did my pre-op class yesterday and did all my hospital registration so this time next week I should be a big ole ball of nerves. Happy that my surgeon doesn't do a catheter, not so happy about the 7 days of self injected blood clot medicine. Good think my wife is a nurse and can handle that for me. Plan on enjoying a last day in the pool with the kids.

    SW: 374

    CW: 366

    GW1: 250

    GW2: 225

    I'm 6'-2"

  5. So I went for my 1 year surgery follow up yesterday and I am happy to say that my surgeon and bariatric nurse are both thrilled with my progress! Blood work is on point! My Protein, sugars, D's and B's are perfection! Iron is a bit low but we knew that already! I've still got 50 or so to go but I'll get there!! Thanks to my surgeon Jason Radecke for being the best fairy-god father a girl could ask for! ♡♡♡

    Down a little over 70 lbs.

    I am a slow loser and I am not complaining!

    Here is to another fantastic year and best of luck to all the 2016 September Sleevers!!


    Today is my one year surgiversary. I've lost over 100 pounds and have settled in at about 215 for a while now.

    There have been a lot of positive changes this past year:

    - I no longer take any diabetic meds after taking these meds for 15 years.

    - I no longer crave fast food and can't remember the last time I ate fast food.< /span>

    - I go to the gym almost daily and no longer huff and puff after cardio exercise.

    - I bought a kayak and have been paddle boarding.

    - I have a new girlfriend (maybe I should have listed this one first :) )

    - My dog is now at a healthy weight now that he gets longer walks.

    The only negatives were related to higher costs for my medical deductible and for all of the new clothes that I have had to buy. Well worth it though.

  7. The brand for both the bars and the shakes is Proti and it's not an option to switch

    :( I talked to the nutritionist today and she suggested I try freezing it and then chipping it off to eat it. I'm going to try that today and see if I can manage that. 3.5 days down, 10.5 to go!

    Got ya! 10 days in the grand scheme of things is tiny. Just remember that and hang in there the best you can!

  8. Morning! my first question for you would be what shakes are you drinking? and what bars?

    some are far sweeter than others.

    some I can't or couldn't eat at all.

    I wouldn't worry so much about getting them all in, if you can't then you can't.

    do make sure you are getting in all of your Water

    perhaps even try watering down the shakes too so they aren't as sweet?

    I'm scheduled for September 2/16!! I'm on day 3 of my 2 week pre-op liquid diet and struggling. I'm having a hard time getting the sweet shakes and sweet Protein bars down and my pre op diet only includes shakes, bars, Water and one cup of tea or coffee a day. So far, I haven't been able to actually get all 3 shakes and 2 bars down each day. Hoping that isn't going to be a problem when I go for my one week pre op appointment. Anyone else having trouble with the sweetness?!

    I'm excited though. And nervous. But mostly excited!!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  9. I am told that surgery for me is end of September middle October. Had behavior class yesterday found out they lost my letter of support so they are looking for it and psychological guy has me down as I reschedule evaluation when I didn't do all my work is done once they find that stuff they will send my stuff to my insurance

    Sent from my HTC Desire 610 using the BariatricPal App

    Just hang in there! They will figure it out!

  10. trust me it seems to slow down and then it goes REALLY fast!! hahaha

    I wish you the best of luck on your journey!

    Hello All, I have Aetna insurance and just finish my last weight check appointment on Friday August 5th. I am currently just waiting for my insurances approval for the surgery. I am hoping for a surgery date of 09/19-09/21, but will just be thankful for anything close or after that date. I am very excited and it feels like these days have definitely SLOWED down.

    Best of luck to you ALL!

  11. That is aswesome! so happy for you! My surgery date was Sept. 3rd my son's Birthday is Sept. 1st!

    If you'd like I run a secret Facebook group.

    We are a small group but absolutely fantastic support.

    If you want to be added send me an instant message with your facebook email and I can send you an invite!

    We have people in all stages in our group so you can get all kinds of great advice and help!

    Good luck on your journey!!!

    September 1st! I'm so excited! They put me on a three week pre op diet which I start next Thursday!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  12. 11 Months today.

    Let’s hit those stats:
    Starting weight 251
    Surgery day weight 238.8
    Weight today – 182
    Total loss – 69lbs

    I don’t know where to begin so I am just going to ramble on and see where I wind up.
    I am coming up on one year and I am very happy with my progress.
    69lbs is pretty fucking nifty.
    Did I think I’d be further along, sure but did I ever really think I’d get “here”?
    Honestly, no.
    I mean I hoped that I did but I still look at the # on the scale and find it hard to believe that it’s correct.
    I still try on clothes that are too big for me when I am shopping.
    Yet it is and that just thrills me to bits!!!
    I am not done or completed yet.
    I will continue to work and make the effort.
    It’s not easy and I am ok with that.
    I am willing to put in the work and the effort.
    There are certainly days when I want a cupcake (and I mean a good one) but I’ll physically feel like shit and the thrill certainly doesn’t last as long as I’d like it to.
    So I seek my thrills elsewhere.
    I am happy to be back to yoga, it’s been awhile.
    That stupid car accident threw me for a bit of a loop and although I’d love to be hitting the weights I know right now just isn’t the best time for that.
    Instead I have been doing 90 minutes of Vinyasa twice a week, walking a lot (I mean really a lot, my son and I play Pokémon Go) and I am going to go back to my squat/ab challenge tonight.
    I really want to push myself to hit my surgeon’s first goal which is 175.
    I am only 7 lbs away.
    What I’d really like to do is blow PAST that but all I can do is try.
    What frustrates me at 11 months out? That my BMI is 32.2 and I am still considered “obese”. What the fuck!!! LOL.
    But I realize that it’s obese for “me” and my height and where I am now and where I will be.
    I realize I didn’t think this was ever going to be a quick fix.
    I realize that I am more than halfway to my goal.

    Here’s to next month…holy crap 1 year surgiversary here I come!!!!

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