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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by KindaFamiliar

  1. KindaFamiliar

    Almost 3 Months Post-op and Surprise...

    Congrats ladies!!! And also, well done to the gents who managed to shoot and score!!! Kinda...
  2. KindaFamiliar

    Letting fat self go...

    Do you have to let your ‘fat self’ go? You are still her. She is still you. You’re the same, real person. Her memories are your memories. Her fears, your fears. Hopes, dreams, likes, dislikes… All shared. That part of you hasn’t changed. What’s changed is your ability to do something about those fears, hopes, dreams etc… Fat is what you were, not who you were. Fat didn’t define you. It may have ruled how you were, but it didn’t rule who you were. It may have influenced your decisions, but it didn’t have the final say. It may have been what held you back, but it wasn’t what held you down. It’s only your shell that was fat. Your outer layer. Your physicality. Your brain wasn’t fat. Your mind… Your soul… Not fat. These things remain the same. What’s changed is the vessel in which these things (and more) are contained. Old you versus new you is old shoes versus new shoes. The old shoes are comfortable but they’re not functional. They’re easy to put on and easy to take off but they provide you with no support. The new shoes are clean, shiny and look really good. They’re not tarnished with years of wear. They don’t have the mark on them from being kicked and trodden on repeatedly. New shoes take a bit of getting used to, but with a little patience, their true value quickly becomes apparent. Of course, there’s always the option to go back to your old shoes… But when it comes down to it, you know that your heart now belongs to your new shoes. They're the same shoes... They just look different... Of course, this may all be the rambling jibber-jabber of a crazy man… Or I may be using this as an excuse to get some of my own thoughts or insecurities out in the open… But maybe, just maybe, I’m onto something… I guess time will tell… And @@bellabloom Time is something that you've given yourself... Apologies if this entire post makes no sense... Kinda..
  3. - How long ago was your procedure? Feb 25 2015. 7 1/2 months ago - What was your starting BMI and what is it now? Didn't do BMI, but my loss has been approx 150lb to date, which is just over half way to 'target'. I started at over 500 pounds... - if you could magically go back in time and revisit your decision, would you still get the sleeve procedure? Without doubt. The difference I'd make would be to have it sooner.
  4. KindaFamiliar

    Pumpkin Flavored Foods/Drinks

    I don't even like pumpkin flavoured pumpkin...
  5. KindaFamiliar

    Private Fat loss

    Oh crap... That should have read as follows.. "Well, that and Babbs... " My mistake...
  6. KindaFamiliar

    Private Fat loss

    "...you know that's all we talk about over there ;-)" Well, that and boobs...
  7. KindaFamiliar

    Where is everyone from?

    New South Wales, Australia...
  8. KindaFamiliar

    Letting fat self go...

    This is a great post... I'm going to reply... But I'm going to word it correctly so that it makes absolute sense... Give me a while...
  9. KindaFamiliar

    New NSV - Shorts worn

    Pics or it didn't happen!!!! Well done @@lizcan
  10. And please check in and let us know how you go...
  11. KindaFamiliar

    Going back to work after surgery!

    I wasn't... Well, not in the 12 months leading up to surgery.. I was inactive at work, after work, etc... And also, I was 500+ pounds... So I really didnt have a lot working in my favour...
  12. KindaFamiliar

    Going back to work after surgery!

    I'm similar to @@liannatx High pain tolerance and fast healer... I was 3 days in hospital (Op on Wed-Discharged on Saturday morning)... Then another week off work... However, I really could have gone back to work after the weekend of my discharge.. Everyone is gonna be different... Just remember, it's major surgery... Take your surgeon's advice... They tend to know their stuff... Good luck to you @@haleymarie
  13. KindaFamiliar

    Private Fat loss

    What a way this has been to start my working week... It's 0915, I've been at work for three hours and I've done nought but laugh... You guys/girls are pretty f****ng outstanding...
  14. "I feel pretty... Oh so pretty...":|

    1. Daisee68


      And with a sense of humor - you have that in spades! :)

    2. KindaFamiliar


      Yeah.. I do, don't I...

    3. ShrinkingPeach


      A sense of humor goes a looong way!


    4. Show next comments  165 more
  15. @@Dub All the best to you mate... Exciting times ahead for sure... I'm not sure about the whole nekkid thing tho... Aren't you guys coming into winter there? Good luck to you.. Kinda...
  16. KindaFamiliar

    Private Fat loss

    Bat wings, mud flaps, labia, mons, various forms of animal joints, Kegels, humps, tight lady parts, thrusting and pounding, clitoral stimulation, flabby vagis and shrunken nether regions... See what happens when I leave you people alone for the weekend!!!
  17. "Don't you know that all my heroes died..." - These Days (Bon Jovi)

  18. I'm 5ft 11 and weighed in at 500+ pounds... If I didn't buy two tickets I would always asked (if possible) if they could 'block out' the seat next to me. This was rarely an issue... Having said that, I'm in Australia so things might be different there...
  19. Up until my most recent fight, I've always used the seat belt extensions that were available... For my flight a couple of weeks ago, I didn't need them...
  20. KindaFamiliar


    Just a previosuly posted pic of my six month progress...
  21. ***New rule - If you're gonna stalk my profile, you've gotta at least say hi...***

  22. KindaFamiliar

    Keep Cheating On 6 Week Pre-Op Diet!

    Pre-surgery, I did a four week, all liquid diet.. Even after that, on the day of the surgery, the surgeon told me that there was no guarantee he'd be able to do the surgery... Fortunately, he was able to complete the sleeve and it's been great since... But there was no way that I was gonna do anything that was against what my surgeon had instructed... There was no way I'd be doing ANYTHING that would decrease the chances of this surgery happening... Yes, the 2/4/6/whatever week pre-surgery diet does suck balls... But hey, if you don't want to do it, you don't gotta... It's YOUR choice... Just like you chose to eat KFC... Now, I reckon that you're probably gonna be ok... But not if you're gonna make shitty choices again... Just remember, these surgeons know their stuff... And, as mentioned by others, any surprises on the day could be the end of everything... So my opinion is as follows... Suck it up and get your shit together... It's a few weeks of discomfort that will result in you having a 'rest of your life'... Good luck with it all.. Keep us posted.. Kinda..
  23. KindaFamiliar

    Bored at work

    @@Margie122 I think you've answered your query with the final two words of your post... No, I'm not judging or anything like that. My point is, you know yourself and your situation better than anyone else. If YOU are saying that you have no excuse then, well, you've no excuse... And by the way... Walking SUX!!! But it's gotta be done... Good luck with it all... Kinda...
  24. "His buttocks are sublime..."

  25. Congratulations and well done!!!! I experienced my first 'seat-belt extension' free flights a couple of weeks ago!!! Sometimes it's not all about what the scales say...

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