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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by KindaFamiliar

  1. KindaFamiliar

    Can't decide. Need your help.

    I think I'd need to see each one on before I could make a decision...
  2. "I don't care if Monday's blue.."

    1. BLERDgirl


      .....It's Friday's I'm in love!

  3. KindaFamiliar

    Somebody in the kitchen across from my office is cooking toast!

    @@Babbs Awwwww... How sweet... @@4MRB4PHOTO Ummmmmmm... Correct...
  4. KindaFamiliar

    Looking for a crispy little snack?

    You had me at 'parmesan'... I'll have a batch whenever you're ready.. Thanx!!
  5. Congratulations to you @@TMM You've definitely come to the right place... The people here are just like a good news show should be... Informative, entertaining and up to date... You'll not know yourself once you've had your surgery.. The lead-up to it may try your patience but it's so worth it!! Just do whatever your surgeon tells you and you'll be sweet as.. Welcome!!
  6. KindaFamiliar

    Somebody in the kitchen across from my office is cooking toast!

    Well then... It seems like me being me has ruffled a few feathers... It's not been my intention to do so.. I'd make apologies if I was actually being anything but myself... But I wasn't.. So I won't...
  7. KindaFamiliar

    Weight loss: Left Vs Right

    If I don't concentrate, I end up walking in circles... Dominant side is my right. Unless I'm... Well... Let's just leave it at that...
  8. KindaFamiliar

    Somebody in the kitchen across from my office is cooking toast!

    @@Babbs "I guess I don't really like you after all" Oh...
  9. KindaFamiliar

    Anorexia treatment :(

    @@bellabloom I've no idea what it must be like to go thru such a thing.. I can but imagine.. As such, I've nothing to say that could be of any use to you.. However, I wish you nothing but the best and I truly hope that it can be all of the help that you need.. You've made a very big decision and of that you should be well proud.. Take care...
  10. KindaFamiliar

    Somebody in the kitchen across from my office is cooking toast!

    @@Babbs So it's not my rugged good looks or my rapier wit? What about my charm? No? It's just my accent??
  11. You enjoy it @@Elode I don't so the whole Halloween thing anyway... It's not big here in Australia like it is in the States... So I don't have the temptation ... Plus, I have will power...
  12. KindaFamiliar

    Somebody in the kitchen across from my office is cooking toast!

    "He's a cur. I'm dead serious. I don't like snarky people." "Here's a serious question, nothing to do with the cur or his friggin' toast or the swill which he spreads upon it." Does anyone else get the feeling that @@WLSResources/ClothingExch may have a little crush on KindaFamiliar... Is anyone else getting the same feeling?
  13. Tomorrow's song will be dedicated to you @@Elode And you'll love it... But alas, I'll not be doing the liquids this week... Another week tho, I'm in... Maybe the 5 days leading up to Christmas...
  14. KindaFamiliar

    Music to sweat to...

    G'day all.. Just a question for you regular exercise type folk out there.. Is it weird that I'm setting myself musical goals in the exercise department? Let me explain... I've been concentrating on weights and muscle retention since I got gutted.. I've not been too concerned with 'fitness' because of my size... (For those who don't know, I started out at over 500 pounds - 255kg was actually heaviest ever) Anyway, as my fitness was S**T, I decided to change the way of setting my goals as far as time spent doing cardio goes... I started by finding a playlist on my Spotify that was about an hour long. I came up with Green Day's Bullet In a Bible album. (1h 4mins 56secs).. I jumped on the stationery cycle, pressed 'play' and off I went... American Idiot came and went, no worries... I was flying along until about half way thru Jesus of Suburbia when all of a sudden, I was done.. And I mean done!! I managed to struggle my way thru to the end of the song and this became my minimum... Now, at this time, I wasn't looking at how long each track was or anything too technical like that... I just knew that tomorrow, I had to get further than the end of Jesus of Suburbia before I was allowed to finish.. A few tomorrows came and went, as did Holiday, Are We the Waiting and St. Jimmy, and suddenly I was up to 25 minutes.. Still I had no idea how long I was actually cycling for, but I was setting, and reaching, my goals each day... Well, Longview, Hitchin' a Ride, Brain Stew and Basket Case all became daily cycling songs over the ensuing couple of weeks... And then Monday came... A new week... A new target... King for a Day/Shout was to be my next victim.. Yep, all 8mins and 47secs of it... I was aiming to increase my cardio by over 20% without easing off on the resistance... So away I went... Now, this song isn't the slowest around... And for someone who dabbles in drumming, the challenge was to keep pace with the beat of the song... For the love of God, who made this rule??!??!?! Well, I survived... I'm not sure how... In fact, today I not only survived thru King for a Day/Shout, but I also managed to leave Wake Me Up When September Ends in my considerable wake... So all of this means two things... 1. This morning I rode the stationery bike for 52mins 27secs without taking a break. For a guy that still weighs around 370pounds, that's some kick-arse kinda s**t... 2. I only have Minority, Boulevard of Broken Dreams and Good Riddance (12mins 29secs total) before Bullet In A Bible officially becomes my bitch... Good Riddance hey? Kinda fitting, don't you think... Thanx for reading...
  15. KindaFamiliar

    Sleeve restriction Question....

    Firstly, I'm no doctor/surgeon, however, my experience was... Yes, feeling less restriction is probably normal. Remember, you've had major surgery, so you've more than likely been quite swollen on the inside. At day 8, a lot of the swelling has likely subsided, leaving you more room for sustenance. Learning when you're full (or when you're just about full) can take some time. I'm eight months out and still have trouble with this on occasion. For now, eat slowly, chew well and eat slowly (yes, I said it twice)... The best way to get started on the new habits is simply to start. There's no magic trick or any such thing. You've just gotta do it... It's the best way!! Good luck to you @ Keep us updated as to how you're going... Kinda
  16. KindaFamiliar

    Remind why I don't want to be fat...

    The title of your post says "Remind why..." So I'm gonna focus on that rather than its content... Being fat is ****... It hurts Knee pain Ankle pain Sick in the stomach That irritating thing that happens with your lower back every now and then I’m sure you know the one Well, they all happen because we’re fat… Being fat is shit… It's expensive How much do (did) we spend on take-away food? What about when we (I) have to go to the ‘big and tall’ section/shop/website just to get a plain old black polo shirt And then they want to charge you (me) $50 for it What about the extra seat on a plane These things happen because we’re fat… Being fat is shit… It’s embarrassing The sideways looks The snickers from strangers (no, not the chocolate) What about the lady here in Australia yesterday, who sought, and was granted, an official apology from an airline because as she boarded the plane, the air hostess asked her for her medical certificate. The woman asked why she needed a medical certificate… She was then told that pregnant women need a medical certificate to fly She wasn’t pregnant This happened because she was fat (and because the air hostess was an arse!!) Being fat is shit… It’s unhealthy A healthy person doesn’t tire or get puffed from walking up a single flight of stairs A healthy person doesn’t work up a sweat whilst drying themselves after a shower They don’t have to choose their restaurants based on the type of chair that is there That kinda stuff happens if you’re fat Of course, I’m not saying that all, or any, of these things apply to you But you were looking for reminders of why you don’t want to be fat I’ve now given you a few And they’re just the tip of the iceberg…
  17. "She sits alone by a lamppost... Tryin' to find a thought that's escaped her mind..."

    1. Ashlegal


      I just run my hands through her dark hair...

    2. KindaFamiliar
  18. KindaFamiliar

    Before and after

    @@jackiemc1987 What a fantastic job you're doing and have done... Your achievements thus far are just incredible... Congratulations to you, and thank you so very much for sharing your pics.. Amazing...
  19. KindaFamiliar

    Somebody in the kitchen across from my office is cooking toast!

    @@Victoria Mora Woooohooooo!!! Another Vegemite kid... Ex-chef here as well... I've no idea how you could do it and lose weight at the same time.. More power to you!!! @@WLSResources/ClothingExch Haven't you heard? I'm the total package!! So there's plenty more where that came from...
  20. KindaFamiliar

    Head Hunger

    @@Rebeccaabrooks86 The 'head hunger' you're experiencing is perfectly normal (in my experience)... I'm not sure what others did but I just suffered thru them and they end up going away... I still get cravings, but I think that's different from the 'head hunger'... Of course, others may have different strategies or opinions, but I really did find that this passes (or you just get used to it). Maybe you just come here and vent when you think you're gonna crack... There's a whole lot of support in here just waiting to be given... Take care... Kinda...
  21. KindaFamiliar

    Somebody in the kitchen across from my office is cooking toast!

    @WLSResources/ClothingExchYes, it's the same guy who made the declaration... And i've stuck to it... Want and have are two different things... And yes, you're too American to try anything different... I'll certainly not argue with that...
  22. KindaFamiliar

    Music to sweat to...

    @@Ashlegal Contemplation is a great place to start... Soon you'll get so used to thinking about it that you just take a leap and do it... I genuinely hope you do... @@heather5565 The towel over the stats screen has been happening since day 1. There's nothing worse than feeling like you've been going for 40mins but when you look it's actually been just 3mins 12secs or something...
  23. KindaFamiliar

    Somebody in the kitchen across from my office is cooking toast!

    How good are you crazy kids... And to think, some people have said that there's a lack of support in this place...
  24. KindaFamiliar

    Somebody in the kitchen across from my office is cooking toast!

    @@Inner Surfer Girl @ Toast that tastes bad?? You ladies obviously don't know the pleasures of Vegemite!!!

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