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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by KindaFamiliar

  1. KindaFamiliar

    Update and Picturessss! :D

    Awwww shucks..
  2. KindaFamiliar

    Update and Picturessss! :D

    Outstanding!!! What a great job you're doing...
  3. KindaFamiliar

    One year out!

    That's what I meant...
  4. KindaFamiliar

    One year out!

    I'm doing my best to not sound like some lecherous perv so just bear that in mind when I say the following... Niiiiiiice...
  5. KindaFamiliar


    Yes, you can eat whatever you like... As an adult, you get to choose what course of action you take... Is it a good thing to eat? Of course not... But you know that...
  6. KindaFamiliar

    Day one of two week pre op diet...

    You'll be fine... The payoff is more than worth the pain...
  7. KindaFamiliar

    SV - Happy Day

    Congratulations to you @@TealSister and well done!!!
  8. KindaFamiliar

    Sad Day

    Like others here, I'm thinking this might not be the negative that it may seem to be... Now you can really focus on you without having to worry about upsetting/ignoring/neglecting someone else... Yes, there'll be hurt and that kinda stuff, but it passes... You're now in a position to get your own shit together... And what a time to have that opportunity.. All the best to you!!!
  9. What a great Christmas present to give yourself... Congratulations on your decision and progress... Like you, I went into my information session thinking Band and came out knowing that Sleeve was the right way to go... Best decision I've EVER made!!! Good luck with your kidney cysts... I hope everything works out for you...
  10. This is normal, everyone goes thru this and you'll be fine... It's that simple... Of course, I'm no doctor/surgeon/mystical seer... And you're having surgery, so there is ALWAYS gonna be the chance of complications... But we've all had the surgery and are all here to tell the tale.. Good luck to you @@losing100# Make sure you keep us updated as you move thru the process..
  11. "Some day... When I'm awfully low..."

    1. KindaFamiliar


      It won't last...

      And I'm ok with that...

    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Now I see. Your screen name refers to your long history of being in the dog house. It's furnished comfortably and to your liking, is it?

    3. KindaFamiliar


      I'll admit to not being the sharpest tool in the shed.

      However, I'm smart enough to have learned the following -

      Never argue with a crazy woman...

      And THAT is the course I'm choosing right now...

    4. Show next comments  150 more
  12. KindaFamiliar

    Things you feel good about?

    Well good luck to you... Make sure to keep us posted here... And don't ever be afraid to ask for advice... There's plenty of experience and most are willing to assist if they can... Even me...
  13. Hoping to "lose a couple of pounds" in the first month is a great way to look at it (in my opinion)... As @@BLERDgirl stated, some people find that they lose very little for whatever reason. It's also a baaaaad idea to compare yourself to anyone else. Each one of us can lose at completely different rates. But as I said, if you're being realistic enough to be happy with any loss in the first month then (I believe) you're setting yourself up quite well...
  14. I have five... Or six... I don't remember now... But they're all small... Except the one where they freed my innards... No pics... I'm a hairy, fat dude...
  15. KindaFamiliar

    Things you feel good about?

    Where are you in the process? What are you looking forward to being able to do? Are you expecting people to treat you differently?
  16. KindaFamiliar

    Things you feel good about?

    As posted in other parts previously... Started at 550+lb Sleeved at 500+lb Estimating I'm currently down approx 170lb How do you feel? I feel better than I have in years. Years!! What are things your doing now that you wouldn't do before? The list is long and involved. Walking on the beach, fishing off the rocks, cycling and many, many more things... Does people treat you better? For the most part, people don't treat me any differently. Perhaps that's because I'm still a fat man. Or perhaps it's because I'm still the same person as I've always been.
  17. KindaFamiliar


    Corn... That is all...
  18. KindaFamiliar

    Weight loss: Left Vs Right

    It doesn't help...
  19. G'day all.. I'm just looking for peoples experiences or thoughts on something I've noticed with me... I'm losing weight MUCH more quickly on the left side of me than on the right. My left shoulder, chest, arm and leg are noticably 'leaner' than my right. The definition in the muscle I built up doing weights prior to my sleeving is much clearer on my left side. In fact, the only place I'm not losing quicker on my left is facially... On may face, the right hand side is less fat than the left. Is anyone else having (or has had) a similar experience?
  20. KindaFamiliar

    Weight loss: Left Vs Right

    @@TMG1980TMG I'll see what I can do about some measurements... I'll send them to you so you can do your calculations, then get back to me with some good advice...
  21. I'm going to offend someone today... I dunno who... I dunno when... But it's coming... I can feel it...

    1. KindaFamiliar



      That didn't take long...


    2. Elode


      I didn't want to let you down!

    3. KindaFamiliar
    4. Show next comments  150 more
  22. I'm one who does 64oz+ each day... The trick is, sip... I have a water bottle at my desk at work... I have one in my gym bag... In my car... On the table next to my couch... Beside my bed... Everywhere I go, I have access to a water bottle... And a couple of spares in the fridge.. Just give them a freshen up each day you'll be sweet...
  23. So... How are you crazy kids going with your liquid week? Have any of you gone postal yet? Or more importantly, has everyone managed to make it to the bathroom in time?
  24. "I guess this time you're really leavin'..."

  25. KindaFamiliar

    Focus sidelined. Feeling stuck.

    That's f*cked up... Stay strong.. I've no other words...

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