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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by KindaFamiliar

  1. KindaFamiliar

    One year and 4 month after pics :)

    I've seen the pic now... Nice job!!!
  2. @@wannaBthinsoon She only does it for the attention...
  3. KindaFamiliar

    Question: Why do I get emoticon when I type "(b)?"

    @@4MRB4PHOTO Oh yeah... That's JUST what I need...
  4. Yep, it could mean all of those things... Or it could mean none of them... You've gotta stop comparing your rate of loss to others... You've lost 25 pounds in two months... 10% of your body weight... There's nothing wrong with that... At that rate, you'll lose 150 pounds in a year... If you keep up your protein, keep up your water and stop stressing about not losing weight, you'll lose weight... I do note, however, that you use such words as "mistakes", "fairly decent" and "cheated"... The more of these words that we can eliminate from our sleeved lives, the more weight we SHOULD lose... My opinion (and it's only my opinion) is that you're doing fine... Relax, keep on top of the right things and your time will come...
  5. KindaFamiliar

    Question: Why do I get emoticon when I type "(b)?"

    KindaFamiliar = Fat all over!!! ((b)(
  6. KindaFamiliar

    Need a piano player

    I've a tattoo that is the sheet music to a section of a song that means something to me... All I did was Google the sheet music for the song and printed it out... Maybe you can just choose a song that suits you and your friend, Google the music, print and go from there...
  7. KindaFamiliar

    One year and 4 month after pics :)

    I can't see the pic (due to the whole restricted internal system for my job type stuff) but the numbers are impressive.. Well done and congratulations to you!!!
  8. On the contrary @@Elode In the event of my mind disappearing completely, you, and you alone, shall be held accountable for my mental passing... Alas, I feel that nobody will even notice the difference between me now and me having lost all faculties... Oh the joys of being me...
  9. KindaFamiliar

    My story...

    @@280journey That's quite a back-story you have... I'll not focus on it tho... It's time for positives... So what I will say is congratulations on making this decision... In a short amount of time, I'm quite sure that this will be something you look back on with so much positivity and joy that you'll not regret anything... Of course, there are still battles ahead for you... But really, these battles are nothing compared to what you've been thru and are nothing compared to where you're going... Welcome to you, and I look forward to seeing your questions, updates, rants etc in the future...
  10. Ok, so I've been keeping up to date with you all and am impressed with your results. So much so that, beginning Monday (Aus time), I'm gonna have a crack at 5 days on liquids.. I'll do my pre-op soups, as I have some left over, along with my protein drinks... I'm happy to allow myself a couple of spoons of yougurt in the evening, but that'll be it.. To all those of you who have done or are doing this, thank you very little for inspiring me to do such a crazy thing...
  11. "She never mentions the word 'addiction'.. In certain company..."

    1. Ashlegal


      Yes, she'll tell you she's an orphan..

      After you meet her family..

    2. KindaFamiliar


      Such a good song...

      I'd like to sing it on stage one day...

  12. KindaFamiliar

    Ok frustrated

    It's a phase... Yes, it's a really shitty phase... But, as others have said, it will pass... I'm not sure about the "go for a walk" thing... To me, that just gives you time to think more about how shitty you feel... I'd be more inclined to suggest something a little more animated/distracting... Hang a punching bag and unleash on it every time you get the food twitches... Put your favourite album on, turn it up loud and put on an impromptu show for the neighbours...(Singing at the top of your voice and dancing around the house is what I mean here, not any other kind of show... ) Stand at your front door and shout obscenities at passers-by like the cranky old man/woman we all knew of in the street where we, or a friend, grew up... Just do something to get you thru that moment, then revert back to your normal, calm, controlled self when the twitch passes...
  13. KindaFamiliar

    Question: Why do I get emoticon when I type "(b)?"

    41 views now... And yes, we're probably all laughing at you at least a little... (
  14. KindaFamiliar

    Somebody in the kitchen across from my office is cooking toast!

    Grilled cheese... I miss you...
  15. KindaFamiliar

    Things you feel good about?

    @@4MRB4PHOTO It's a hell of a journey!!! Thanx very much for the support...
  16. KindaFamiliar


    @@dlappjr It will be if I can get there!!! Thanx for your support mate...
  17. KindaFamiliar

    Weight loss

    Rather than comparing pounds/kilos lost against others, try comparing % of bodyweight or % of weight-to-target... As an example, I've lost over 150lb in eight months, which is great!! However, I still have about 120 or so (numbers are estimates) to go. So, someone who has lost 80lb in the same time but only has 30 to go is MILES ahead of where I'm at... Plus, we ALL lose at different rates.. All I'm saying is stop comparing yourself to others... Just keep doing all the right things and your time will come.. And DO NOT weigh yourself every day!!!
  18. KindaFamiliar

    Somebody in the kitchen across from my office is cooking toast!

    Hahaha.. How convenient...
  19. KindaFamiliar

    Somebody in the kitchen across from my office is cooking toast!

    Of course you can... But then I'd bring up last week's netball championship and tomorrow's first cricket test... There's more to life than rugby...
  20. KindaFamiliar

    Somebody in the kitchen across from my office is cooking toast!

    @@dusky goddess Oooohhhhhh... I do like that kinda talk... Don't stop...
  21. Good on you I say!! If you want to order soup and just drink the broth then you go for it... A lot in your position (me included) would opt to stay at home for a little while but if you're ready to get out there and be social then knock yourself out... More power to you!!
  22. KindaFamiliar


    Oh ok, I'm in... I've been taking a break from weights and am currently doing 1hr cardio per day, Mon-Fri... By the end of the challenge I want to be sitting at the following... Mon - 1hr cardio + 45min weights Tues - 1hr cardio Wed - 1hr cardio + 45min weights Thurs - 1hr cardio Fri - 1hr cardio + 45min weights Sat - 1hr cardio ***EDIT*** I'd also like to pass the 200lb lost threshold by the end of the challenge but that might be pushing it... But let's have a crack anyway!!!
  23. KindaFamiliar

    New body brings new partners -- many new partners

    I read the original post this morning (Aus Time), about two minutes after it was posted... I went to reply but couldn't... I'm quite certain that I have an opinion on this... Alas, I'm not as certain how to express it... I'll try to put it into words once I get home... No doubt you're all excited by the thought of another rambling post from me... Good!!!
  24. "It's quarter to three.. There's no-one in the place... 'Cept you and me..."

    1. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      you and me, so set 'em up, Joe...

      Never to be confused with the Gary U.S. Bonds song.

    2. Ashlegal


      You'd never know it

      But buddy I'm a kind of poet...

  25. KindaFamiliar

    Hello everyone! I am new to this!

    Welcome to you @@Bonnie_isgettingsleeved I just wanted to get in before you hear all sorts of untrue things about me... You may also hear some true things about me... Please disregard them... Anyway, I digress... Welcome to what is the best and most helpful Bariatric thingo forum I've ever visited...

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