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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by KindaFamiliar

  1. KindaFamiliar

    Does protein have to come from shakes?

    Add up the amount of Protein you're getting... Is it sufficient? Compare that to the calories you're consuming... Is your total staying under or around the mark your nutritionist set? Sure, you can get enough protein into you by just consuming dairy products... But is there any point to doing that if it's taking 2500 cal a day to do so? Perhaps you'll just have to suck it up and do your shakes until such time as you can eat some fish or chicken... Yep, the shakes can suck... But it's not forever.. And being fat is so much worse..
  2. "I saw a man down on Lonely Street... A broken man who looked like me..."

    1. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Stop that; you recall the appellation. You were supposed to fall over with laughter. You did, I know it.

    2. Ashlegal


      *insert eyeroll*

    3. KindaFamiliar


      Well, as long as you know it then I guess it doesn't really matter what the real story is...

    4. Show next comments  144 more
  3. KindaFamiliar


    So today I went to the gym at my normal time and did my normal cardio stuff... I'm sitting here at my desk and have just decided that I'm gonna go back this afternoon and do it all over again... That'll be a total of 1000 calories burned up for the day... I think I'm almost back in the zone... Not quite there... I'm on the cusp... Cusping the zone... I think I'll get some "Cusping The Zone" t-shirts printed up... See... I'm an ideas man...
  4. KindaFamiliar

    Surgery Aborted (Please help)...

    Due to my weight, this was a risk that went along with my surgery. It was all about getting enough clearance around the liver to enable them access to the stomach (or something along those lines). Even as they were prepping me for surgery, the surgeon made it quite clear that there was no guarantee that he'd be completing the surgery. All he promised was that if it was possible, it would happen. I assured him that, once I woke up, there'd be tears either way. Fortunately for me, the operation was a success, so it was the 'best day of my life' kinda tears. I know this isn't exactly what you were after, but I'm just sharing what my experience was in the hope that it may help with an answer for you...
  5. KindaFamiliar

    12 Hours Until My Surgery Check-In!

    All the best to you mate... Good times ahead!!
  6. KindaFamiliar

    Somebody in the kitchen across from my office is cooking toast!

    Those (or similar) tortillas are a great pizza base replacement... Some light cream cheese as the 'sauce'... Add some smoked salmon, Spanish onion, capers and a sprinkle or parmesan cheese... Dry fry in a pan until the Tortilla is crisp and then grill 'til the cheese melts... Obviously it's no pepperoni, oliva and anchovie pizza, but it's a decent runner-up...
  7. KindaFamiliar

    Somebody in the kitchen across from my office is cooking toast!

    @@bayougirlmrsc Oh you're a biiiig help...
  8. KindaFamiliar

    Am I on track?

    @@confusedgirl18 Relaaaaax... You're doing fine... You've lost 20% of your body weight in 3 months.. At this rate you'll hit your target in another three months... If that's not fast enough for you then you're kinda hard to please... Don't worry about working out... Not yet anyway... That can be dealt with when you have time... As far as carbs go, some will say that the choice you're making is a bad one, but others will say not to worry too much... I say, do what you've gotta do, but be aware that some choices are definitely better than others... And when you start to get all 'stressed' and whatever, think about this... Your starting weight of 216 pounds is target weight for some people (me, for example)... Good luck to you... Let us know how you're getting along...
  9. KindaFamiliar

    Happy days

    Congratulations to you @@Waler
  10. KindaFamiliar

    Thoughts to ponder

    Doesn't a "real life" perspective on your loss make a huge difference...
  11. "I am still living with your ghost..."

    1. Ashlegal


      Lonely and dreamin' of the west coast...

    2. ProudGrammy


      i see your lovely profile pic - are you referring to cancer?? kathy

    3. KindaFamiliar


      No Kathy...

      The profile pic is for White Ribbon Day/Month which is a campaign to stop violence against women...

      The song is merely what was playing when I came in here..

  12. KindaFamiliar

    3 month surgiversary, 82 pounds down

    Great work @@Sharon1964
  13. KindaFamiliar


    You've lost approx 12% of your body weight in 3 months... At that rate, you'll be around 150 pounds within 12 months... I'd say you're doing ok...
  14. From what I can gather, stalls come and stalls go... Some last for months... Change your exercise regimen... Change you caloric intake... Do something different.. Only you can decide whether you're going "back to where you started"... You can only gain weight by taking in more calories than you put out... So if you CHOOSE to take in more, you'll gain weight... But if you put out less than you consume, you'll continue to lose... Good luck with breaking the stall...
  15. KindaFamiliar

    Pain when sitting

    I'd say is less padding... Of course, I'm no Doctor of Buttocks... But that'd be my guess...
  16. KindaFamiliar

    Smoking & the sleeve

    Aside from all the health issues that smoking is alleged to cause (no, I'm not saying it doesn't cause cancer, but let's face it - what doesn't cause cancer these days?) what about this for a reason.. It stinks!!! Like, really bad... When I was smoking, I had no idea just how bad the smell was... The smell of freshly lit cigarette is, for an ex-smoker like me, occasionally appealing, but the smell of stale cigarette smoke on anyone is just foul... Plus, you're gonna be eating MUCH less food... So I'm guessing you actually want to TASTE the food you'll be eating... Of course, that's all just my opinion...
  17. KindaFamiliar

    What's wrong with me?

    I'd be more inclined to press the doctor for a more fitting answer rather than try to get one here... Especially as it's not the first time... It could be just about anything... Just remember that if you're not satisfied with the information your doctor provides, you're able to get a second opinion...
  18. KindaFamiliar


    I can hardly see mine... The 'big' one is kinda visible but the rest (4 more) - barely noticeable... I'm just over 8 moths post-op...
  19. I'm with @@Babbs I told everyone... EVERYONE!! And the closest I got to negative was a mate of mine who wanted to tell me about someone he knew who blah blah blah... Actually, I'm more reserved about telling people about it now... Sometimes people give me the "You're looking good" or "How are you losing weight?" and I just reply with "I watch what, and how much, I eat.." It's not that I'm ashamed of it or anything... Not at all... I guess it's just that now, eight or so months on, it's kinda second nature to be eating as I do and exercising as I do... Yes, the sleeve helps... But it doesn't do the work for you... And just quietly, anyone who says being sleeved is the easy way out has never been sleeved... Good luck with whatever decision you make... Just remember that in this instance, there's no wrong choice... It's all about what YOU are comfortable with... Viva la sleeva!!!
  20. KindaFamiliar

    Happy tears for my birthday

    @@jenn1 Ok, I get what you're saying... I'll see what I can do this weekend... Tho I'm not sure that 'style' is the right word... I hope you like black!!
  21. KindaFamiliar

    Getting intimate

    Date a fellow sleever... That way everybody is clear on the whole saggy skin/awkward displays of grisly bits/odd slapping sounds situations...
  22. KindaFamiliar

    Happy tears for my birthday

    @@jenn1 Did you say "sorry men" at some stage in your post? Apology unnecessary... I'm guessing there's not a man here who doesn't appreciate pics such as the one you've (or any of the ladies in this forum) posted... And if there is... He's got some problems.. Keep up the good work!!! (Posting pics I mean..)
  23. "I may not always love you..."

    1. KindaFamiliar


      Fair enuff...

      As you were...

    2. RILEYSMOM22


      But long as there are stars above you....

    3. KindaFamiliar
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  24. KindaFamiliar

    Need a piano player

    @@WLSResources/ClothingExch As you've asked so nicely, I'll happily tell you about my tattoo.. It's the music to a section of "My Way"... This particular section is where the lyrics go as follows... "For what is a man? What has he got? If not himself Then he has nought He'll say the things He truly feels And not the words Of one who kneels"
  25. @@Elode Please stop bullying me... You know I'm a fragile little blossom... I have feelings you know... I'm not just a piece of meat...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
