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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by KindaFamiliar

  1. KindaFamiliar

    Happy Veterans Day

    @@OKCPirate And nothing has changed... They still say the same thing.. Of course, it's said with only mocking disrespect (for the most part at least)... You/they did/do a great thing... And I've no doubt that the respective nations are grateful..
  2. KindaFamiliar

    I f*****g love protein shakes!

    @@butterfly23 @@Babbs The only reason I don't spit on the ground when I say their name is the fact that Jarryd Hayne from my Rugby League team in Australia is there... I've even watched a couple of their games because of Jarryd... Having said all that... Go Packers!!!
  3. KindaFamiliar

    Glad The Boss Is Understanding...

    That's pretty cool...
  4. KindaFamiliar

    For the physically active sleevers...

    Or just quit after a few months, and then find something else... Exercise usually gets tedious and repetitive after a while anyway... So, when you feel your mind starting to wander, rather than give up completely, just find something new.. I hate the treadmill... Hate it!! But I was doing it... Then one day, the treadmills at the gym hadn't been turned on yet (yes, I'm an early starter)... So I tried the stationery bike.. I'd tried it many pounds ago but didn't like it... My fat bits got in the way and my everything hurt... But this time, it was different... I'd lost a few pounds and things were more comfortable... Now, a few weeks on, I'm all over that bad boy... I've made it my b***h for up to 90 minutes each day and I'm loving it!! So try new things... And try old things that might be new again... But with exercise, like most things, variety is the spice of life.. Good luck to you..
  5. KindaFamiliar

    29 Months Post-Op

    What an effort @@NewSetOfCurves To lose the weight is one thing, but to get toned and fit is another discipline altogether... Congrats to you on what you've achieved...
  6. KindaFamiliar

    Happy Veterans Day

    Yesterday (11/11) was Remembrance Day here in Australia... And every day, I'm fortunate enough to work alongside members of Australia's Army, Navy and Air Force. To those who have served and to those who currently are, no matter which country you are representing - Thank you...
  7. KindaFamiliar

    I f*****g love protein shakes!

    I like them the same way I like pumpkin, long division and the 49ers... Not at all!!!
  8. KindaFamiliar

    Still not getting 4 oz of meal in

    Yep, it's normal... Yep, it gets easier... You're doing really well on the Protein and the Water... If you can keep that up then the rest will come...
  9. KindaFamiliar


    I made good on my promise (to myself) to double up on my gym sessions yesterday... Not only that, I backed it up this morning with another session and managed to maintain the time/intensity/caloric burn... It's not much, but it's a start... Sometimes it's all about the baby steps...
  10. KindaFamiliar

    One Way Trip For My Birthday!

    @@sleevemom88 Congratulations and well done to you... You should be so pleased with, and so proud of, your efforts up to now... Great job!!
  11. KindaFamiliar


    Congrats on being done with smoking... That's another big, big change you're making.. Good luck with your pre-op stuff...
  12. KindaFamiliar

    Tiereeeeeed. Zzzzzzzzz

    Yep, it sure does... Once you're eatling 'proper' food you'll find it improves... Also, once your body recovers (remember that at 3 weeks, you're still in the healing process), you'll find that your energy levels increase... Good luck mate...
  13. You'll get all different anecdotal advice and all different opinions... None of them are necessarily right or wrong, but none are specific to YOU and your situation... The absolute best place for such advice will be your surgeon/nutritionist... They know EXACTLY what you're going thru and where you're at (assuming you're honest with them)...
  14. "I never thought I'd miss you.. Half as much.. As I do..."

    1. Smye



    2. KindaFamiliar


      Random laughter from a complete stranger...

      How peculiar...

    3. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      I noticed that and decided he/she inadvertently clicked on the wrong line. Never say that I do not have hope.

    4. Show next comments  141 more
  15. KindaFamiliar

    Officially 3 months out?

    Firstly, I'm certainly no expert on 'time of the month' hunger... But I'm pretty sure you wouldn't have gained 2 pounds from a couple of bites of steak... I'm one of those who just doesn't digest red meat (or any meat really) very well... I had three bites of lamb a while back and it sat in what felt like a ball in my stomach for five days.. It was the most unpleasant and uncomfortable feeling... It's now to the point where I'm doing four Protein shakes a day as it's the best way for me to digest it... How far post-op are you? Again, I'm no expert, but where you say you've 'slipped' twice doesn't really seem to be anything too bad. The foods which you have 'slipped' on are fine, unless you're in the early post op stages of liquids or soft foods... ***EDIT*** - I see that you're 3 months post-op... Apologies for my oversight... However, my statement stands... The foods you've mentiond should be ok... Perhaps a call to your nutritionist is in order...
  16. KindaFamiliar

    Male attention freaking me out

    Thanks to @@OKCPirate I now realise that I've wandered into the Powder Room... Ladies, I apologise for the intrusion... I must remember to check up there ^ before I post in the future...
  17. KindaFamiliar

    Somebody in the kitchen across from my office is cooking toast!

    @@bayougirlmrsc Isn't that the best kind of influence to be??
  18. G'day Feb sleevers... How's everyone going now??
  19. KindaFamiliar

    My Favorite Meal!

    @@Babbs That Breakfast Casserole looks the goods...
  20. KindaFamiliar

    My Favorite Meal!

    The 'pizza' I posted under another topic earlier today is one of my 'go to' recipes... 8 inch tortilla Fat reduced/light cream cheese Smoked salmon Spanish onion Capers Freshly grated parmesan cheese Use the cream cheese as your pizza sauce Then add your salmon, onion and capers Top with parmesan Dry-fry/toast pizza in a pan until the tortilla is crisp Grill til the cheese melts Eat half and give the other half to someone else...
  21. KindaFamiliar

    About to be single!

    Just so you know tho... If you do decide to get rid of the partner, their weight doesn't count as weight you've lost... You have to lose it off your own body, not just by getting rid of 180/250/whatever pounds of partner... Just sayin'...
  22. KindaFamiliar

    Smoking after Surgery

    "Dying for a cigarette"... Irony? Probably not... But it amused me... Anyway... Don't smoke... If you've not smoked in a month then you're no longer addicted... You're not "dying for" one... You're not even craving one... You just want one... But don't... Not only will that shit kill you, but it f***ing stinks!!!
  23. KindaFamiliar

    Male attention freaking me out

    Thanx @@Daisee68 I try...
  24. KindaFamiliar

    Male attention freaking me out

    I've no thoughts as to what to do... Male attention is not something I've experienced... (Hard to believe, I know..) Anyway, I'm gonna hazard a guess that the attention you're getting is not related so much to your physical changes, but more to your mental changes... I'd say you're possibly more out-going, friendly or approachable since you're feeling better about yourself... Sometimes we don't see the changes in ourselves because we're too close... This works for both the physical and mental/emotional changes as well... As I said, I've no advice for you apart from - Enjoy!! Remember, it's just attention... And there's nothing wrong with a bit of attention...

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