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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by KindaFamiliar

  1. KindaFamiliar

    How long did it take you to notice?

    I'm 9 months and over 150 pounds post-op and I STILL struggle to see the differences... I know I'm smaller... I know it!!! But I still can't SEE it... (Except in the side by side headshot that I've posted before (and is in my 'gallery'))... And from what I can gather, that's pretty normal.. @@mark1733 has said the same and I'm sure most will concur...
  2. KindaFamiliar

    Water water water...

    You'll still have it... In fact, you'll need it more than ever!! But it's unlikely that you'll be able to down 16oz at a time... At nine months out, I usually go thru about 600 ml during my training session (1hr) each morning... So you'll certainly still be able to drink it... I hope that answers your query to some degree...
  3. KindaFamiliar

    Struggling through complications

    G'day @@reannabanana Sounds like a shitty couple of weeks you've had... And another shitty couple to go... After that tho, it's alllll good... Your time is coming... Good on you for not letting these complications get you down... Honestly, you had me at "I'm not upset that this happened.... I'm just struggling today..." Others who are unfortunate enough to go thru similar things should read your post... You've not given up... You've not thrown in the towel... You've managed to see the bigger picture and for that you should be commended... Take care reannabanana... And stay positive... I'm sure you will... KindaFamiliar P.S. - Keep us (or me) posted regarding your condition... Hopefully it's all smooth sailing from here...
  4. "We will fight for... Bovine freedom... And hold our large heads high..."

    1. Miss Mac

      Miss Mac

      I did not know what you meant, so I looked up the quote and found the video "Cows with Guns". Does this mean you are vegan or maybe vegetarian???? If so, how is that working for you? I tried vegan for ten days. Even though I lost eight pounds, I was having trouble getting my protein quota.

    2. KindaFamiliar


      Hi Miss Mac...

      No, it doesn't mean anything really...

      It was simply the first song that played on my iPod yesterday morning...

      Plus, I couldn't do the vegetarian/vegan thing...

      I REALLY like bacon!!

  5. KindaFamiliar

    New me

    Gold!!! Congratulations to you...
  6. KindaFamiliar

    Grilled chicken breast

    I concur, just wait it out... This is the reason I shy away from meat (for the most part)... It's just not worth the discomfort for hours (or days!!) afterwards...
  7. KindaFamiliar

    Getting cold feet

    Yep, you'll feel horrible afterwards... Yep, you'll regret it... I say these things because it appears that many have such feelings post-op.. I. however, did not But if you do, such feelings will pass very quickly... Within days you'll be marvelling at how well you feel... Within weeks (once the internal swelling subsides) you'll be marvelling at how much weight you're losing... Within months, you'll be marvelling at how much weight you're STILL losing, how much people are noticing and how much easier it is moving around and LIVING... I can't tell you about what happens 'within a year' as I'm only 9 months post op... But I'm sure you get my drift... Have cold feet all you want... But do so knowing that what you're about to do is quite possibly the best thing you have ever done for yourself... All the best to you... Keep us updated...
  8. KindaFamiliar

    Addicted to BP

    Oh hello @@Elode Gee, how I've missed your attention...
  9. KindaFamiliar

    One week post op sleeve

    Well done on your losses so far... I'm sorry, but the rest of your post is pretty much "normal"... Most people go thru the same and most come out the other side... Remember - you've had your body operated on, not your mind... In the interests of not being unprepared again, refer to any part of this site for information on EVERY aspect of your sleeving... All the information is there... Even if you have to ask someone for help... So, despite the fact that it may not be reassuring, enjoy the fact that what you're going thru is pretty much normal and that everyone here has either done it, or will do it in the future...
  10. KindaFamiliar

    Addicted to BP

    Guilty here too... I spend my work days with this site 'on' in the background... I'm assuming that it's all a matter of where you're up to in your mission... I'm 9 months post-op so I'm still very much lapping up the information... Plus, on the odd occasion, the company in here isn't too bad...
  11. KindaFamiliar

    In PAIN

    I know I'm late on thgis discussion but I'm only posting in regard to the previosu post by @@treblecutie23 I was told, for the duration of my hospital stay as well as my home based recovery, "Don't be a hero when it comes to pain relief!" So, assuming that the situation is similar, don't "grin and bear it"... Get some relief... That's what pain meds are for!! Good job on the Fluid and Protein tho...
  12. KindaFamiliar


    Dying? On day one? Well, aren't you gonna have a good week or two... It's all worth it... So stick with it!!!!
  13. KindaFamiliar

    Pre-op NSV

    So many good times ahead for you mate... Well done... Stay positive!!
  14. KindaFamiliar


    Congratulations @@BigShow12 Your request for advice is somewhat non-specific so I'll just mention a couple of things I found important... - Protein!! - Water!! - Whatever else YOUR doc/nutritionst tells YOU!!! - Don't compare yourself to others; Everyone 'loses' differently... - Ask questions!! Good luck to you mate... Don't ever be shy about coming in here and seeking opinions or having a rant...
  15. "So... So you think you can tell... Heaven from hell... Blue skies from pain..."

    1. Ashlegal


      We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year...

    2. KindaFamiliar


      Yes, yes we are...

  16. KindaFamiliar

    Thursday surgeon appt

    Good luck!!
  17. KindaFamiliar

    So I lost 100 lbs!

    Congratulations @@krista132 Great effort!!
  18. KindaFamiliar

    Everyday is a battle

    I thought the whole idea behind this procedure was so that we couldn't "eat just a little more" of our favourite foods... Mainly because our "favourite foods" are rarely broccoli and tofu... The frustration passes @@lizag234 It's just a phase...
  19. @@Elode I'll try... In a while... I'll work up to it... Stand by...
  20. @@Elode Crying? I see no tears... And I resent the tone in which you're typing... I'll frown if I want to... You don't own me... And no, the memo was not forthcoming... I'm beginning to think it's personal...
  21. Hahaha... Believe me @@mrs kaje I'd give anything to feel hungry again... Just every now and then... Obviously not to the extent that I was... But it'd really help if I could WANT to eat..
  22. Yep, that's how it goes... Well, it did for me... But that's all changed now... I don't get hungry... Not ever... And food pretty much bores me... I've no desire to eat at all... Of course, every now and then I see an ad for a Brazilian BBQ restaurant or something and my mouth waters... But for the most part, nothing interests me... Except protein of course... Mmmmmmmmmmmm... Protein powder...
  23. KindaFamiliar

    Just a little venting

    I'd have sat at a table... By myself if I had to... But then I'm much less nice than the average person...
  24. KindaFamiliar

    My new life begins tomorrow!

    Congratulations and good luck to you and to all who are starting out on their new missions...
  25. "Late at night, I close my eyes... And think of how things could have been..."

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
