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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by KindaFamiliar

  1. KindaFamiliar


    No hunger since op in late February...
  2. KindaFamiliar

    1 year: just shy of 100

    What a positive post... Thanx for sharing... Don't worry too much about what others are losing... It's all about percentages... As an example, I've lost just over 200 lbs in just under ten months... Now that's a LOT of weight to drop, but it's only about 66% of my way to 'goal'... (So we're actually running at about the same percentage..) Not that I'm complaining of course... Well done to you on your accomplishments thus far... You should be well pleased...
  3. "I can't feel my face when I'm with you.."

  4. KindaFamiliar

    A Daughter's Request

    @@JustWatchMe What a cracker of a story... Thank you for allowing us to enjoy it with you.. And congrats on being cute and stuff....
  5. KindaFamiliar


    Congratulations mate!! You're taking off on what is a fantastic voyage... I'm just over 9 months post-op and still feel the same as you do now... Without the cloudiness and pain!!! Well done and welcome...
  6. As I've posted on a number of occasions, I've not been one to 'weigh in' on a regular basis. In fact, up until about a week ago, I'd only checked on my numerical progress on three or four occasions in the nine months since my sleeving. Each time I checked, I was pleased with my progress. At no time did I ever feel that I'd failed or that I was doing poorly. Even now, I'm more than happy with my progress and am in no way regretting the choice I made. However... Something happened last week that I can't explain. For some reason, I became someone I thought I'd never become. Someone I'd not been able to understand.. Someone completely foreign to me... Last week, I became a scale watcher!!! There, I've said it... It's out there now and I can't take it back.. Won't take it back!! Ladies and gentleman, my name is Jason and I now weigh myself EVERY DAY!!! Now, I'm hoping that it's just a passing phase.. I'm hoping that once I pass the milestone that I'm fast coming up on (it's a pretty major milestone), I'll go back to the cool, calm, rational quarterly weigh in kinda guy that I was up until last week. I'm hoping that the insatiable desire to know my weight (or at least the weight I've lost) will be quenched upon the passing of this mark.. Alas, that's all yet to be decided.. For now it seems I must resign myself to the daily (or twice daily) check ins to which I've recently become accustomed. Here endeth my rant... Thanx for your time... KindaFamiliar
  7. Thanx all for your kind words and advice. After sitting at 2.4kg (5.3 pounds) from the milestone of 100kg (220 pounds) lost for the past few days, I've now decided to put the scales away for a while.. I've just read another post by someone who is in a similar situation - Seemingly stalling at the most unfortunate of times... It's reassuring that it's not a personal thing between the universe and me.. Oh well... The celebratory tattoo will have to wait a little longer...
  8. KindaFamiliar

    Silly Rant!

    What a great job you're doing... Congrats to you!!!
  9. KindaFamiliar


    That was a possibility when I was sleeved... Even as I was laying on the slab the surgeon was reminding me that there were no guarantees that I'd be sleeved... But I was...
  10. Hahahaha.. Thanx all... You've made me feel so much better... Or something.. Anyway, I'm sure I'll go back to normal once I've kicked this milestone's arse.. So... Enough about me... Tell me about you...
  11. A new countdown begins... 3.4 to go...

  12. "Hiding in shadows where we don't belong..."

    1. kaiiCeee


      Living in darkness to hide our wrong

  13. KindaFamiliar

    Learning to Surf

  14. "Get up offa that thing.."

    1. Djmohr


      My Apple Watch is always tells me that. LOL! Sometimes I get mad at it!

    2. KindaFamiliar



      As long as you get up!!

  15. Greetings all... In Australia, November 25 is White Ribbon Day. This is a day to draw attention to Australia's campaign to prevent men's violence against women. Unfortunately, this issue is global. In my profile pic is a copy of the White Ribbon Day oath. It's an oath I take every year. And now, I'm imploring you to do likewise. Take it for your own wives... Your daughters... Your sisters... Take it with your sons... Take it privately or publicly, on the White Ribbon Day website (http://www.whiteribbon.org.au/day?gclid=CMyu5NmurMkCFZeWvQodG-gNDA) ... Please gents, take the oath.. Women's safety is a men's issue. Stand up... Speak out... Please.. Thank you for your time..
  16. KindaFamiliar

    Newbie-- question(s)

    Absolutely zero complications here... No post-op pain... No infections... No hair loss... I'm exactly nine months out today and am down 165 pounds (210 from my heaviest weight)... 100 more to go but I'll get there... And so will you... Good luck with it all... You've come to the right place...
  17. KindaFamiliar


    You'll love it... Keep me posted with your progress... And if you ever have any questions, don't hesitate to flick me a message...
  18. KindaFamiliar


    No worries!! I was sleeved back in Feb this year... It's just the best thing!! I'm not surprised you're looking forward to it...
  19. KindaFamiliar


    Hahaha... I was just celebrating with you!!! My surgery was delayed twice... Once for financial reasons and once because I was nearly dead and stuff... So I know what a fast approaching date feels like!!!
  20. KindaFamiliar


    Woooohooooo indeed!!!
  21. KindaFamiliar

    I have a gift for many of you...

    Dietician? What's your beef with dietician? The Oxford Dictionary not good enough for you? http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/dietician
  22. My 'like' on the above post was for the "I did Fireball whiskey" line... Carry on...
  23. "At the drive in... In the old man's Ford... Behind them bushes... Til I'm screamin' for more..."

    1. Healthy_life2


      talk dirty to me....poison! gotta love the 80's

    2. KindaFamiliar
  24. KindaFamiliar

    Extreme Fatigue

    All your body's energy is going into healing, not into doing... Keep up your fluids, keep up your Protein... The fatigue will pass... **EDIT - Apologies for the repeating.. I was half way thru my ost and work got in the way...**

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
