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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by KindaFamiliar

  1. KindaFamiliar

    Halfway there!

    Congrats to you... Well done!!
  2. Ok... This time I'm REALLY back...

    1. gowalking
    2. ProudGrammy


      is that a threat or a promise? LOL -welcome home - kathy

    3. KindaFamiliar


      It's both a threat and a promise...

      That's just the kinda guy I am...

      And thanx!!

  3. KindaFamiliar

    Has anyone lost 100+ pounds?

    I'm 11 months (and three days) post op... I'm down 217 pounds (98.5kg) and have been thereabouts for weeks... Admittedly, I've not watched my intake and I've had MANY alcoholic beverages recently, so I'm certainly not complaining.. My aim is to hit 220lb (100kg) lost by my anniversary... That'll leave me at around 70% to goal* of 320lb lost by Christmas this year... *I don't actually have a number as a goal. I have a "feeling". The day I wake up and feel right is the day I'll reach my goal.
  4. KindaFamiliar

    Being smart?

    Good job!!
  5. Go on... I dare ya!!

    1. Chrystee
    2. KindaFamiliar




      That was unexpected!!!

    3. Chrystee
  6. KindaFamiliar

    Is it normal

    I'm 11 months out, nearly 220 pounds down and still have no appetite... As I've posted before, I get the fancies for things every now and then, but I'm yet to feel hungry...
  7. KindaFamiliar


    I have at least one triple shot espresso every day... Usually two... I waited until about 8 weeks post op before I had my first but it's been fine since then... There are a lot of myths related to coffee, as referred to by a previous poster... I think the biggest issue that really comes from coffee drinking is the milk and/or sugar that people add to it to make it enjoyable to them... I managed to wean myself off the sugar and now have none... The good thing is, it's still coffee!!!
  8. How do you know? Like, REALLY know...

    1. Daisee68


      LOL! You so make me laugh! Glad we have you for our voice of reason!

    2. KindaFamiliar



      Things must be all kinds of screwed up if mine is the voice of reason...

      I like it!!

    3. Daisee68
    4. Show next comments  123 more
  9. KindaFamiliar

    Silly question

    Or, you may just be lacking in Vitamins... If I get run down or neglect my diet, I will develop something similar to 'cold sores'... They come up in a lump on my lip, in particular in the corners of my mouth... They're like a cross between a cold sore, an ingrown hair and a mouth ulcer.. Painful stuff!!! I've had them checked out and they are not viral at all... They're simply a physical manifestation of poor diet and/or lack of taking care of myself... Before you decide that you've picked up the virus, go and see your GP.. He's probably slightly more qualified than a lot of people...
  10. Aaaaand stay out!!!

  11. Oh it's GREAT to be back at work...

  12. "You and me babe... How 'bout it..."

  13. "You and me babe...

  14. "What's got you so jumpy? Why can't you sit still?"

  15. "What's got you so jumpy? Why can't you sit still?

  16. I'm back!!! For now...

    1. KindaFamiliar


      That's just the way you like me...

    2. Daisee68
    3. KindaFamiliar


      At least you didn't deny it...

    4. Show next comments  123 more
  17. KindaFamiliar

    Taking off my fat suit

  18. KindaFamiliar

    GoFundMe accounts?

    Not me... But I've considered something along those lines for my skin removal surgery if/when it's time...
  19. KindaFamiliar

    It's my (birthday) and I'll cry if I want to...

    Oh well... You'll just have to settle for feeling better, looking better and being healthier... Birthday cake and Coke is a small price to pay... Happy Birthday!!!
  20. KindaFamiliar

    How is the recovery

    Hi @@NAuthorlee30 I started at 550+ and have had absolutely no hold-ups or issues with my recovery... I was only in hospital 3 nights and could have gone home after 2... I had 12 days off work after the op but could have gone back after 5... Of course, everyone is different... So this is MY story... Good luck with everything... Feel free to ask any questions you like...
  21. KindaFamiliar

    Getting there !

    What a great job mate... You should be well pleased with your progress... Well done to you!!
  22. No words of wisdom but a little perspective... I did 4 weeks of liquids prior to surgery... You have a week? Suck it up and get it done!!! Good luck with it...
  23. KindaFamiliar

    NSV goal for an article of clothing?

    I have a pair of jeans that I bought ages ago and thought I'd never squeeze my fat arse into.. Now the only thing that stop me wearing them is the floppy muffin top thing that I have going on when I put the jeans on.. I've not worn jeans for 20 years and I'm letting THAT stop me?? Why oh why must I be so vain??? I've never bothered about how I look before... Now that I look better (relatively at least), I get all bent outta shape about things.. I think that just means I'm in touch with my feminine side... .
  24. KindaFamiliar


    G'day @@lizag234 Congrats on your effort and loss thus far... I'm ten months out and down just over 200 pounds (down from around 560) and exercise five days a week... I do cardio and weights just about every day.. Walking still sux for me - I don't think I'll ever enjoy it - so I do my cardio on an exercise bike... Or a rower... Anything that doesn't smash my dodgy knee up... I'd suggest you go and see a personal trainer somewhere close to where you live... I'm not saying you should commit to a gym membership or any such thing... But if you talk to one or two (or more!!) professionals in the field then you're likely to get some really useful information which can be tailored to your specific abilities and needs... Good luck with it... And keep us updated!!!

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