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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by KindaFamiliar

  1. KindaFamiliar

    What are your other addictions/ obsessions?

    Cocaine and hookers... Oh wait... Never mind...
  2. KindaFamiliar

    Haddock and Broccoli Pie (a healthy pie!)

    You had me at Pants-Free Friday... The pie sounds great... What time should I be there and should I bring Tim Tams?
  3. KindaFamiliar

    Emotional Effects of Surgery

    Research has shown that the hormones stored in fat are released at a massive rate as you lose your weight... This means that you're being flooded with all sorts of emotional carry-on at the moment... There are threads in here somewhere that focus on this... In short, what's happening to you is perfectly normal.. You've just gotta see your way thru it as best you can... Do what you need to do, but, as you'll read in those threads, don't make ANY major life decisions in the next six moths or so.. Your thinking may well be overly influenced by your screwed up emotional imbalance...
  4. KindaFamiliar

    Sleeping After Sleeve Surgery

    I think I was on my stomach after just a couple of nights back in my own bed... No matter how hard you try, if you're a natural stomach-sleeper, that's where you end up... I would just try to fall asleep on my back or side and just wake up on my stomach... As there was no pain, I just let it go...
  5. KindaFamiliar

    Is It True What They Say???

    The rumours are tru-ish... Obviously, there's no actual increase... It's more an increase in accessibility and 'utilizable area'... Plus the added advantage of increased blood flow, which has its own benefits... And when you've lost 230+ pounds as I have, the changes are most definitely noticeable.. So yeah... Ummmmm.... Any questions??
  6. KindaFamiliar

    Julien Bakery Paleo Protein Bars

    I have a confession to make... My eyes saw the 'Julien Bakery Paleo Protein Bars" title but my brain mixed it up and told me there was Potato Bake in here somewhere... I've no idea why it did that or, more importantly, why I'm sharing this... In fact, forget I said anything... I want Potato Bake!!!!
  7. I wondered about the 'breaking furniture' thing too... I was 255kg (560lbs) and don't recall breaking furniture.. I'm sure the furniture wasn't pleased to make my acquaintance, but I don't think it caved under the pressure... Anyway... Whatever path the OP opts for, just know that ultimately, you need to make sure that YOU are ok...
  8. Does anyone know where I left that bit off the end of the wiper arm? I can't seem to find it...

    1. KindaFamiliar


      Found it!!!!


    2. finallyfree!


      In the wash?


    3. KindaFamiliar


      Actually, yes...

      It was in the clean washing that I'd left on the floor...

      I've no idea how it got there...

      And even less of an idea how you knew it was there!!!!

  9. Syntrax Nectar - Fuzzy Navel flavour... Very hard to get here in Australia.. Apparently they're no longer importing it any of the Syntrax stuff here...... So if any of you who are State-side want to become my supplier... Just sayin'...
  10. KindaFamiliar

    No pre op diet

    Shouldn't make too much difference... As always, your surgical team know better than anyone else... So if that's what they say, that's what you do...
  11. KindaFamiliar

    Easter... What the heck am I gonna do!?

    @@bigguy928 I was sleeved in Feb last year... So I'm 13 months post-op... I can't really digest Protein too well so I'm STILL on three Protein shakes a day... I eat fish every now and then or a bit of chicken... On the odd occasion I'll 'chew and spit' a lamb chop... I'd love a steak but it's not worth the days of discomfort afterwards...
  12. KindaFamiliar

    Pre-op Liquid Diet

    In most cases, the pre-op diet is used mainly to 'shrink the liver'... In my case, if the liver hadn't shrunk enough, the surgery wouldn't have gone ahead... So if you're 'serious' about having the surgery, then yeah, the pre-op diet is probably something you should pay some heed to...
  13. KindaFamiliar

    weight loss time span

    You will likely have dropped significant weight by then if you follow the surgeon/nutritionist's directions... Whether or not it's noticeable will depend on where you lose it from and where you're carrying the weight... Just do EVERYTHING in your power to follow directions and you'll see changes...
  14. KindaFamiliar

    Easter... What the heck am I gonna do!?

    Self control... Perseverance... Water... Protein... You'll struggle... But you'll get thru it... And it'll be the last Easter you have to worry about it... Because by next year, everything will be second nature to you... And you'll know what to do if you think you can't cope.. Or you can do what I'm doing... Hermiting... I've holed up alone in my little flat... I've got enough food to last me the weekend... I've got job applications and a new gym regimen to complete... And I've got the BP site for company... F**k this long weekend and all the social festivities.. I'm busy!!!! Good luck to you mate...
  15. KindaFamiliar

    Freaking out a little.....

    Josie... Relax... It will allll be ok... It's possible to overthink this stuff... With the amount of information that we have available to us along with the different versions and opinions that we all have... Just remember that you are different to everyone else here... Your surgeon/team knows you better than we do... So at this stage, do whatever it is that THEY tell you.. Yes, the pre-op diet is hard... Yes, there's a lot to get your head around once it's done... But you can do it... I did it... Everyone here has done it... Therefore, you can do it... You're only as 'alone' in this as you want to be... There's always someone here with a story or opinion... You'll be fine... Now stop your carry on and get your s**t together.. You're making a scene...
  16. KindaFamiliar

    Pre-op Liquid Diet

    Yeah... I get that a lot... No, but seriously... Just do what you need to do to get thru the pre-op... Once you do that, the rest slowly falls into place... Just keep reminding yourself that the only part of you that can f**k you up is your head...
  17. KindaFamiliar

    New to Forum

    And also with you...
  18. KindaFamiliar

    Pre-op Liquid Diet

    I'm 13 months post-op... 230+ pounds down... Approx 100 to go...
  19. KindaFamiliar

    Pre-op Liquid Diet

    Well, now you have good fat friends... And more importantly, good recovering-fat friends... You'll find more than enough support here... There are many, many people who are more than willing to help... Just remember that what works for one, doesn't necessarily work for another... So while you may get varying opinions on the same subject, take what YOU need from the information and use it.. And don't be afraid to ask ANYTHING... As you'll see, there are very few things that won't be discussed...
  20. KindaFamiliar

    Pre-op Liquid Diet

    Hahahaha... We don't get this way eating salads!!! Yeah, it'll suck for you... Definitely!!! But you gotta do it Kel... Don't do ANYTHING that will jeopardize getting the surgery... Focus on that and you'll get there... And come in here and rant and carry on if you have to!!!
  21. How you feel after losing that amount will depend on how much you have to lose all up... I was a bit non-plussed after my first 100... But then I still had another 200 to go... My second hundred was much better... It made a bigger difference to the way I felt and looked... Now that I'm into my third hundred, I can really see things changing... I'm still all screwed up in the head tho... I can't see the changes like others can see the changes... But apparently they're there... And who am I to argue with people who want to pay me compliments??!?!
  22. KindaFamiliar

    Pre-op Liquid Diet

    What advice do you need? The pre-op diet sux balls... But you've gotta do it... Mine was a month... How long do you have?
  23. G'day @@breezy25 The week after the op was, for me at least, a... Ummmmmm... Breeze!! I had the following - NO pain... NO gas... NO infection... NO trouble in the poo department... NO trouble with food/water/vomiting etc... NO trouble getting up and round... The only real issue I had was over-hydration... I was drinking plenty of Water AND was still on the drip... So I was up and down peeing all the rime... Apart from that - smooth sailing!!! As stated in other posts, I was a BIIIIG dude... 550lbs+... So if someone was gonna have complications and a rough time, it was gonna be me.. Hopefully you'll whiz thru it like I did... Just trust your team and do as they say... You'll be sweet as in no time... All the best to you...
  24. KindaFamiliar

    Needing some honesty please

    As you've asked for 'honesty' on several occasions, I'll share an opinion I've had for a while... Now, it's possibly not gonna be popular and I'm likely leaving myself open for some derision, but here it is... IN MY OPINION, there seems to be a relatively large number of people who 'use' this process as an 'easy fix'.. IN MY OPINION, 60lbs is NOT a lot of weight to have to lose. Such an amount could 'easily' be lost by a change of lifestyle... IN MY OPINION, this process is being abused by people who are basically too lazy to lose weight the 'old fashioned way'... IN MY OPINION, it is such people who are responsible, at least in part, for the negativity that is experienced by some of those who are more 'genuine' cases for the surgery... Now, before anyone launches into a tirade, let me say this - The statements above are gross generalizations and do not, in any way, take into account anyone's medical issues.. There are, of course, many instances where there are underlying issues and/or co-morbidities.. The statements above are NOT directed at either the OP, nor anyone else specifically... They are simply opinions based on some of the things I've seen/read in this forum.. If my opinion causes angst to anyone, I'm ok with that.. As stated, an honest opinion was asked for and an honest opinion was shared.. As always, I'm more than happy to discuss... @@UltrarunJohn Whichever way you decide to go, please remember this... No matter what I may say, my support will ALWAYS be for someone who chooses to make better their lives and the lives of those around them... All the best to you and yours...
  25. KindaFamiliar

    You won't believe this NSV

    Ummmmmmmm... Congratulations?? I mean, the subject is awful... But I really do see your NSV... Therefore, yes - congratulations!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
