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Everything posted by KindaFamiliar

  1. KindaFamiliar

    Little over a month post op

    Great start @@pittNESSgirl You've gotta be happy with that!! Welcome...
  2. KindaFamiliar

    Started my journey this week.

    Welcome... Don't ever be hesitant to post updates, questions or rants to any of the boards... Take full advantage of the knowledge and experience that is contained within this site... Well done and all the best to you...
  3. KindaFamiliar

    caffeine withdrawal

    I gave up coffee for the first six weeks after my op last year... Well no... I didn't give it up... I just didn't drink any... It had nothing to do with the 'diuretic' allegation... It was the 'healing' thing as discussed in a post earlier in this thread... 13 months later and I'm back to one or two triple shot espresso/ristretto each day... Ultimately, it's possible to find a study or paper which proves whatever you want to prove... our best bet is to do as recommended by your surgical team... They know you better than anyone here does and they (generally) know what's right for you better than you do.. Enjoy... Kinda.. P.S. - A lot of the time, the problem your team will have with coffee is the sugar/milk/sweetener/cream that you have with it... Why you'd have such things with coffee is beyond me but hey... To each their own... But still...
  4. Isn't it funny how you can... Well, never mind... You'd not understand... Just trust me... It's funny!!!

  5. Isn't it funny how you can... Well, never mind... Just trust me... It's funny!!!

  6. KindaFamiliar

    Getting there! !

    I've no idea where you're trying to get but you're certainly looking good on the way there... Well done to you...
  7. KindaFamiliar

    Hit my first Plateau...now what

    That's the one... Thanx @
  8. KindaFamiliar

    Hit my first Plateau...now what

    @@BigDog Bryan Congratulations on hitting your first stall... You've been lucky... You've gone 4+ months before you've got there... Many experience it after the first 3 or 4 weeks!! There's a thread in here somewhere titled "Embrace The Stall"... Have a look at it and yu'll be fine... Ultimately, just keep doing everything that youve been doing... The Protein, the Water... Keep these things up and this too shall pass... All the best to you mate... Kinda
  9. KindaFamiliar

    Anyone from Canberra

    @@private54 I'm in Qbn... Sleeved by Dr Mosse in Feb last year... Your best bet would be talking to whichever surgeon you're going with and seeing what they say... They may be able to give you a date now... I dunno how it works but I've no doubt they will...
  10. KindaFamiliar

    Bra math - don't try this at home.

    @@Sharon1964 I'm already pushing my luck simply by posting here... I've no desire to cause any lady-angst... However, now that you've brought it up...
  11. KindaFamiliar

    Bra math - don't try this at home.

    Boobs threads are cool... Just sayin'.. Ok... I'M GOING... Geeeez..
  12. KindaFamiliar

    What Are Your Fast Food Faves?

    Regular Popcorn Chicken Regular Potato and gravy Regular Coleslaw All from KFC... I have that one Sunday per month and it does me lunch and dinner... Yes, it's s**t... No, I don't care...
  13. As posted elsewhere, I'm 13 months in and 230 down and my head is still as screwed up as ever... I know the weight is gone... I just don't see it... I mean, I do... But not really... Not like other people do... I think a lot of it is perspective... Physical perspective, not mental... Riddle me this... We are the ONLY person on the planet that sees ourself from the angle that we do... Everyone else sees is from front on... But we don't... We see from the top down... Even looking in a mirror, we don't see the same as EVERYONE else... Now, I dunno what the solution is... That's for the smart people of the world to sort out... All I'm saying is... Well... I dunno what I'm saying.... Just don't ever forget that when it comes to REALLY seeing ourselves, we're well and truly behind the 8-ball..
  14. KindaFamiliar

    Stupid stalls!

    Stupid predictive text, know-it-all Samsung piece of arse!!! 'Steal' should say 'stall'.. I'm more than ready to steal... But not to stall...
  15. KindaFamiliar

    Stupid stalls!

    I've hit a big stall again too.. I'm 13 months post-op and about 230 down... I still have about 100 to go so I'm really not ready to steal for too long... I'm hoping that it's due to me upping the exercise but not adjust ing the 'diet' to match, thus putting in what is effectively 'starvation mode'... With a bit of luck, the changes I'm about to implement with my daily intake will kick things off again soon and I can continue on down to 'sky-diving' weight...
  16. KindaFamiliar


    While everyone is different, I think you probably should remember a couple of things.. You're still recovering from major surgery... You're consuming much fewer calories (or at least should be) than your body is used to... The reduction of fat cells can trigger a dump of hormones... All these factors could well be contributing to tiredness.. Keep ensuring you get your Protein and your Water... Keep following your surgeon's/nutritionist's guidelines... Everything should fall into place over time.. Good luck...
  17. KindaFamiliar

    You can do it !

    Thanx @@Paola Marmolejo You can do it too!!
  18. Purge and relaunch...

    1. gowalking


      I don't think those are song lyrics, are they?

    2. KindaFamiliar


      No ma'am, they're not...

  19. KindaFamiliar


    I'm with @@Proud2BMe Just keep going with your protein and water as directed... The stall is completely normal and is discussed constantly on the boards.. Look for a thread titled "Embrace The Stall" or something similar...
  20. KindaFamiliar

    Is It True What They Say???

    @@melyssafaye Bahahahahahahahahahahahahaha... That is all...
  21. KindaFamiliar

    Self doubt

    Don't back out... Not unless it's what you REALLY want... The pre-op diet was the hardest part for me... Relatively speaking, the rest was simple... Not necessarily easy... But simple... Don't worry about 'cheating'... What's done is done... Focus on NOT doing it again... The 30th is just days away now... You're just days from changing your life for the better... You've come too far to give up now... Sick with it... You can do this... Really you can...
  22. KindaFamiliar

    Haddock and Broccoli Pie (a healthy pie!)

    I've nothing to add at this stage... I'm just checking in on my favourite thread... Carry on...
  23. KindaFamiliar

    Haddock and Broccoli Pie (a healthy pie!)

    I came for the pie... I stayed for the nekkid and Tim Tams...
  24. KindaFamiliar

    Haddock and Broccoli Pie (a healthy pie!)

    This is now my new favourite thread... Just sayin'...
  25. KindaFamiliar

    What are your other addictions/ obsessions?

    I actually don't think I've transferred any addiction... My 'relationship' with food was an odd one... I actually lived on Coca Cola, espresso coffee with lots of sugar and cigarettes... I'd eat one every day or two... I was a chef, so I was also constantly tasting food... I kicked the smoking first... That was actually easy... The Coke was much harder... It wasn't til I left the industry that I rid myself of that habit... I then weaned myself of the sugar and then the coffee... I still have one triple espresso every day... No sugar... Just coffee in all its glory!!! If anything, it'd be exercise that I'm 'addicted' to... But it's a controlled addiction... For now anyway...

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