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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by KindaFamiliar

  1. KindaFamiliar

    Self control

    Well, now you've vented... You also know what to do because you were doing it... Therefore, do it!!! And don't ever hesitate to come in here and vent... There's a whoooooole lotta love in this place... Not from me... I'm an arse... But from others... Good luck!!!
  2. KindaFamiliar

    Work related

    @@bellabeans Approx 70% of my way to goal after 13 months... That puts a better perspective on it than giving you the actual numbers, which are somewhat misleading...
  3. KindaFamiliar

    14 days post op

    Consuming purees and liquids is nothing like 'eating'... Once you start on semisolids/solids you should feel the restriction MUCH more than you are now... The liquids hang around in your stomach for much less time than 'food'... That's why many of us are told NOT to drink during or within however long of a meal... (Because whatever we drink could wash the food further thru than it should, thus causing you to feel 'empty'..)
  4. KindaFamiliar

    Work related

    I have a desk job... I had the op on Wed... Left hospital Saturday... Had zero complications... Could have comfortable returned to work on the Monday... However... I do have a high pain threshold... So that MAY have had some bearing... Also, I took the following week of 'just in case'...
  5. KindaFamiliar

    Rant: Obnoxious comments

    Please note - The above comment was NOT posted with a view to causing further angst... I simply saw things from another perspective and thought I'd share my viewpoint... As always, I am fully supportive of ANYONE who wants to better themselves and their lives thru weight loss... Thanx... Kinda...
  6. KindaFamiliar

    Rant: Obnoxious comments

    Hmmmmmmmmm.... Let me look at this another way... You were given a compliment... You took it badly... You then asked a question... The other person answered... And now you're bent outta shape? I mean, I do get where you're coming from... Really I do... But why ask the question the first place? If you aren't sure you're gonna like the answer, I'd not be asking!! None of us are losing weight to look the same/worse than we did... Of course, some are in no way motivated by the idea of looking better... But let's face it - If we looked good fat, we'd likely be less inclined to do something about it... Now, I'm not saying that I've not done EXACTLY the same thing... But this s**t is hard enough without us creating angst for ourselves... On another note, congratulations on your loss so far... 30 pounds is certainly something to Celebrate, no matter how awry things may have gone with your family... Well done to you!!!
  7. KindaFamiliar


    Uncle Stan is an absolute champion...
  8. KindaFamiliar

    My Story

    Interested... Good luck to you... That is all...
  9. KindaFamiliar

    Guys who started over 400 lbs.

    @@Ignatius Apologies for the delay in replying... Apologies for the possible length of this post... Once I get on a roll, who knows where I could end up... Anyway, here goes... Firstly, a little about me... I was sleeved on Feb 25, 2015. I was 45 yrs old. At my heaviest, I weighed 255kg.. That's 562 pounds.. (We use kg in Australia but as the majority here use pounds, I usually do the math to make it easier) I was one of the lucky ones... Despite my weight, I had NO co-morbidities... No diabetes, no cholesterol, not even high blood pressure... In the lead up to my surgery, my surgeon pulled no punches.. He made me fully aware that there were no guarantees he'd go thru with the surgery until he'd opened me up.. He was concerned about the fat around my lived and his ability (or inability) to get into where he needed to... To give me the best chance, he put me on a 'liquids only' diet for 4 weeks prior to the operation... I can tell you now, that was the hardest 4 weeks of my life... What made it worse was knowing that it could all be for nothing... Anyway, I stuck with it for the four weeks (had a couple of hiccups along the way, but nothing I hid from the surgeon) and surgery day came... Long story short(ish), the surgery was a success... I did three nights in hospital... Again, I must be one of the lucky ones... I had no complications... No pain... Nothing... The nurses kept insisting that I use the 'pain pump', so I did... But I didn't really think I needed to.. The worst part of the whole thing was, for the first eight hours or so, I was unable to even get out of the recovery chair... This wasn't so bad for me because I slept for most of it... But the poor nurse who had to hold the jug for me every time I had to pee - I reckon it might have been a different story for her... Poor woman... Anyway, three nights in hospital... I was hooked up to a machine for my sleep apnea and that SUCKED BALLS!!! The day after the op, I was up and about, walking the ward and peeing by myself whenever I wanted to (woooohoooo!!) The doc was really pleased as he thought I'd struggle because of my weight, but I didn't... (Again, lucky?) By day three, I was itching to get out, and out I got!! Self administered injection for (blood clotting) for ten days and the all was good... The progression of diet from liquids to solids was difficult, but nothing compared to the 4 weeks prior... Once I got home, I struggled a bit with energy/tiredness.. Lugging 560 pounds around on no food and just after surgery was always gonna be tricky but I got there... Once I started losing weight, I kinda looked at it as a percentage of what I wanted to lose rather than the actual poundage.. While the big numbers are great (really, who LOSES 230 pounds??) it's more realistic to look at it and be aware that I'm 70% of my way to target.. It's a much better way when you compare yourself to others (and you will, despite how bad an idea it is) and give you an idea of where you're really at... I really like your question re 'losing motivation when you get to a stage where you can lead a fairly normal life". It's not something I've ever thought about... But I guess the answer is "YES", it's certainly a possibility... I'm at the stage now where I'm finding myself able to exist quite comfortable, especially compared to where I was at... And I guess that is very possibly a contributing factor to my recent 'funk'... In short, this honestly the best thing I've ever done... Like many people, my biggest (only) regret is that I didn't do it years ago... Mate, I'm not sure what else you want to know or even if this has been any help to you... I've not read it back so it may not even make any sense.. If there's ANYTHING you think I might be able to help with, please don't hesitate to contact me, either here or via private message.. Take care... Jason
  10. KindaFamiliar

    3 days till plastics tiiiime!

    @@Elode I've just read your post above (the one with the pic) and had to read it a couple of times... I thought you'd had some sort of conniption because it wasn't making sense... Then I realized you were talking to me!!! You'll be pleased to know the following - Once you told me not to look, I clicked on the pic.. What did you expect when you put the words 'stop' and 'nakedness' in a sentence with my name.. Anyway, I've no idea why, but no matter how many times I MAY HAVE tried, the pic would not get any bigger... Therefore, rest assured that I am yet to gaze upon your nakedness... Damn you cheap, shitty internet!!! Ok, I'm leaving this thread so you can resume normal service... That is all...
  11. KindaFamiliar

    Guys who started over 400 lbs.

    @@Ignatius I started at 562 pounds Have lost 230+ in 13 months I'm at work at the moment but when I get home I'll come back here and answer all the questions you've asked and any others you may think of...
  12. KindaFamiliar

    3 days till plastics tiiiime!

    @@Daisee68 How rude... Correct, but rude... @@Elode Don't you listen to the nasty lady... My interest is purely scientific... I'm pretty sure it is.. I think...
  13. KindaFamiliar

    3 days till plastics tiiiime!

    @@Elode I'm actually interested in pics and info... I'll be looking at surgery for myself some time in the future and am not averse to the idea of traveling to have it done... Perhaps plan it at the end of a little tour of wherever I end up going...
  14. KindaFamiliar

    When Have You Gotten Off Track?

    I've been in a bit of a 'holding pattern' for a few weeks. I think it started at a bit of a stall, but that developed into something more.. Nothing dramatic of course.. But you know how we can get when there's no scale movement... There's also been some stuff going on in my life... Some really good... Some not so good.. Nothing as dramatic or confronting as many of the people here... But it's stuff nonetheless.. And I think I've laid some blame on said stuff... I know it's no excuse of course... But as hard as it may be to believe sometimes - I'm only human... Anyway, i've recently had an upswing in positives... Partly due to a purge (on a couple of levels)... But also due to a bit or a return of my "f**k you" attitude... I've decided that my tolerance for fools and ignorance is right for me... I don't have to pretend I'm nice... I'm me and I'm ok with that... I'm not sure how all the changes fit together, but the result has been positive.. I'm back to tracking my Protein and Water... (Yesterday, I actually cooked for the first time in a LOOOONG time... Prawn, lentil and peas... High protein, a few carbs and VERY tasty) I'm back to twice a day at the gym... I'm looking at some things in a new light... And it's good... Perhaps now the scale might move again... I guess time will tell...
  15. KindaFamiliar

    3 days till plastics tiiiime!

    Hey!!! Good luck!!! That is all...
  16. KindaFamiliar

    Depression Mode!

    Sounds pretty normal to me... Chances are you're not actually hungry... It's likely 'head hunger'... This is just as bad as real hunger.. What worked for me was to chew some ice cubes... Because you've not chewed anything, your body assumes that you've not eaten.. Chewing ice cubes tricks the body into thinking you've eaten and at the same time rehydrates, so can be counted in your 'Water intake' for the day... Of course, I'm not saying it'll work for you... But it's worth a crack!! (Please check with your medical am first... I'm VERY clever but am not a doctor...) Good luck!!!
  17. KindaFamiliar

    My apologies for bad grammar!

    @@carolina07 I'd not have known had you not mentioned it... With that in mind, you're doing better than many people whose first language is English... Welcome to you...
  18. KindaFamiliar

    Regret at times

    I've not had such feelings but from what I gather, your feelings are far from abnormal... Unfortunately, I've no words or wisdom to impart on you apart from the following... No matter how you may feel, you are never, NEVER alone in this... There is always support here... Admittedly, it may not be the complete package (like when it comes to just needing a hug and other things I don't understand coz I'm a man and stuff), but it will almost certainly get you thru any tough times you may be having... The chances are that somewhere in here will be people who are having/feeling/thinking exactly the same as you... Hopefully such people will respond to you call for assistance and advice... Take care @@Zoes.Realm I look forward to reading your updates and successes in the future...
  19. KindaFamiliar


    Up until recently, I'd not owned a jumper/sweater/jacket... I'd never had the need for one as I'd never felt cold... Now, at 230 pounds down and coming into winter, I've got myself three!!! We're all now covered with so much less 'insulation'... I think it's something we're gonna have to get used to...
  20. KindaFamiliar

    I have a gift for many of you...

    @@proudgrammy That's gold!!
  21. KindaFamiliar

    Food truck invasion!

    You're welcome!!!
  22. If you have to utilize knowledge that has come about from the failure of others then so be it... Use it however you need to... That puts you ahead of either of them already...
  23. KindaFamiliar

    Feeling confused

    Just keep coming back in here @@carolina07 There's support and such everywhere here... All you gotta do is ask...
  24. KindaFamiliar

    Not enough protein

    13 months put and I still don't get hungry... But ya gotta eat... If you don't you die and stuff... And apparently, that sux...

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