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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by KindaFamiliar

  1. KindaFamiliar

    PreOp Diet

    Embrace and enjoy the fact that you're not required to do a pre-op liquid diet... I did it for a month and it SUUUUUUUUCKED!!! Just follow what you doc says and you'll be fine... All the best to you!!!
  2. I gag mine down with my post -gym eggs in the morning...
  3. I've no advice or anything for you.. I simply have congratulations for making the decision and taking these steps... Welcome...
  4. KindaFamiliar

    Forgot I couldnot drink fast

    Yep... Even now at 13 months out... Not often tho... But when it happens, I certainly know about it..
  5. KindaFamiliar

    3 days till plastics tiiiime!

    Is that flower not somewhat uncomfortable?
  6. KindaFamiliar

    3 days till plastics tiiiime!

    @@bayougirlmrsc Re the text message thing I'm no longer allowing texts from @@Elode (or anyone for that matter). People were under the impression that I was some piece of meat, here simply for their gratification and pleasure... So I put a stop to the messages... For I am no such thing... I'm a person... A person with thoughts... A person with feelings... With hopes and dreams... I'm a person wi.. Ok ok... I'm fooling nobody... I AM a piece of meat... I AM simply here for the gratification and pleasure of others... I am Jason... And I know my place... Thank you
  7. KindaFamiliar

    Hit the 50lb Milestone!

    Congratulations mate... Well done to you!!
  8. KindaFamiliar

    3 days till plastics tiiiime!

    Please note that I was the first to 'like' the above post so that means I care the most...
  9. KindaFamiliar

    Greetings from Australia... freaking out!

    We're gonna get along juuuuuust fine...
  10. KindaFamiliar

    Greetings from Australia... freaking out!

    How west are you? Dogs, Eels, Tigers or Panthers?
  11. KindaFamiliar

    Greetings from Australia... freaking out!

    Just stalked your profile... Got nothing... Where in NSW are you at? We might be neighbours....
  12. KindaFamiliar

    Greetings from Australia... freaking out!

    @ You'll be right... I survived an Australian sleeving... And so will you... Contact me any time if you need anything...
  13. KindaFamiliar

    Liquid diet day 2-STRUGGLING

    Good luck to you all... The pre-op diet can be a harsh few weeks.... Just stay focussed and strong... And come in here to vent every time you have to... There's a ton of support here for those who are doing it tough... Keep it up!!!!
  14. KindaFamiliar

    Calorie guidelines ?

    It's probably a little low... Of course, I'm no nutritionist... Do you not have one? Or at least access to one? Maybe give the surgeon's office a call and see if they provide that as part of their follow-up service... Or if they can at least recommend one... Good luck.. Let us know the outcome...
  15. KindaFamiliar

    Australia - Melbourne

    Sorry to butt in... As I've posted elsewhere, if you're struggling with the liquid/purees not making you feel 'full' try crunching on some ice.. I found that my brain assumed that, as I'd not chewed, I'd not eaten... That way you can chew on something that won't upset your sleeve... It also has the bonus of helping with your Water intake... Thanx... Jason...
  16. KindaFamiliar

    3 days till plastics tiiiime!

    @@Elode Oh stop it... You know I've nothing but love and caring (tolerance) for you... And you love it!!!!
  17. KindaFamiliar

    3 days till plastics tiiiime!

    Oh will you just go already!!!???!!! Oh will you just go already!!!???!!!
  18. KindaFamiliar

    Got My Surgery Date - May 9, '16

    You'll be ok... It'll all sort itself out... Welcome!!!!
  19. KindaFamiliar

    3 days till plastics tiiiime!

    "Flat kitty"... That is all....
  20. KindaFamiliar

    1 Day Postop - Weight Gain

    Absolutely... You'll be pumped full of fluids as well as swollen up from the surgery... I'd be not worrying about checking your weight for a while yet.. And also - relax.... The weight will come off... Really it will.... Absolutely... You'll be pumped full of fluids as well as swollen up from the surgery... I'd be not worrying about checking your weight for a while yet.. And also - relax.... The weight will come off... Really it will.... Absolutely... You'll be pumped full of fluids as well as swollen up from the surgery... I'd be not worrying about checking your weight for a while yet.. And also - relax.... The weight will come off... Really it will....
  21. KindaFamiliar

    Day before surgery

    See... I reckon you'll be ok... And so does that "miserable, grumpy old git" @@jintycb And we kinda know stuff...
  22. KindaFamiliar

    Hair loss noticeable/problematic?

    @@BigTink2LilTink Re your 'extra hair', riddle me this... Is it possible that you've actually the same amount of hair, but less skin for it to cover? Same number of follicles... Less area.. I ask because I've noticed similar... I've always been a hairy-chested kinda dude, with a little on my back and virtually none on my legs... Weird, I know.. Anyway, now I'm like some sort of chest hair growing machine!!! The back hair has become lush and resplendent... But I don't think there's more hair... I think there's just less back... And... My legs... Still smooth...
  23. KindaFamiliar

    Day before surgery

    F**k yes it's normal!! Your entire life is about to change!!! It matters not whether change is for better or for worse... It's still change.. Therefore, it still SUX!!! Do what you gotta do to alleviate the fears... Hug your kids... Kiss the dog... Pull the cat's tail.. (Stoooopid cat!!) Leave the milkman a letter stating your undying love for him and his sweet, sweet goodness...... Whatever you gotta do.. It's Sleeve Eve!!! It's just like New Year's only 87.49 billion times better!!! You're allowed to be twitchy and s**t... You'll be fine I reckon... You've too much to live for to let anything screw this up... Now go send some weird text messages to random phone numbers then get some sleep... You've a big day tomorrow...
  24. KindaFamiliar

    Just here waiting

    Be 'patient'?? Patient!!! I see what you did there... Alas, I've no useful advice... If it were me I'd be all over them like a fat kid on a cupcake... But that's not advice... That's just me saying what I'd do and stuff...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
