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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by KindaFamiliar

  1. Oh my beautiful @ It was not my intention to ignore you, especially for so many posts... Truth be told, I wanted to make sure I worded my response to you just right.. Alas, it seems I may have squandered my opportunity to make a good impression... This is something that I will eternally regret... My list of stalkers? I have no stalkers... Just friends who've not yet introduced themselves to me, yet seem to be wherever I go and comment on things I say... But friends nonetheless... I will admit to being an attention seeker tho... I may not always gain the attentions of those from whom I seek it, but in this instance, it seems to have worked... I'll not attempt to coerce you into sharing your 'flabby skin pics'... I'm more than happy to report my findings back here and be the 'guinea pig' which was mentioned in another post... And regarding my wanting to see "what's under your clothes"... What sort of guy do you take me for??? (Maybe don't answer that...)
  2. @ I wasn't neglecting you, I promise... I was just saving you til now... Firstly, I'm glad you enjoy what I put out... It's nice to be appreciated... As I'm sure you know, sometimes the words flow freely, yet other times, one can get into quite a state when looking for the right words... Your point re the long term use of this is certainly valid... While I'd like to think that arse cream would solve all of my woes, I'm pretty sure it will be a stop-gap type thing until I decide whether or not surgery is warranted... At this stage, the 'experiment' is more of an attention seeking little hobby than anything too medical... This should be ok for you, as you've pointed out quite clearly that you're "no doctor". If you'd like, you can run a 'bat-wing' experiment in conjunction with my arse face one... We can be non-doctors together... How 'bout it? Anyway, thanx for taking the time to reply... It really does warm my (frozen) pea sized heart to feel all the 'love'...
  3. Well, this is not getting my Saturday housework done!!!

    1. KindaFamiliar



      Now it looks like I'm hallucinating!!!

    2. Valentina


      IIIIIII ttttthhhhhhiiiiiinnnnnkkkkkkk yyyyyyyyyyyoooooooooouuuuuuuu aaaaaaaarrrrrrrrreeeeeeeee........

    3. KindaFamiliar


      If I was hallucinating, I'd be MUCH better looking...

      Ad this water would be...


      Not water!!!

    4. Show next comments  69 more
  4. @@glitter eyes I'm happy to help out... I am, after all, a man of the people... I aim to please... It's just what I do... And thanx for the congrats...
  5. KindaFamiliar

    Sleep Apnea after WLS.

    Oh yeah... I used to have it baaaaaadddd... Now I just snore a bit and don't die repeatedly in my sleep and stuff... It's kinda cool...
  6. @@ocgirl15 Thanx for the props... Will you be posting 'arse cream' pics as well? We can start a whole new website... recoveringfattiesarsecreamexperiment.com Or something....
  7. @@Valentina So now we're setting each other 'selfie challenges' are we?? How interesting...
  8. KindaFamiliar

    Turning off a thread

    Up in the top right hand corner (I'm using laptop), there's an 'Unfollow' button.. Click that sucker and you should be sweet as...
  9. @@Valentina Firstly, I'm a boy - we've very little use for such an item... Secondly, it was the term 'kotex' that threw me. I'm not familiar with that brand or reference.. Here we simply use the term 'pad' and everyone knows what's doing.. Or 'panty liner'... Or 'maxi-pad'... And as far as the 'virgin' comment goes... Yes, yes I am... I'm as pure as the dri... Bahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha... Never mind...
  10. KindaFamiliar

    4 months post sleeve

    @@tany1157 Well if it's a slappin' you're after then you've come to the right place!!! Not from me of course... I'm the nice one.. But @@KristenLe She's a whoooole other story...
  11. KindaFamiliar

    What kind of exercises can a 300 pounder do?

    I'm with the bike/swim for cardio and light weights (to start with) for strength folk.. Even if you can't get the PT, any gym you go to SHOULD provide you with all the support and information you require... Try a few gyms before you commit to one... And don't be afraid to ask if there's any PT who wants to take on a 'project'... You may find they'll offer a reduced rate (or better) for the opportunity to put you and your success on their resume...
  12. KindaFamiliar

    4 months post sleeve

    @@tany1157 Isn't stressing about the 'what ifs' just gonna cause the 'what ifs' to happen?? Relax mate... Focus on the great job you're doing NOW... If the other stuff happens, you'll deal with it... You already know you can deal with all sorts of sh*t.. Good luck to you... Keep us posted... Kinda..
  13. KindaFamiliar

    Five Months Progress with Pics

    Oh yeah!!!!
  14. That's a pisser of an NSV!!! What?? Ok... I'm going...
  15. G'day @@veebs Welcome to the PleasureDome...
  16. @@katieroybal You just keep coming back here and you'll know how it's working... Or at the very least, you'll get to read the chronicles of a man who is smearing himself twce daily with doot cream.. Thanx for reading..
  17. @@Valentina Are you following me around? You seem to be everywhere I go... Wait... Am I stalking you? Oh sh*t!! Maybe I am!!! Oh... And thanx for making me Google 'kotex pad'... That was a wonderful visual for my Saturday morning...
  18. @@jane13 I'm glad I can bring a little joy to yo.. Nah... I don't care about that... Tho I'm grateful to anyone who actually gets all the way thru some of my meanderings... As far as your little stage show idea goes - You're weird! And I like that sh*t!! Feel free to frequent my region any time you like..
  19. KindaFamiliar

    Shorter than I thought!

    @@Valentina Liar...
  20. Thanx @@crazygoose Much appreciated...
  21. @@Proud2BMe Chances are you're right... But this will entertain a few of us on and off over the next few weeks... And who knows - we may even learn something... @@Proud2BMe Chances are you're right... But this will entertain a few of us on and off over the next few weeks... And who knows - we may even learn something...
  22. KindaFamiliar

    Shorter than I thought!

    @@Valentina Ummmmmmmmmmmmm... The cuff of my trousers drags on the ground now? Is that what you were after?
  23. @@Nurse_Lenora I don't mind the selfies thing really... As you say, it's not a bad way to track your progress... Or your journey to hotness...
  24. @@Sharon1964 All of them lined up or one at a time?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
