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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by KindaFamiliar

  1. KindaFamiliar

    Faith without works?

    Now, I'm not big on the "faith/prophecy/praying" type stuff... I'm not against it... It's just not my thing... However, here's my take on your post... You were 'told' you were gonna lose weight... You've been researching WLS... You've made an appointment... You say you've received no "answer"... Riddle me this... You say that you've not received an "answer"... Is it at all possible that you're overlooking the answer? What if the fact that you're still researching and making appointments IS the answer... Perhaps, if you weren't supposed to be taking this direction, you'd have been sent a "sign".. From what I know of such "answers" or "signs", they're not always a case of black and white... So maybe rather than looking for an obvious "sign", put a little faith in YOURSELF and go with your heart.. Is that possible? Of course, I know nuthin' about nuthin'... I'm just some guy who was brought up to believe... Whether or not I still believe is irrelevant... I may be a little out of touch with faith related stuff... But I reckon I might have a point... All the best to you @@ecoreen94
  2. @@SarahSleeve You're all over this sh*t... Well done to you...
  3. KindaFamiliar

    Advice on eating

    @@Andrea72 Yeah... We're pretty f**king awesome...
  4. KindaFamiliar

    Advice on eating

    I did too @@Ryan TN It was a great help... Half a teaspoon at a time was much better than half a forkful...
  5. KindaFamiliar

    Advice on eating

    Ask anything you like @@Andrea72 There's always someone around who'll answer your questions... And as you've probably noticed, there's very little that you can't discuss...
  6. KindaFamiliar

    Advice on eating

    @@Andrea72 Happy to have been of some assistance...
  7. @@Ryan TN Great work mate... You've gotta be pleased with that!!!
  8. KindaFamiliar

    Advice on eating

    @@Andrea72 Firstly, I'll see your "Hey" and I'll raise you a "How you doin'?" Now, to the food... You gotta chew... No... You REALLY gotta chew!!! Forget the 'chew 20 times' sh*t... CHEW!!!!
  9. KindaFamiliar

    Marilyn Monroe

    So, I mean this in a nice, pleasant, non-creepy way... Niiiiice!!! That is all...
  10. KindaFamiliar

    Advice on eating

    I have nothing to add to the wisdom of @@Inner Surfer Girl So I'll simply smile and nod...
  11. I chewed after my op... But stopped when I thought about little bits of gum breaking off and taking up room in my stomach... I switched to sugar free mints... I still use them... I say 'use' because I don't eat them for the pleasure... I use them as a tool to help me digest my proteins after I eat... I've had trouble with that since the op.. Red meat is now a rarity on my menu due to my inability to digest it... I eat fish for most lunches/dinners and have chicken on the others... After each meal, I will have three or four mints, just to keep the digestive juices flowing.. I have mints everywhere I could possibly go... I have some here on my couch-side table... By my bed... In my car... At my desk.. Even in my gym bag... Wherever I have a water bottle, I have a tin of mints... So I really, REALLY hope they're not a bad thing...
  12. KindaFamiliar

    100lb loss

    Fantastic effort @@con con Congratulations to you!!!
  13. KindaFamiliar

    Is this a stupid idea?

    Hahahahaha... Oh I'm sure I'll be quite a treat... But enough about me... This is your 'crazy idea' thread...
  14. KindaFamiliar

    Is this a stupid idea?

    Make sure you have something tho... You'll need to make sure you're not going into your pre-op diet under-nourished... I guess I question your sanity (not really) because my pre-op diet was 4 weeks of liquids... So why anyone would choose to do longer is beyond me.. Having said this, I'm considering doing a 5 day liquid diet to try to kick my stall... I know, I know... Going against everything I've just said... Good luck with it all... Not that you need it... You're all over this sh*t...
  15. And @@tdb0127 Don't ever be shy about coming in here and seeking assistance or information... There's likely someone here who has been thru what you're going thru, no matter what it may be... Even if you just need to rant, come in here and let off steam... Sometimes, just knowing that someone else really does understand how you feel can be enough to get you out of your funk...
  16. KindaFamiliar

    Surgery today

    @@SeaEli Welcome back!!! Glad it all went well for you... Looking forward to your upcoming updates...
  17. KindaFamiliar

    Is this a stupid idea?

    My non-medical and completely uneducated opinion is - That couldn't hurt.. Do what you want!! Of course, why you'd want to put yourself thru that is beyond me... But hey, knock yourself out!!! Good luck!!!
  18. KindaFamiliar

    3rd Day on Soft Foods

    What?? Nooooooooooooooooooo!!! They'll revoke your membership!!!
  19. Hi @@tdb0127 Sounds like you've had a pretty ordinary time of it thus far... Without knowing anything about your situation, its hard to give any sound opinions... What does strike me tho is your statement that you "hardly eat due to the hassle of it"... I certainly understand that thought process... I was sleeved in Feb '15 and am still yet to feel hunger... I've had to train myself to eat again... The desire to eat comes to me only occasionally... Unfortunately, the reality of it is that if you don't eat, you'll starve... Especially for you at only 3 weeks out... Your body is still recovering from the major surgery/trauma you've been thru... You'll still be swollen to some degree inside.. But to be blunt, you've gotta suck it up... You've gotta eat.. You'll not lose weight by not eating... Yes, you'll drop poundage... But that's not losing weight... That's wasting away... I will (almost) guarantee that if you start getting your Protein in and keeping your Water up, you'll find that the kgs (or lbs if you're so inclined) will start to drop off you and you'll start to feel better about things... A few here will recommend a therapist.. If that's gonna help, please seek out such assistance... Ultimately, what you say is spot on... It's too late now... It's done... You may as well make the best of it and follow whatever instructions your medical team has given you... And while I'm no doctor of stuff, I'm sure their instructions included eating... Good luck with it all... Please update us as you continue.. I hope you find some resolutions soon... Take care... Kinda
  20. So I'm sitting here on the couch watching the Saturday morning news (Living the dream, I know)... I thought I'd check in here, so I reached over and grabbed the laptop... Opened it, signed in and have been sitting here checking you all out and commenting in my usual inimitable style... All of a sudden, I realize that I've been sitting here for half an hour with the laptop actually in my lap.. MY LAP??? When did I get A LAP?? Oh yeah!!! Listen up b*tches - NSV or not, I HAVE A LAP!!! Anyway, that's all... Go back to your... Whatever y'all are doing at this time of day/night... I'm going out for a LAP DANCE!!!
  21. KindaFamiliar

    2 week liquid diet

    Stick with it ladies... It's hard, but the payoff is worth it...
  22. Hi @@rydersmama Nice of you to say so... Thanx for your kind words... I hope the ongoing updates and results can provide you with as many smiles and laughs @@ocgirl15 Family friendly??? Well aren't I in entirely the wrong place!!!! Maybe I really do need to get that site going...
  23. KindaFamiliar

    I am terrified.

    Great news @@Kooky1 Take care!!!
  24. @ Thanx for joining in... Feel free to hang around... I'd like to fly too... But I think these 'wings' are more penguin than bat...

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