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Everything posted by KindaFamiliar

  1. @@jane13 I'd have no problem with you lady-folk experimenting and posting some pics... As far as filing in the blank goes - that may be for another time, so watch this space...
  2. KindaFamiliar

    Lost 100 pounds!

    Great work Skinny!!!!
  3. Oooohhhhh yeah!!!!
  4. KindaFamiliar

    Today is the day

    Congrats!!!! See you when you wake up!!!
  5. KindaFamiliar


    None... Absolutely no negatives... I'm 14 months out... Best thing I've ever done... All the best to you...
  6. @@Dub Happy to have been a positive in your day mate...
  7. KindaFamiliar


    I know it's been a while but I've just worked out how to post properly... Anyway, here it is... I'm not sure whether I explained it previously so I'll do so again... It's the sheet music to a section of Sinatra's 'My Way' which means something to me... It's the bit where the lyrics are as follows... "For what is a man What has he got If not himself Then he has naught He'll say the things He truly feels And not the words Of one who kneels" And the next one will look like this... As stated, it's my starting weight (255kgs) in Roman numerals, with "Never again..." in Latin... It's going on my left pec/chest... That'll take some shaving!!!! Nothing more planned at this stage... But I'm pretty sure there will be...
  8. Ok, it's not the pic I had planned, but it's a pic... Here's the doot cream I'm using...
  9. KindaFamiliar

    Meal prep! Who's with me?

    And as discussed previously, here's my lunches and dinners for the week, during prep and after 'plating'...
  10. KindaFamiliar

    Meal prep! Who's with me?

    @@Elode Steamed broccolini...
  11. @@jintycb Hey!!! What happens in other posts stays in other posts!!! The crazies in this one need no more ammunition thanx!!! And for the record, there are NO "KOTEX PICS" in the foreseeable future...
  12. There's an awful lot of "Bless your heart" type carry on taking place at the moment... Why don't people just say what they mean??

    1. jane13


      @Valentina "If you can't improve upon the silence, don't". Your words not mine.

      I don't know what your problem is with me so PLEASE add me to your ignore preference.

    2. Valentina


      What the frigg???? I wasn't even talking to you, jane13. Really wasn't. Sorry if your feelings got hurt by something I was saying to KF. This IS HIS status. My apology is you felt otherwise +/or my words reflected negatively upon you in ANY WAY. --not my way. :(

    3. LipstickLady


      "There's your sign" is a code for "you're stupid". It's my thought that anyone who mixes in jabs with prayer and gets all butt hurt when they get poked back totally deserves a "bless your heart". But that's just me. :D

    4. Show next comments  63 more
  13. @@CowgirlJane It was a decent start... I've lost another 80lbs or so since that pic... Still about 90 or so to go I think... It's a process...
  14. @@cdsjjotn Thanx for the congrats and the beard advice... I'll certainly take that into consideration... Re the hundreds of dollars you might save - how about you put, saaayyy, 15% into my account... I think that's a reasonable price to pay for youthful looks such as mine... @@autymn I reall AM funny aren't I... But in my defense, I've kinda gotta be... You see, I have a really small... Ummmm... Attention span... Anyway, enough of that... Yes!! I should do a blog... I actually have one... I've had it for about three or four years... It has one post in it... And I don't even remember the name of it... So maybe I'll start another one.. Just for you... Leave it with me...
  15. It's a true story @ I was running late... I had a call from home... You know the type... Yes, there will be photographic evidence... Despite having a 'good head for radio', I'll make the sacrifice for the sake of science/entertainment/attention... Fear not.. Another pic of my gigantic, bulbous head will be in this thread before too long... Apologies in advance to those who may be eating as they view...
  16. @@VSGAnn2014 Bahahahahahahahahahahahahaha... No...
  17. The ArseFace Experiment has begun!!!

    1. Christinamo7


      you can count on it, if there's a tomorrow, I'll be here. but you would know, being from the future and all that. G'night. :-D

    2. Valentina


      psssst in a low whisper she added, "I'm still here". hehhehehehee

    3. jane13


      @KindaFamiliar - where can I locate the experiment pics?

    4. Show next comments  63 more
  18. KindaFamiliar

    Meal prep! Who's with me?

    @@Elode It's almost like 'broccoli lite'... It's not as coarse or as strong flavoured as broccoli... I'll try to post a pic when I get home tonite...
  19. @@Elode I knew you'd chime in eventually... I knew you'd not be able to resist... And as always, you're most welcome here... For now...
  20. KindaFamiliar

    Meal prep! Who's with me?

    I've done up all of my lunches/dinners for the week as well... They're all the same... Poached salmon and broccolini... Boring... But better than next week's food... That'll be five days of back to liquids... Gonna try to kick the stall...
  21. Good morning you bunch of crazies!!! Well, it's day one of the "ArseFace Experiment... I've applied the doot cream this morning... Unfortunately, I was running late so I've not done any pics... I'll try to do so this evening... Again, thank you for your support and interest... Even if you're all only here for a laugh!!!
  22. KindaFamiliar

    Weird question

    @@jintycb Ummmmmmmmmm... Did you just ask me to come and service your dog?
  23. KindaFamiliar

    Weird question

    @@fullyalive Righto, I'm on my way... And once the chores are done, they can wash my car!!
  24. KindaFamiliar

    Weird question

    @@fullyalive I'm the calmest, most centered man ever to exist, so I don't yell... Plus, I don't have kids... Do you want me, for the sake of science, to come around and yell at yours? It'd be weird at first, but I'm sure we'd all get used to it quickly... Have a think... Let me know...
  25. Teal - it's like a colour, only it's a duck!!!

    1. KindaFamiliar



      It's certainly not not an invitation....

    2. CHM


      Why...how brazen sir! You'd best be going home...

    3. KindaFamiliar


      You're right...

      It's time...

    4. Show next comments  63 more

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