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Everything posted by KindaFamiliar

  1. KindaFamiliar

    I'm at a loss

    @@tiff062712 I can offer no 'advice' as I'm not familiar with the processes for your country... What I will so tho, is this - Don't give up... If this is truly the course of action that you need to take, don't give up... Again, I've no suggestions as to what your next step(s) should, or even could, be... But the second you lose hope is the second that this whole thing becomes too much... I genuinely wish you nothing but the best,, I hope that thru here, or elsewhere, you come across some information that can assist you in getting where you need to be.. As always, please keep us updated as to where things are at for you... And take care...
  2. KindaFamiliar


    @@Valentina @@Christinamo7 You two really do like picking on this fat kid... Surely you can't BOTH be crushing on me....
  3. KindaFamiliar

    Ignorance, Senility, or NSV?

    Boobs... Mud... Clapping arse cheeks... I f*cking love you crazy b*st*rds..
  4. KindaFamiliar

    Ignorance, Senility, or NSV?

    @@LipstickLady You discovered (one of) my secret(s)!!! As you can see, it was back when I weighed less... And waxed more...
  5. KindaFamiliar

    Ignorance, Senility, or NSV?

    @@LipstickLady In what may not even be concidence related - I was gonna wear my Wonder Woman shoes today... But I went with The Flash...
  6. KindaFamiliar

    Ignorance, Senility, or NSV?

    @@LipstickLady You offering???? @@Andrea72 Words can hurt you know...
  7. I'm going for coffee... Don't f*ck sh*t up while I'm gone!!!

    1. Sharon1964


      I flashed my boobs while you were away. Just so you know.

    2. KindaFamiliar


      That's ok...

      You've got 'em out before - you'll get 'em out again...

    3. becomingmandikaye


      Or what? Or.. I'll just do it anyway!

    4. Show next comments  57 more
  8. KindaFamiliar

    Ignorance, Senility, or NSV?

    I love you all like brothers... Albeit brothers with boobs and certain levels of inappropriate hotness... So I feel I can speak my mind... And here 'tis... If you lot can't find something better to do in mud than run thru it then I think you need to take a good, long look at yourselves... I know when I think of you lot and mud, running thru it is THE LAST thing that comes to mind... @@Andrea72 I apologise for hijacking your post... But not for my thoughts... They're much fun...
  9. KindaFamiliar


    @@Christinamo7 Many!!! None of them appropriate for this time slot...
  10. KindaFamiliar


    @@Christinamo7 Good on you!!! Do 100 miles in May and you should get some sort of reward...
  11. KindaFamiliar

    Ignorance, Senility, or NSV?

    @@Andrea72 Are you drunk???
  12. Little horses...

    1. Valentina


      Do they live in the "little houses built on a hillside--all made of ticky tacky'?

    2. KindaFamiliar



      They're little boxes...

      Keep up or keep out!!!

    3. Valentina


      Well, are the little horses there or not/????????? !!!!!!!! :)

    4. Show next comments  57 more
  13. KindaFamiliar

    My head is killing me !

    @@hamoudi Glad you got it sorted... Just a thought - Have you been making sure to get all your Water in? Dehydration will cause bad headaches... Not assuming... Just checking...
  14. KindaFamiliar

    NSV: Bathing Suit

    @@tiff062712 I'll do what I can...
  15. @@CowgirlJane What DO you feel like revealing?? @@jintycb Anusol... Germoloids... Too - f**king - funny!!! I know we can get 'Rectinol' here... Oh no... I've just become a 12 year old boy again... Bahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! Germoloids...
  16. KindaFamiliar

    I'm a newbie

    Normal?? No such thing... We're all different... But what you're experiencing is not unusual... Have a look at the "Embrace the Stall" thread on here somewhere... It should have all the answers you seek... Good luck!!!!
  17. KindaFamiliar

    My head is killing me !

    Mate, there would be very few of us who are qualified, or even willing, to make such a call... With everyone being so different, there's no way any of us could know your specific situation... Perhaps a trip to your local ER or similar might be the go... I know this probably doesn't help you but it's certainly not something I'd be comfortable giving advice on... Good luck to you...
  18. KindaFamiliar

    The forums are getting out of control

    I'm not... Different I mean...
  19. KindaFamiliar

    NSV! [emoji2]

    Definitely needs pics...
  20. KindaFamiliar


    From the album: Progress

    This is a side-by-side comparison of my somewhat rough head. The pic on the left is actually pulled from my driver's licence and was taken in December 2014. My surgery wasn't until Feb 25th, 2015, so it's likely I was a little heavier than the pic by then. The pic on the right was taken at 6 months post surgery. It represents a loss of 65kg (143 pounds) and puts me just over half way to my "goal".
  21. @@Babbs You're not so shabby yourself... Thanx for dropping in...
  22. @@Christinamo7 With shopping and stuff, it'll free up about 90 mins... Which means I'll have nothing for the entire day... I guess it's "BP stalking and stirring up sh*t Sunday" this weekend!!
  23. @@Christinamo7 Yeah, I'll have a crack next week... I'll buy the crappy soup stuff on the weekend... That'll free up Sunday afternoon tho... That's usually my "cookin' time"... What to do......
  24. @@Valentina You do talk some jibber-jabber... But you're supportive and entertaining... Keep it up!!!
  25. Objection!!!

    1. Valentina


      Off with their heads! (then let's shrink the heads).


      You know how to do that , right KF??? (I think I saw somebody do'n that on "Crocodile Dundee) :)

    2. CHM


      Court is adjourned!

    3. KindaFamiliar



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