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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by KindaFamiliar

  1. KindaFamiliar


    Just a little thing re salads - Be careful of lettuce, especially iceberg lettuce... It carries an enzyme that can (and does) cause some real problems with your stomach... It's often to blame when people assume they have 'food poisoning'... To the point where, as a (former) commercial catering manager/chef, I was not allowed to serve iceberg lettuce on any of the menus of any of my childcare centres, nor any restaurant that catered for school groups... Plus, as stated by others, it has very little nutritional value and takes up space...
  2. KindaFamiliar


    At this far out, all the healing is done and it's all about weight loss... In fact, many people are finished their losing by this stage and are now into maintenance... I was huuuuuge when I started, so I've still got some losing to do... So yeah, I can eat anything I like... My stomach handles everything just as it did prior to the surgery... But with weight stll to lose, smart food choices are still my friend...
  3. KindaFamiliar


    I can, yes... I don't - but I can...
  4. I've lost 240 pounds and apparently still have a BMI of 46... So I'm guessing I was probably a big unit back in that day...
  5. KindaFamiliar


    Mine was in Feb last year.. Congrats to you...
  6. Chew ice... It 'tricks' your body into thinking it's eaten AND it keeps you hydrated... And for the love of God, stick with it!!! It gets better... I promise... And altho I do make sh*t up, I'm not this time... Keep us posted...
  7. KindaFamiliar

    Alcoholic drinks

    Before the sh*t hits the fan in here - and it's gonna - my suggestion is this... Ask your surgical/medical/nutritional support team... They know you and your situation best... What you'll get here is opinions and anecdotal advice... Talk to your professional team... Backing away slowly now... Good luck!!!
  8. @@LisaMergs Do you need a Coke and a lie down??
  9. @ Well researched... Well informed... Well written... As always, your post was easy to read and very informative... And by the way - Awwwwww... You like me... @@LipstickLady I'm one of those who doesn't know how... So I don't... I make sh*t up instead... But any sh*t I make up, I attribute only to myself... Because my sh*t is the good sh*t... No sh*t...
  10. All the quoting and re-quoting and over-quoting and re-over-quoting and re-over-re-quoting in a pike position makes KindaFamiliar, and probably Baby Jesus, a little sad... And a lot confused...
  11. KindaFamiliar

    As of today?

    Well I can't share my information... I'm shy...
  12. KindaFamiliar

    As of today?

    Who else?? How about you @@Nani_Mae
  13. KindaFamiliar

    In search of Mentor

    @@lhorenblas Such thoughts are pretty normal... I believe most have them... Certainly nothing to worry about... As far as a mentor goes, I'd offer myself - but I'd SUCK as a mentor... There is a wealth of information, experience and love contained in this screwed up little place we have here***... Find the information you need... Share your experiences... You'll be just fine... *** @@Alex Brecher The place is great... Not screwed up at all.. I'm sure you get where I'm going with this...
  14. My second tattoo is weight loss related... It's not on me yet, but it will be soon... Probably a birthday present to myself... I think it's a great idea @@Beck90
  15. KindaFamiliar

    Confused and need opinions

    Mate, the surgery is by far the best thing I've done... But that's me... I was a big boppa at 560+lb... I lost a heap thru diet and exercise... Then put it allll back on after I screwed my knee during a 24hr charity event... So for me, the surgery was a no-brainer... But for you? Well, that's up to you... Do you think you can make the change without the surgery? If you think you can, why not have a crack at it? But if you think surgery is what you want/need, then I completely reccommend it.. Keep lurking around here... There's a plethora of information... Use what you need to make your decision... Keep us posted... Good luck to you...
  16. Forgive me Father for I have sinned... I drink soda... The fully sugared b*tches... Not every day tho... And rarely do I finish a can... I'm 14 months out... 240ish pounds down... In a stall... A non-soda related stall... Trust me - I've checked... Soda is not the devil... No more than chocolate or anything else... Altho avocado is pretty close... Soapy tasting piece of... Anyway.. Those things are not evil... The inability (or unwillingness) to say no when you want to say no... That's the sh*t you've gotta get sorted... **I edited this because of the double posting..**
  17. KindaFamiliar

    2 Months Out- Befor and After Pic

    Great work... Keep it up!!! And keep us posted...
  18. Great work mate... You must be so pleased... Congrats!!
  19. KindaFamiliar

    First stall!

    You're not completely "one of us" until you hit the first stall... Congratulations and welcome... Both @@Inner Surfer Girl and @@KristenLe have the advice side of things covered so I'll leave you with this pearl of wisdom.... Nah.... I've got nuthin... Carry on... You're not completely "one of us" until you hit the first stall... Congratulations and welcome... Both @@Inner Surfer Girl and @@KristenLe have the advice side of things covered so I'll leave you with this pearl of wisdom.... Nah.... I've got nuthin... Carry on...
  20. KindaFamiliar

    Fu*%ing awkward

    @@jenn1 (@hussyjenn1) If you're gonna take the advice of @@katesuccess you'd be wise to invite me... I may be a little shy at the start, but once I get a drink or two in me I'm a hoot!!
  21. KindaFamiliar

    Would you use the chat room if you knew where it was?

    @ You had me at Robin Sparkles!!! "Put on your jelly bracelets And your cool graffiti coat. At the mall, having fun Is what it's all about..." Right then... Lock it in... Once you're ready, I'm coming!!
  22. KindaFamiliar

    They exist, they really do!

    @@jaxmom You're a bit nuts... Good job!!!
  23. KindaFamiliar

    People and their opinions

    Tell 'em to get stuffed..
  24. KindaFamiliar

    Would you use the chat room if you knew where it was?

    @@Christinamo7 Ok, maybe it's not you... It's more likely access and stuff... Don't take it personally... I'm sure there are plenty who are happy to chat with you...
  25. KindaFamiliar

    Would you use the chat room if you knew where it was?

    @@Christinamo7 Yeah... It's you...

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