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Everything posted by laguerr13

  1. laguerr13

    Texas near austin

    I live in San Antonio, I'm 2 months + post op, I know how much the liquids suck at first but ironically it is what I craved after my surgery for the first week, I couldn't stand Jello or Popsicles, or even broth until a week later, be patient and consistent, it will get alot easier, I love my water and drinks and even had a sip of coke and hated the sweetness, I alternate with choices of flavoring and drinks, : water, G2, Powerade Zero, crystal light, MIO( the Walmart brands), and tea and decaf coffee, I eat normal foods (my new normal) and can sit with people at a BBQ o while they are drinking and not be phased by it, I also know what choices I can have at gatherings, don't get me wrong I've had my moments like on July 4th, I had to BBQ for everyone and I kept craving a Dos XX all day, but as soon as you hit the scale you realize why you did it, and that you don't really need alot of those things anymore, hang on cause once you get momentum you will want to keep going and will understand all this.......
  2. laguerr13

    ok, first date story/question

    I m happily married now, but in still a guy so I hope you'll accept this, we have many facets as men that make us charming to the opposite sex, but if you feel a connection or are inclined to think this might work, then it is your job to set the ground rules and boundaries by using straight talk, you will not only eliminate any problems with the other person, but since we are not teenagers you will also know right away if he thinks or feels the same as you do, or if his trophy case is bare and wants another set of antlers so to speak, relationships work because of attraction, like interests, and COMMUNICATION!, so if you think you are really interested don't lead him on, be specific and call the shots, he may surprise you, or you move on, my wife told me on the second date that I was gonna marry her.........and I did!!?lol
  3. It's what you want from it and how you work out, I use weight training and it has enhanced my weight loss, and I've had significant muscle gain, and I also don't have as much loose skin in certain areas, but I do different things at the gym, low weights high reps for toning, and heavy weights low reps for muscle, I alternate, and it's paying off, I would recommend that you do cardio and light resistance training, and as soon as your able join a class, even Yoga, I also see results sooner than other because I use rest periods, some people go every day, I go three times a week and rest on the weekend, but that is what works for me........ Also think outside the box, there are other options like Krav Maga, cross fit, bootcamps, and mall walking groups....
  4. I work with nurses on a high acuity psych unit, my nurse took three weeks and did great, I took six since I'm hands on all day, and actually liked standing more than sitting lately, we both have the same problem of hydrating and stopping to eat, so we carry big bottles of water and sip as soon as we have a second, also recommend small 1 oz portions in baggies of things like cheese, jerky or sausage, and almonds or cashews,,it is really high in protein and portable, pace yourself for a couple of days, dehydrating happens super fast and it's no joke, i had it happen at Walmart and I was hurting
  5. I'm also a June 10th baby, and I've had two stalls so far, but I don't sweat it, I think it's my body and mind that still throw itself off from time to time, I don't do anything different, I stick to my plan, carbs at under 100 ( usually under 40) my calories under 500, and my protein at 60-90g, the scale is not a good way to measure progress, there are so many variables even from morning to evening, it is a good tool to use maybe once a month for me, I have lost 85lbs since January, and 43lbs since surgery, I went from 388lbs to 303.5 this last week, but my weight loss is at 2.2 per week right now, I'm unfazed because I choose to look at the bigger picture, went from 58BMI to 44BMI, lost 10 waist sizes, gained at least 4-5lbs of muscle, meeting my goals at the gym, blood pressure, sugar, energy are great, I chose even before all this to use milestones, it is less stress and more reliable, I have 3 new ones already since I will hit 299lbs this month, 1. Get to 250lbs next 2. Buy some new clothes for work 3. Break my PB of 3 sets of arm curls @ 65lbs, by doing 5 sets @ 70-80lbs by December......... Just use the forward momentum you've gained to keep moving forward
  6. Actually it depends on which UHC you have, in Texas I have UHC of Delaware and have the premium tier, so my dietician was only for 3 visits including the pre surgery visit and the letter from my psych doctor
  7. Thanks sweettea that was an answer lol, I'm just wondering if Band is on the way out, now I'm hearing about this Balloon thingy
  8. laguerr13

    Working out

    I wanted to go back as soon as I could, so I had to get permission from my surgeon, my surgery was on June 10th and I was back in the gym on the following Monday limited to treadmill and very light circuit training for 45 minutes as per my surgeon, after my 2 week visit he gave me the green light to workout as long as my incisions were healing and only to point I could tolerate, I don't like cardio so I get that in at work then I do weight training, and I've done so for years so I break down specific muscle groups, example: Monday, shoulders chest back abs legs, Wednesday, bicep tricep legs abs, etc...... This depends on what you want, and hope to accomplish, I've dropped from 388lbs in January to 303.5 lbs and will hit my first goal of 299lbs before this month is over, my initial target weight was 146-150lbs, but after I told the surgeon I wouldn't be happy to be skinny like that we came to a compromise of 187-199lbs, I want muscle and bulk not lean and skinny, good luck, BTW the weight training is helping with my loose skin, it's not going to remove all of my skin but it is making a big difference
  9. laguerr13

    What Diet Do You Follow?

    Almost like everyone so far except I add protein everyday, it helps since I'm at the gym a lot doing weight training, but I'm still learning and researching so I can find the right balance of carbs, protein, and fat, I also love to Grill and Stir fry when I have the chance, and I have one cheat day per month
  10. Today I am 2 months and 5 days post op, I was sleeved on June 10th, I posted to my friends on FB last night that I have officially lost 10 waist sizes, and 85lbs since January, I couldn't go to the gym today because my wife needed help with the minions while she worked on her finals, so I had to go change the oil in my car this Morning, I pulled out a pair of camo cargos that I had purchased 7 yrs ago on my last diet, they are size 50w, I was a 60w, by next month I hope to be posting some pics since I can finally get some new scrubs for work, I was still proud of how far I have come so far, except for the 6x shirt I had to wear, I'm probably a 3x now, but it's all good, just canna stay focused and keep meeting my milestones.......
  11. Usually they have one they recommend or ask if you have one, and it's pretty quick cause insurances wanna know you got approved before moving forward
  12. Actually Here in Texas FMLA does apply if one of of your diagnosis is Co- morbidity, I got to use it for 7 weeks and used my Extended Leave Benefits, and an employer here in Texas does not have the right to terminate you, but if you read carefully, after a certain amount of time all they have to do is keep you on, but not necessarily the position you may have originally had, I had to use it 6 years ago also when my wife was pregnant with my twins and I was off 3+ months, fortunately no one really lines up to take my position , since I work in a very high acuity unit at a psych hospital, getting hit is job security for me.......lol
  13. laguerr13

    Another year alone

    I did find 1 rule in my life that was pretty consistent, It happened when looking was the last thing on my mind, when I met my wife me and some friends were planning a big vacation to New Orleans( yes I know pronounced "Na lens") we were gonna leave for week to coincide with Mardi Gras, and do Swamp, Plantation, and ghost tours, and then boom!!!!! And it happened at least 4 x before like that, I met my girlfriends when I least wanted one!!!!! It's a curse being so handsome
  14. laguerr13

    I need help :(

    I prefer the term "shank a troll "
  15. So I cheated in a positive way today, I weighed myself at work( not supposed to til appointment day), and I'm at 303.5lbs, 306lbs last week, 388lbs in January, 346lbs on surgery day, June 10th, so I will hit my 2nd milestone this month of 299lbs, and already set up 3 more milestones 1. Hit 250.0lbs next. 2. Buy new scrubs for work. 3. Curl 80lbs for 5 reps,right now I can do 3 reps of 60lbs. I very excited and looking forward to surpass my goals by the end of this year, I want my friends and family to know that really committed to a whole new life, and I want to pay it forward and let people know that if they want it, anything is possible!!!!!!!!
  16. laguerr13

    Milestones not scales

    Thank you all, it ain't easy, but I knew it wouldn't be, so glad I psyched myself up for 2 years
  17. laguerr13

    Stop it!

    It was all downhill after me Daveo
  18. I could have gone back in one month, but I milked it, I work on a psych unit, and have to go hands on at times, I would say after the surgery gauge yourself and work with your surgeon to come up with a timeframe, this is a very delicate issue to ask anyone else on here, we are all made differently and heal differently.......... Oh and good luck!!!!
  19. laguerr13

    Frozen treats?

    @ Amylou: where do you get them and how many carbs please and thank you
  20. I work on a psych unit, and they will only interrupt your scheduled meds if they have an adverse effect after surgery, most of the time it is tapered as the weight comes off.....
  21. laguerr13

    Another year alone

    @ surfer girl : good one!!!!
  22. laguerr13

    Sugarfree Gum?

    I don't really like gum, when I was younger it had to be a specific brand, but as for the straw thing, I think all our requirements differ by what surgeon we have, my NUT recommended straws to help learn to sip, and I have was given straws right after surgery at the hospital
  23. laguerr13

    My Pre Op Diet Was All I Needed

    Like the album said to the CD "he's playing you!"
  24. laguerr13

    I need help :(

    Yeah, now it makes sense, thanks for your honesty, keep us posted, alot of us really care, if you need to talk I'm here everyday at some point, this is my AA.......... My drink of choice was food

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