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Paige Dukes

LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by Paige Dukes

  1. Over worked my stomach a little yesterday. Even without a fill I am definitely feeling satiated a lot earlier. Gotta learn I don't always have to finish the portion!

    1. Djmohr


      Isn't that the hardest thing ever to do? I have over eaten several times.

    2. Paige Dukes

      Paige Dukes

      I think I got a little excited about advancing in the stages and went a little overboard. definite discomfort afterwards.

  2. Pre-admit in the AM, the surgery on Tuesday. Fingers crossed that nothing come up.

  3. Pre-op diet gets a tiny bit easier each day. I can do this!

    1. wascott


      Hang in there! I'm going through the same process. Day 12.

  4. Psych eval completed. That 340 question test was ridiculous.

    1. animallover1247


      I recently posted a question about a psych eval and of those who responded, there were different experiences. Some had extensive questioning and some were just casual conversations. I would like to know what the difference is all about...is it the professional conducting the evaluation or what the insurance requires?? Does anyone know???

    2. Paige Dukes

      Paige Dukes

      The initial part was a casual conversation with the psych doctor. She had a sheet she was asking specific questions off that she was filling in but for the most part it was just me and her talking. After that I had to go into a room and do the test. The funny part is I am a psychiatric nurse and the questions that weren't obvious throw aways, I could tell what they were checking for. Paranoia, mania, depression, delusions, etc. The most subtle questions were the ones looking for symptoms of bipolar mania. regardless, I answered honestly and feel like my eval shouldn't have shown any major issues.

    3. animallover1247


      Well, if i answer the questions honestly, i am sure it will come back I am suffering from depression. However, a majority of my depression is related to my medical problems, some weight related and some are not, feel as though the surgery will help me with some of the problems (diabetes, sleep apnea, HPB).I definitely don't have any paranoia, mania, delusions, etc. I hope I don't get disqualified for having depression!

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  5. Shopping has become so much more fun.

    1. mykdzmom


      I can't wait to feel this way. It is such a source of frustration for me now. I see so many people who do a fantastic job of dressing nice at a larger size, but I am just not one of them. I can't bring myself to purchase a really nice or expensive outfit because I am always thinking.... I want to lose some weight. Also, LB and some of the nicer places just charge so much! Anyway, even now knowing my surgery is so close, I sit and dream about shopping. I am so thrilled for you! Enjoy :)

    2. Paige Dukes

      Paige Dukes

      I still have about 110 or so pounds to lose, but I am finding that I am liking how I look in things much more than I used to after 40 pounds lost. I bought a dress yesterday because I liked how it looked on me and I convinced myself I was worth it. It is definitely hard to justify paying for nice things along the journey because I either beat myself up for being so big or I tell myself "well, in a month or so it wont fit." I spent a good bit of money yesterday on clothes but one reason was because I found a pair of pants that made my butt look awesome, lol.

    3. mykdzmom


      What a thrill to look in the mirror and like what you see. Eeeeek! You deserve those pants and you just go rock that awesome new butt of yours! You deserve the new clothes to make up for all the time you didn't go shopping. What a joy it will be to give those away in a month! I am so pumped for you.

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  6. So close to my first 50 pound goal I can TASTE it. ONE POUND!

    1. Elode


      You can do it!

    2. Paige Dukes

      Paige Dukes

      I did do it! Officially down 51 pounds now. Hard work pays off.

    3. Elode
    4. Show next comments  3 more
  7. The flu AND an infected incision? Thanks, immune system...

  8. The plan worked! Stall has broken. 1.5 lost this week.

    1. OutsideMatchInside


      Congrats on breaking the stall!

    2. Paige Dukes

      Paige Dukes

      Thanks! It was a frustrating time but I finally did it.

  9. This pre-op diet is killing me. I am SO hungry.

    1. Paige Dukes

      Paige Dukes

      And I gotta do this for a month.


    2. ShrinkingPeach


      For most the sensible meal is chicken breast, turkey or flaky fish. For me I had free foods of broth and sf jello. Those helped but the further I got into the pre-op diet the less I wanted to eat. My pre-op diet was around 600 calories a day. I got NO sensible meals, only protein shakes.

    3. wascott


      I'm on day 8. Three shakes and green leafy veggies. Getting around 500 calories a day. It's tough but you can do it.

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  10. Two weeks until surgery day! The clock is ticking down!

    1. lisaanewme67


      It goes so fast @Paige Dukes. Best of Luck and see you on this side very soon. Keep us posted!!

    2. Paige Dukes

      Paige Dukes

      I can't wait! At least I have gotten used to this pre op diet.

    3. jane13


      if you have gotten use to the preoperative diet that's a nod in the right direction.

  11. Vacation started yesterday. Have been sticking to my diet in the face of temptation. Pre-making most of my meals has been a life saver!

    1. Miss Mac

      Miss Mac

      Good Girl! I did that last year while doing some genalogical tourism out of state. Sometimes you have to get creative, but it's do-able.

    2. ProudGrammy


      preparing food for the trip.. that's wonderful - stick to your food and drink rules, and you will continue being a success! keep up the good work - congrats kathy

    3. Paige Dukes

      Paige Dukes

      It definitely saved me a lot of trouble and frustration, that's for sure.

  12. Very sick, but sticking to the plan.

    1. emma4884


      I admire your tenacity! Some would seize illness as an excuse but not you. I have had some medical setbacks myself. I just tell myself that there are bound to be some bumps along this journey. Just keep our eyes on the prize.

  13. Weight loss came to a stand still. I think it may be due to too few calories. Gonna change it up a little.

    1. ShrinkingPeach


      It happens! Sometimes you are losing inches when the scale isn't moving too!

    2. Paige Dukes

      Paige Dukes

      My clothing doesn't feel like it is any looser. I also havent been getting enough water. I haven't taken very good care of myself the past week and a half and I need to get back on track. I admit I do need to start measuring, though.


    3. ShrinkingPeach


      You will get there! It takes time and gets so frustrating. I have been battling the same 2 pounds for a couple weeks and finally lost it...lol

  14. Weight loss is slowing down, but still steady. Pleased with my progress. Gotta keep on keeping on.

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