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Paige Dukes

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Paige Dukes

  1. Down from a 26 to a 20. I bought jeans at Old Navy today. So ready to say goodbye to plus size stores!

    1. Djmohr


      Isn't that the greatest! I started with a 24 jeans and a 26slacks. I am now in a size 12!

      It happens rapidly too! Congratulations on your continued success!

  2. Major non scale victory for me today! I was banded on the 14th. Altogether from starting the pre-op diet to now I have lost about 28 lbs. I have only been really conscious of it due to the scale moving and my clothes becoming baggier. I didn't look in the mirror and feel like I looked any different. Today I had one of my first NSVs. I noticed my facebook picture was kind of old and needed updating, so I took a few selfies. This was the first time I was like "wow, nearly 30 pounds does make a difference." Well, I have vacation in a week or so and my husband reminded me to try on my old swimsuit to see if it fit in case I needed to buy another. After trying it on and looking in the mirror I, for the first time, really saw myself. My luck with my selfies inspired me to take a picture, which led to me making the jump and posting the photo to my Facebook page. This may not seem like a big deal to some but I don't even wear shorts in public and feel naked if I leave the house without a cardigan, regardless of the temp outside. I have always felt uncomfortable in my own skin and to post a photo of myself in a swimsuit on social media was MAJOR for me. I was sweating bullets with my finger over the "post" button and was so afraid I would be met with negativity over it but friends have come out of the woodwork to leave positive messages on the photo. It has become my most liked and most commented on photo. I even had a girl friend say "God, I wish I had your legs!" I have NEVER had ANYONE say they wanted a part of their body to look like mine. I was floored. The point of this lengthy post is that I overcame a major fear today and it came as a result of this weight loss journey. I feel like I have made a step forward with my confidence and self worth today. And it didn't come from the people who commented on my photo, it came from the realization that I am a person of worth and beauty and I deserve to be happy and healthy. I couldn't have made it to this point without having decided I was worth WLS. I am so thankful that I had the opportunity to do this and am looking forward to more personal growth and additional NSVs along the way. Has anyone else had a NSV recently? I would like to hear more uplifting stories, no matter how small or large!
  3. Paige Dukes

    HUGE step for me (NSV)

    That is so great! One thing I have avoided myself for a long time is long distance travel because I feared my weight would make it difficult. I don't think I am QUITE there yet to make plans as big as these, but now I have added something to my list of "to-dos".
  4. Paige Dukes


  5. Paige Dukes


    From the album: Post-Op

  6. My surgeon and dietician required 2 days of Clear Liquids (day of and day after sx), 6 days of full liquids, then two weeks of pureed foods before advancing slowly to solids. I am in the pureed stage now. I pretty much skipped half of the full liquid stage because I felt so bad post op I didn't consumer anything for 3 days. All surgeons like different things, though. If you are concerned or have questions I would contact his office.
  7. First two night back at work went well. I am so very thankful for such a supportive work crew.

  8. Had a really emotional night. Haven't slept in a while. This makes me realize there are a lot more issues going on than basic overeating.

    1. pink dahlia

      pink dahlia

      Dont know what problems you have, but hang in there ! A sleep study showed I had sleep apnea, but a few months after being banded the sleep apnea went away, but I still would wake up 3:30 every morn . Trazadone helps some, maybe talk to your Dr, ? Good luck !!

    2. Paige Dukes

      Paige Dukes

      Just a lot of frustration and anger and fear culminated into one big cry fest. Really helped to get it all out, but still can't sleep. just can't shut my brain off.

      I think part of my problem may be I am used to working 12 night shifts and when I go to sleep I crash and sleep like a brick. I have been off for 12 days for the surgery and I think my sleep cycle isn't used to the time off.

    3. lealor


      yikes paige....its ok to have a cry fest, you've been through a lot and yes there is so much more to all of our lives other than just the weight. I use 1mg of Ativan, it helps but not for every one. Sleep deprivation on top of everything is so hard on us ( im not a good sleeper), your body ad mind is out of wack. It will be better soon. xoxox

  9. Paige Dukes

    How did you know?

    For me it was one night at work I started to feel pretty bad. I knew I had blood pressure issues but left it untreated (like a dummy). I had a CNA take my vitals and my BP was 208/120. My supervisor sent me home and I ended up being on two different blood pressure medications twice a day. And then my bp was STILL elevated. I knew from past experiences I couldn't lose the weight on my own.
  10. I was banded on the 14th of this month and I had a little freak out myself right before. To make matters worse I developed an abscessed tooth 4 days before the surgery, then developed intractable vomiting 3 days before from a reaction to a medication prescribed by my dentist. I was really scared for my health and afraid that the surgeon would cancel the surgery. He didn't, thank goodness, but my stress level was about a 20 on a 1-10 scale before I went in. I really think the wait in pre-op was the hardest. The anticipation and nervousness just feel like they are going to overwhelm you. Once I was wheeled back to the OR everything went super fast. I got onto the operating table, everyone was super nice, and the anesthesiologist put the mask over my face. He said "take some deep breaths for me" and literally after two deep inhales I was out. Woke up later in PACU groggy, nauseous, and in pain. The PACU nurse was very diligent though and got me medicated pretty quick and everything got a lot better. I ended up having to stay overnight because the anesthesia didn't clear my system fast enough. I was loopy and hallucinating almost all of the first night. Dilaudid and Zofran were my bestest friends that first night, lol. The only time I felt true pain was anytime I used my stomach muscles to shift, or sit up, etc. You don't realize how often you flex your abdominals, but it became obvious then. Kind of felt like a combination of WAY too many crunches and a pulling sensation. The worst thing for me was the first pee after having the indwelling urinary catheter removed. My god. Felt like peeing little serrated knives. Second and thrid times werent as bad, though. Adapting at home has been a journey in itself. I couldn't tolerate anything more than an ounce on my stomach at a time. I lost 9 pounds in 3 days. I made the mistake of trying to get out and go grocery shopping on one of these bad days. Almost passed out in Publix. I also wanted to hurry up and start eating solids but knew I couldn't stress my stomach. Now that I am on pureed it has been a challenge to find the happy medium between satiated and overstuffed. I'm either still hungry or about to burst. And hungry every hour or so. I am looking forward to a fill so I can feel the satisfied fullness earlier. Even still, I do not regret having this done. Those first few days were full of discomfort, but the body adapts pretty quick and I was even able to sleep on my side/stomach by about day 4/5. Jitters and nerves are normal. This is SURGERY for god's sake. I'm a nurse and even I was scared going in. What you are feeling is very normal. We are all rooting for you and know you will do great! PS: I cannot stress enough finding a good small pillow for bracing your abdomen for coughing afterwards. I could have forgone everything else but my little pillow I brought from home.
  11. Over worked my stomach a little yesterday. Even without a fill I am definitely feeling satiated a lot earlier. Gotta learn I don't always have to finish the portion!

    1. Djmohr


      Isn't that the hardest thing ever to do? I have over eaten several times.

    2. Paige Dukes

      Paige Dukes

      I think I got a little excited about advancing in the stages and went a little overboard. definite discomfort afterwards.

  12. 2 days post op now. Having a hard time making myself eat/drink and also get up and walk. I just want to sleep, which I have been doing a lot of. I have noticed today it is much easier to get up and down and that my appetite has slightly returned. Looking forward to the banded life!

    1. jane13


      try to get off pain meds if you are taking them and do OTC and save the stronger stuff for sleep. Move around as much as possible. Keep/Carry water bottle with you EVERYEHERE and sip!walk outside, check the mail, stay out of the kitchen....good luck!

    2. ShrinkingPeach


      Every day will get better. Remember that you just had major surgery so it is okay to rest a lot for a bit. Def sip all day and increase water intake each day. As you heal you won't be able to drink it all but again every day will get better. Good luck!

  13. Pre-admit in the AM, the surgery on Tuesday. Fingers crossed that nothing come up.

  14. Paige Dukes

    50 lbs LOST!

    Awesome job! So happy for you!!
  15. Have had a really rough couple of days. Developed a tooth abscess that is currently making me miserable. The antibiotics and pain medications have made me incredibly nauseous. All of this and I have surgery on Monday. My surgeon is aware I need a root canal and that I am on abx, and he said he is going to call me on Monday to see how I feel, but I am so worried that this is going to get worse and the surgery will need to be post poned. I can't change this date I already jumped through hoops to get the time off I needed. According to the surgeons assistant it shouldn't be canceled unless I run a fever, which I haven't, but my stress level is through the roof. All of this and it is my turn to be nurse coordinator all weekend for an entire psychiatric hospital. This is going to be a trying 4 days.

    1. Djmohr


      Hi Paige! I am so sorry this happened at the last minute. Hopefully they have your antibiotics working and surgery won't get postponed on you.


      Try to do something nice for yourself to help you relax the next few days. Take a long hot bath, listen to some music, read a book. Try some deep breathing exercises which will both help your pain and your anxiety. I promise, I use it all the time and I was a non believer for years.

      I hope everything gets cleared up and wish you the best!

  16. Oooh, girl! 4 more pounds gone!

  17. Psych eval completed. That 340 question test was ridiculous.

    1. animallover1247


      I recently posted a question about a psych eval and of those who responded, there were different experiences. Some had extensive questioning and some were just casual conversations. I would like to know what the difference is all about...is it the professional conducting the evaluation or what the insurance requires?? Does anyone know???

    2. Paige Dukes

      Paige Dukes

      The initial part was a casual conversation with the psych doctor. She had a sheet she was asking specific questions off that she was filling in but for the most part it was just me and her talking. After that I had to go into a room and do the test. The funny part is I am a psychiatric nurse and the questions that weren't obvious throw aways, I could tell what they were checking for. Paranoia, mania, depression, delusions, etc. The most subtle questions were the ones looking for symptoms of bipolar mania. regardless, I answered honestly and feel like my eval shouldn't have shown any major issues.

    3. animallover1247


      Well, if i answer the questions honestly, i am sure it will come back I am suffering from depression. However, a majority of my depression is related to my medical problems, some weight related and some are not, feel as though the surgery will help me with some of the problems (diabetes, sleep apnea, HPB).I definitely don't have any paranoia, mania, delusions, etc. I hope I don't get disqualified for having depression!

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  18. Last night I went from super excited that my surgery is only two weeks away, to absolutely terrified. It hit me while I was trying to go to sleep. It was almost a complete panic attack. I started thinking about surgery and being under anesthesia. I don't fear the lifestyle change that comes after, my fears are 100% based on this nagging idea that I could be THAT person who has the negative reaction to anesthesia, or throws a clot, or bleeds out, and on and on and on. After finally falling asleep I had nightmares all night related to death. I trust my surgeon 100%, I just all of a sudden got hit with the anxiety surrounding the potential complications. I really hope that when the day finally gets here that I am not a complete wreck.

    1. _Kate_


      I know that feeling ... 23/07 for me and had tummy turning over a couple of times today thnking about it !



    2. Daisee68


      Same thing happened to me! When I made the surgery appt, it was exactly 4 weeks away, then over that weekend, I woke up in a panic thinking "it's only 3 1/2 weeks away!" I don't know why 3 1/2 sounded so much closer than 4! LOL! It will go by fast! And anesthesia is always a little scary. It is always the part I dread for any surgery I have had (which is numerous I am afraid). I have had some not great experiences in the past, but the person I had for my bypass was AMAZING! Easiest going to sleep and waking up and without nausea I have ever had. I was very grateful for him! Try to keep your mind off that part if you can.

  19. Two weeks until surgery day! The clock is ticking down!

    1. lisaanewme67


      It goes so fast @Paige Dukes. Best of Luck and see you on this side very soon. Keep us posted!!

    2. Paige Dukes

      Paige Dukes

      I can't wait! At least I have gotten used to this pre op diet.

    3. jane13


      if you have gotten use to the preoperative diet that's a nod in the right direction.

  20. First visit with the nutritionist today! Ready to learn!

    1. Djmohr


      Best thing I ever did was start making small changes after meeting with my nut. It helped me get ready for significant lifestyle changes that were coming my way post WLS. I hope you have a great visit and certainly feel free to reach out with questions.

    2. jane13


      take notes and ask questions. write down any question you have so when you meet back up you can get answers.

  21. Day 10 pre-op, still losing! When I want to stuff my face I just remind myself how well I'm doing by trying on clothes that are not too big.

    1. Paige Dukes

      Paige Dukes

      so far, about 14-16 pounds. I've got about 3 weeks left so I hope this number continues to climb!


    2. wascott


      That's the way to do it! Keep up the great work. You'll be that much closer to your goal.

    3. ShrinkingPeach


      That's great!! Way to go!

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  22. 10 lbs gone!

    1. Djmohr


      Woot woot! Congratulations!

    2. God4me


      Congrats....keep going!

  23. Pre-op diet gets a tiny bit easier each day. I can do this!

    1. wascott


      Hang in there! I'm going through the same process. Day 12.

  24. This pre-op diet is killing me. I am SO hungry.

    1. Paige Dukes

      Paige Dukes

      And I gotta do this for a month.


    2. ShrinkingPeach


      For most the sensible meal is chicken breast, turkey or flaky fish. For me I had free foods of broth and sf jello. Those helped but the further I got into the pre-op diet the less I wanted to eat. My pre-op diet was around 600 calories a day. I got NO sensible meals, only protein shakes.

    3. wascott


      I'm on day 8. Three shakes and green leafy veggies. Getting around 500 calories a day. It's tough but you can do it.

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  25. Got a surgery date! July 14th. I am ready to start this journey.

    1. ShrinkingPeach


      Congrats! Will be here before you know it!

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