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Paige Dukes

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Paige Dukes

  1. Paige Dukes

    Too much protein a possibility?

    Thanks so much, guys!
  2. Paige Dukes

    Too much protein a possibility?

    I'm due to see surgeon anyway, so I'll bring it up when I go. I feel better knowing there are others doing well in the over 100 grams range, though.
  3. Weight loss came to a stand still. I think it may be due to too few calories. Gonna change it up a little.

    1. ShrinkingPeach


      It happens! Sometimes you are losing inches when the scale isn't moving too!

    2. Paige Dukes

      Paige Dukes

      My clothing doesn't feel like it is any looser. I also havent been getting enough water. I haven't taken very good care of myself the past week and a half and I need to get back on track. I admit I do need to start measuring, though.


    3. ShrinkingPeach


      You will get there! It takes time and gets so frustrating. I have been battling the same 2 pounds for a couple weeks and finally lost it...lol

  4. I had a poor experience at the hospital with the day shift nurse the day after surgery. First thing, she didn't do an assessment on me. Another thing, she frequently "forgot" it was time for my scheduled pain and nausea meds. My IV fluids became inconvenient for her so she saline locked my IV. Every time she pushed my meds she didn't do it over the required period of time and it always felt like a a fire cracker going off in the vein (probably a small clot or sheath being dislodged at the end of the cannula). And coming back to not being assessed, my husband had to leave at one point to tend to our pets, so I was left alone for a bit. I had had my catheter removed during surgery, so I was being ambulated to urinate. I called for assistance and no one responded. I couldn't get up on my own. I felt helpless and horrible. finally 45 minutes later the nurse walked in with my (late) pain medication. I told her I had to pee and she looked at me like I was dumb and said "but you have a catheter in". I told her that was news to me. It made me question what she documented in her nurses notes if she assumed I still had a catheter in. I also was not ambulated or given an incentive spirometer or shown how to brace my incisions when I coughed. I was lucky I am a nurse and already knew to do these things. I had an excellent surgeon and surgery team but a crappy hospital to have surgery in. To add insult to injury they keep sending me bills for outrageous amounts (the first one was 75,000 dollars). They said "oh, just ignore the bills, we have to send them but you don't owe anything", but now I have a creditor calling me saying I owe. I will never go to this hospital again. Everything else has been aces, I just hate that my hospital experience was so bad.
  5. So close to my first 50 pound goal I can TASTE it. ONE POUND!

    1. Elode


      You can do it!

    2. Paige Dukes

      Paige Dukes

      I did do it! Officially down 51 pounds now. Hard work pays off.

    3. Elode
    4. Show next comments  3 more
  6. Paige Dukes

    Banders #7

    Some things I am thankful for: that I can now walk up a flight of stairs without feeling like I am going to die. that my blood pressure is now under control. that my friends and family are so supportive and understanding about this whole journey. that my husband is as caring and loving as he is. that I have a career that allows me to focus a good bit of my attention on my health and this continued weight loss. that I no longer dread shopping for clothes. that my skin is finally healthy and glowing, not dull and broken out. that I no longer have aching joints or muscles after a night of work or a trip out. that my life is no longer ruled by an obsession with food. that my surgeon is as nice and involved as he is. that I can finally truly enjoy food and not treat it like a drug. And most of all, that I made the decision to have this surgery, because before then I was slowly dying. Now I am living, and living well. I am only about a third of the way to goal but, my god, a difference nearly 50 pounds makes.
  7. Bought neon pink and blue hot pants today. Fierce! :P

    1. BackSpin81
    2. jane13


      that's brave - I still wear black, grey, blue - always have been my favorite colors...

  8. Got my first fill today. Definitely feeling a difference.

    1. SelyGee


      Really? I get my first fill today too but not until this afternoon. What do you feel?

    2. Paige Dukes

      Paige Dukes

      I'm fuller quicker with high protein foods. Definitely satiated earlier and stay fuller longer. It's not a MAJOR difference but it's something. I think my sweet spot may be with one more fill but I am going to give this a couple of months or so before I contact my surgeon again.

  9. Shopping has become so much more fun.

    1. mykdzmom


      I can't wait to feel this way. It is such a source of frustration for me now. I see so many people who do a fantastic job of dressing nice at a larger size, but I am just not one of them. I can't bring myself to purchase a really nice or expensive outfit because I am always thinking.... I want to lose some weight. Also, LB and some of the nicer places just charge so much! Anyway, even now knowing my surgery is so close, I sit and dream about shopping. I am so thrilled for you! Enjoy :)

    2. Paige Dukes

      Paige Dukes

      I still have about 110 or so pounds to lose, but I am finding that I am liking how I look in things much more than I used to after 40 pounds lost. I bought a dress yesterday because I liked how it looked on me and I convinced myself I was worth it. It is definitely hard to justify paying for nice things along the journey because I either beat myself up for being so big or I tell myself "well, in a month or so it wont fit." I spent a good bit of money yesterday on clothes but one reason was because I found a pair of pants that made my butt look awesome, lol.

    3. mykdzmom


      What a thrill to look in the mirror and like what you see. Eeeeek! You deserve those pants and you just go rock that awesome new butt of yours! You deserve the new clothes to make up for all the time you didn't go shopping. What a joy it will be to give those away in a month! I am so pumped for you.

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  10. Paige Dukes

    Foods with the highest water content

    I've definitely noticed a change in my tastes for the better. Since my calories are so restricted I've decided only the best quality foods will suffice. I think I have cooked from scratch more in the past couple of months than I have in my entire life. I have noticed a major increase in my energy level as a result.
  11. I'm so tired of being sick. The meds the doc gave me have my appetite up and down (mostly down) and my energy level is nil. I just want to get back on track. :(

    1. emilyphoenix74


      B12,b12,b12....you can buy it in liquid form so its easy to take.

    2. Paige Dukes

      Paige Dukes

      I have been considering starting taking b12. I will look into it next time I am grocery shopping.


  12. Paige Dukes

    Comments from others that mess with your head

    I was very "out" from the get go about the fact that I was having surgery and I have had almost 99% support from everyone who knows. However, I had a "friend" who, after I began telling people I was having/had had surgery, posted on facebook that she had lost 10 pounds and was so proud of herself for "not doing it the easy way". I knew it was a jab at me that originated out of her own envy, so I just shrugged it off. Well, she recently stopped by my house for a visit and her face when she saw me said everything. Not only did I notice she had gained those 10 pounds back and then some, but it was obvious she was shocked at the amount of weight I had lost myself. The jealousy was palpable. She had a lot of questions about the surgery that night. The best revenge against catty people like that is to just do you and be the best you you can be, because people who worry too much about you ain't worrying enough about themselves and it always ends up biting them in the ass.
  13. Paige Dukes

    stuck food

    I haven't had a fill yet, but I have noticed that if I eat bread that it kind of feels like it is balled up at the base of my esophagus. I avoid bread now because of this. Same thing happened the first time I tried rice post-op, too. Everyone has problems with different things. I was told by my nutritionist that it is going to be tentative trial and error to figure out what you can or cannot tolerate.
  14. Paige Dukes

    Infused Water

    I have recently just gone nutty over simple lemon Water. I cut up about a half of a lemon and throw it in a full water bottle and leave over night. I just love the bitter twang it gets. I have water retention issues and lemons are a natural mild diuretic and, maybe it's all in my head, but it seems like it works well with the prescription diuretic I take. I've been considering getting some mint leaves and throwing them in there, too.
  15. Paige Dukes

    How do you deal with head hunger?

    I know this is a huge no-no for the band, but when I am having what I believe is head hunger I chew some heavily flavored mint gum. I mean I really get to smacking on it, lol, which is why I don't do it unless I am at home. The act of chewing it semi-satisfies the hunger craving and the strong mint flavor deters me from eating anything else because I know it will taste bad after the gum. I imagine once I have my first fill I will stop the gum habit to be safe. If I am sticking strictly to the rules I suck on tic-tacs, which do the same thing as the gum in terms of the mint flavor. It at least helps a little bit.
  16. Paige Dukes

    Help! My body is backsliding!

    At this stage in the game for you exercising almost everyday is too much. When we start exercise regimens it is important to add gradually: 2-3 days/week max for those of us who have gone from a mostly inactive lifestyle to an active one. Also, for those of us who are carrying a considerable amount of excess weight, certain exercises can be too taxing or even dangerous for our changing bodies. I would say allow yourself time to heal then stick to a walking schedule a few times a week, then slowly add other light impact exercises and increase your endurance and strength incrementally. I would definitely suggest talking to your doctor about what he or she may suggest for a safe starting workout plan. Explain to them the symptoms you are having/ had had after the type and amount of activity you were doing. I am a RN. I have seen too many debilitating joint injuries that have resulted from a seemingly simple or safe activity. Be safe! We all care about you and want you to succeed without doing any damage to yourself.
  17. Very sick, but sticking to the plan.

    1. emma4884


      I admire your tenacity! Some would seize illness as an excuse but not you. I have had some medical setbacks myself. I just tell myself that there are bound to be some bumps along this journey. Just keep our eyes on the prize.

  18. Paige Dukes

    How Do You Set Your Goals?

    I set small goals to help keep me motivated along the journey. Things like fitting into clothing that didn't before, decreasing my sodium intake, eating clean, fitting into smaller booths at restaurants, being able to walk farther or increase activity level incrementally. I am currently at 40 pounds lost and my next goal is 50. I set a time goal for the next 10 pounds to come off before Halloween as my husband and I are taking a trip. Hopefully it will be 50+ by then, but I won't beat myself up if it's not. Overall goal weight for me is 170. I picked this weight because the last time I was active and healthy I weighed a little over 180 and looked and felt great. I was a gym rat and actually enjoyed running and lifting and many other activities. I look back and can't believe how far I have let myself go. Anyway, I think small goals are important because they help keep you focused.
  19. The flu AND an infected incision? Thanks, immune system...

  20. I hate having such a problem with fluid retention. I know those 2-3 pounds of weight gain overnight is excess fluid but it is still disheartening to see on the scale.

    1. Djmohr


      I hear ya! I have conditioned myself to expect it always that way I won't be so disappointed.

    2. Paige Dukes

      Paige Dukes

      I'm trying to get used to the idea that this is how it is going to go as I drop weight. I really gotta stop with the salty foods. I just love strong flavor so much :(.

    3. jane13


      try adding seasonings to foods like pepper, garlic or chili powder. I like strong flavored salty foods too. So I here ya...

  21. One pound away from 40 gone! I think when I hit 50 I should celebrate with something fun. Maybe a trip!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. justajackie


      When I hit the 50 mark ,I am going out for calamari ! Lol

    3. ShrinkingPeach


      What a great non-food related reward...congrats on the weight loss so far!

    4. Paige Dukes

      Paige Dukes

      I've got the hotel booked. Going to New Orleans for Halloween. Staying on Decatur. I think it's a reasonable estimate to say I could lose 11 more pounds in a little over two months.

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  22. I saw this difference in the income brackets in my own family. My father came from a higher income family and no one in his family was overweight, while my mother came from a lower income family and there is a lot of obesity and obesity related comorbidities on that side. Not only were the quality in foods varied from both sides, the difference in my maternal and paternal grandmother's cooking styles were like night and day. My maternal grandmother tended to fry almost everything and portion sizes were unreal. Also family events were centered around grandma and her kitchen, the main event being when the meal was served. My paternal grandmother, however, was very health conscious and cooked with fresher, more wholesome ingredients and measured her portions carefully. Her only real food vice was baked goods, but that was only because she loved baking. She never bought processed foods, fast food, or premade confections. Also there wasn't much of a "food culture" associated with that side of the family. We treated meals at her house more like fuel for the rest of the day because she always had activities for us. The only time I was ever a healthy weight was when I lived with her for 2 years after my mother died. While it may not be true for everyone, the stereotype about poverty and obesity rang true in my family.
  23. Five pounds lighter AFTER vacation? I'll take it!

    1. Paige Dukes

      Paige Dukes

      It was definitely difficult when the rest of the family would order the delicious looking fried seafood platter or heavily sweetened mixed drinks, but I stuck to my guns and only ordered grilled or steamed items. I also used it as an excuse to get more active and try activities I wouldn't have before.

    2. Djmohr


      I love the fact that we can go on vacation and lose weight in the process. I think it is because we are much more active now in addition to following good eating habits.

    3. mykdzmom


      What an awesome bonus!

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  24. Vacation started yesterday. Have been sticking to my diet in the face of temptation. Pre-making most of my meals has been a life saver!

    1. Miss Mac

      Miss Mac

      Good Girl! I did that last year while doing some genalogical tourism out of state. Sometimes you have to get creative, but it's do-able.

    2. ProudGrammy


      preparing food for the trip.. that's wonderful - stick to your food and drink rules, and you will continue being a success! keep up the good work - congrats kathy

    3. Paige Dukes

      Paige Dukes

      It definitely saved me a lot of trouble and frustration, that's for sure.

  25. Gained 4 pounds of fluid over night. Got to stop forgetting to take my meds. :/

    1. NikkiDoc


      I had to set a daily recurring alarm to remember to take my PM meds. I am good M-F for my morning meds. But I am bad about remembering my PM meds and my weekend AM meds. Not that I am on many meds anymore just vitamins and Celebrex.

    2. StephBtoo


      LOL setting an alarm sounds like a fantastic idea... I already have trouble remembering things like this -- before surgery, I doubt I'll magically get better after surgery!!! Thanks

    3. Paige Dukes

      Paige Dukes

      I made sure to take my meds correctly and monitored my sodium intake and the 4 pounds already came back off. I figured it was just water weight because my ankles were huge after work and it dawned on me I forgot to take my BP meds. I've set up a new routine now to help me remember.


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