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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Sleevefornellie reacted to mclorrie in Impatiently waiting...June sleevers?   
    I'll be finished with my six month Doctor supervised weight loss appointments in May. So I hope I'll be approved to be sleeved in June!
    I'm close to having all my requirements done. My cardiologist has cleared me for surgery. I've had my sleep study, getting my bipap soon. I have my psych eval this Tuesday. And my f/u psych appt. In two weeks. I have one group meeting to complete; then I'll be well on my way!
    I'm really excited!
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    Sleevefornellie reacted to VSG_Hopeful in Feelings pre surgery   
    My surgery is 2 days away. I'm nervous, scared, excited. Sometimes the anxiety is so overwhelming I feel like throwing up. But I know this is the right decision for me. When I first started this journey, I couldn't wait for surgery. Now that it's almost here I'm beside myself. Lol
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    Sleevefornellie reacted to mclorrie in Countdown to surgery begins!   
    What a journey so far!! I just wanted to say "Thank you" to everyone on this site for posting all of your experiences, advice, and for all the moral support that helped me make it this far!!
    Began on December 4 with an appointment with my PCP. I was seeing him for pain in my lower back - sacroiliac joint dysfunction was the diagnosis. The cause? My weight. I was the heaviest that I had ever been - 307 lbs! I was experiencing all different kinds of feelings - mortified, disgusted, sad, angry, all rolled up into one! And I had nobody to blame but myself. I told my doctor that I'm tired of my weight issues, and what I want most in life is to be healthy again!
    At that point we discussed weight loss, and what I have I done to try to lose weight? Let's see - I've done Adkins, South Beach, and Weight Watchers - THREE TIMES - which I failed all drastically! I just couldn't stick with any particular diet, and I needed help! This is when he recommended weight loss surgery.
    I have UHC - their requirement was to have a psych evaluation, and six - doctor supervised weight loss appointments. Not to mention the list of requirements that needed to be done in order for my surgeon to approve my surgery! Two psych evals - cardiac clearance - one group meeting. With every appointment I've had to go through, I've learned so much about what my weight problem has caused me! I have several co-morbidities - sleep apnea, hypertension, pre diabetic, arthritis, sacroiliac joint dysfunction - I'm literally falling apart!
    I'm happy to say that I have completed all the required tasks - with today being my sixth and final doctor supervised visits! I have successfully lost 17 lbs. on my own, and have not gained any weight in six months! This may not look like much, but is a big accomplishment for me!
    Now the countdown begins! My surgeon and medical team will meet to discuss my case and determine if I'll be a good candidate for WLS. This will take anywhere from 1-2 weeks. I'll get the call from the patient navigator when she submits it to insurance for approval. Let the waiting game begin!! Hoping to join the losers bench in June or July!!
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    Sleevefornellie reacted to ShrinkingPeach in Papers submitted   
    That may be to cover for the fact that they might not call to follow up on the authorization. My advice is not to wait but call your insurance company and ask to speak to someone in the pre-auth department on a weekly basis and follow-up. I did and found out that my insurance company had been trying to contact my surgeons office getting no response, that the paperwork didn't get turned in actually for a month after I had been told it was...BE YOUR OWN ADVOCATE! I learned my lesson the hard way.
    Good Luck!!
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    Sleevefornellie reacted to luckypants in Is VSG for me?   
    I had to limit my carb intake drastically, Not including veggies. So basically no bread, Pasta, potatoes, or sugar.
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    Sleevefornellie reacted to luckypants in Is VSG for me?   
    For Breakfast I have a Premier Protein shake with a tbsp of PB2. lunch is 3oz of meat with asparagus, mushrooms or onions and supper is the same. I try not to snack but if I get snacky I will go for almonds or pickles or cheese
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    Sleevefornellie reacted to CapeCodder in Should I Consider WLS, specifically, the Sleeve?   
    I'm only 3 weeks post op... but I've found the recovery to be really easy. The first few days were hard, of course. The pain from the surgery as well as a kidney infection I picked up along the way. But I went back to work (I work from home) 1 week post op and haven't looked back.
    I've lost 30 lbs in 3 weeks, and the energy level is amazing! My body already feels very different, and I'm feeling so optimistic about everything. I didn't have a scale at first, but realized at one point when I got up and put on my bathrobe it was HUGE on me. My 12 year old said "mom, my arms go around you further!".
    The hard part is planning your meals. You do not feel like eating for the most part. Getting your Protein in as well as fluids is hard - but I've found that just planning ahead makes it work. I'm never hungry (I never ever thought I would say that!), so having a set plan for the day is key to making sure everything gets in.
    The day I went home from the hospital I said "why did I do this???" 1 week later I said "why didn't I do this 10 years ago?!"
    It's the best decision I have ever made.
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    Sleevefornellie reacted to Sassygirl06 in Be honest - does anyone regret the surgery?   
    I am so sorry that you are suffering right now! I can tell you that when I was at the time you are now I felt the same way. I would cry asking what the heck did I do to myself! I would vomit at least 2 times a day, had a really hard time drinking Water, and overall felt crapy. Every day got a little better, and at around 4-5 months I finally really got it down...or the hang of it, and started adjusting to my new way of eating and life. Now at more then 2 years out I feel so wonderful ( well not today because I had a Tummy Tuck yesterday) but other then that my whole life has changed for the better! I am healthy again! I don't worry every day about being a ticking time bomb. food no longer controls me! I am soooo thankful that I chose to start living again!
    I hope that you come out of this a different, better version of you....and I really hope you start to feel better soon! Good luck to you!
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    Sleevefornellie reacted to TvlGrl712 in Be honest - does anyone regret the surgery?   
    Just an update on me (the one who started this topic). I had my surgery just over 3 weeks ago. The first week - I totally regretted what I did - I didnt have any problems really, but I kept thinking how can I live like this?? Now, Im 22 lbs down and starting to eat pureed foods and I am so happy! I still have a long way to go, but I really think this what the right thing for me! Thank you to all who encouraged me after I first posted this! I hope WE can continue to encourage those coming after us!
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    Sleevefornellie reacted to Niko Anthony in Be honest - does anyone regret the surgery?   
    this is a question I wondered myself, how many people actually regret it being I see SO MANY positive people ! lol Im in just the first steps of my journey now and cant wait to actually get a move on. . . I do question myself is this for me? am I making the right choice? but like others I have invested so much time, energy and money in other quick fixes and diets that either didn't work or came back like a boomerang and the weight knocked me off my feet. Since I have reached into 300+ numbers I cannot get past 290lbs ! it gets soo frustrating and discouraging .. I have realized I need the help of a tool, and having a football sized stomach isn't benefiting me lol Congrats to everyone on being sleeved and on all of ur weight loss... I cant wait until I get to join u on the losers bench ! save me a spot lol
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    Sleevefornellie reacted to Johanna1955 in Be honest - does anyone regret the surgery?   
    NOTHING, tastes as good as healthy feels!!!
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    Sleevefornellie reacted to amytug in Be honest - does anyone regret the surgery?   
    Also close your eyes for a moment
    Imagine yourself down 50 lbs or so. You're happier. It's easier to shop for clothes. You don't feel like everyone is thinking you're huge or staring at you when you put a froZen pizza in hte cart or little Debbie cakes. Occasionally you catch a glimpse of yourself an think "not bad at all. ". You have energy to play with your kids and you WANT TO! You are more active and feel alive for the first time in a very long time.
    I could keep going.
    Not everyone's experience is line sharonintx. I can definitely take 8 + bites. I don't drink tho so that's a non issue. I enjoy the foods I used to like and I'm satisfied having it far less often in far smaller portions. Mostly because I'm enjoying SK MUCH MORE in life now. food was all I ever did. Now I do so much other stuff that good really became much less important. Now I eat so I can do the other fun stuff/ fuel my body for running, biking etc. . Not because there's nothing more fun to do.
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    Sleevefornellie reacted to sharonintx in Be honest - does anyone regret the surgery?   
    If we are being honest - then yes. Sometimes I do.
    When I want to drink some frozen adult beverages but cannot due to my drastically smaller stomach.
    When I haven't eaten all day, I cook some good stuff or go to my favorite restaurant and I can only eat a few bites when I really want about 8 bites.
    When i want to gulp down some iced tea because I'm very thirsty and I have to take slow small sips because I can't hold it all at once.
    When I want some delicious stuffed jalapeno peppers and tequila based drinks and I can eat ONE pepper and drink a third of my drink.
    When do I not regret it? When I get on the scale, when I notice how good I feel most of the time, and when I notice that people don't comment on my weight loss but I see them looking at me with a hint of jealousy on their face. Booyah.
  14. Like
    Sleevefornellie reacted to mcjenkins1 in Surgery date - finally   
    Good to meet you on here good lick to you too!
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    Sleevefornellie got a reaction from DisneyDreaming in Impatiently waiting...June sleevers?   
    Hello everyone!!!! I was told by my insurance healthplus amerigroup that they received my paperwork on May 7th and that my surgery is scheduled for June 22nd!!!! I'm still pending approval!!!!! Nervous and waiting!!!!
  16. Like
    Sleevefornellie got a reaction from DisneyDreaming in Impatiently waiting...June sleevers?   
    Hello everyone!!!! I was told by my insurance healthplus amerigroup that they received my paperwork on May 7th and that my surgery is scheduled for June 22nd!!!! I'm still pending approval!!!!! Nervous and waiting!!!!
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    Sleevefornellie reacted to Kfohiotime4change in Surgery date - finally   
    Congratulations! My surgery date is also JUNE 8! Lots of fears to conquer before then, right? We got this!
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    Sleevefornellie reacted to pink dahlia in Afraid of the new me and losing who I am now...   
    Allray, just my 2 cents worth, people DO look at you differently but in a "friendlier " way. I know its weird to think about, but Ive noticed that people approach me with a better, nicer attitude since loosing weight. I also pay much more attention to my appearance, making sure I have on nice clothes, and am well groomed. Never sloppy, or shabby or an "I give up attitude. " Because I send out the message that I respect and care for myself, people respond the same. ( And trust me, it ain't all bad ! ) You will be out of the shadows, so the more you send a message of self respect, the more respect you'll get from others. Good luck !!
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    Sleevefornellie reacted to Alex Brecher in Insurance denied me :/   
    I am so sorry about this – what a devastating piece of news! I hope that, like the others suggested, you will not give up. Maybe your current primary care doctor or another of your current doctors can help you appeal to the insurance company. Or, maybe you will need to look around for a different doctor who can help. Some of the bariatric clinics may be more used to helping patients get reimbursement and other financing options than your current medical care team may be. This is especially true in HMO plans, which are so bureaucratic. Keep up the fight!
  20. Like
    Sleevefornellie reacted to Edavidson in Insurance denied me :/   
    you should get approved now. if you need me to research anything for you let me know. I will
    assist you all that i can. I worked in legal for 12 years and I am a research bug. if someone
    tells me no they had better have a good provable reason. Go to the mattresses, fight, fight, fight.
    "You've got mail" i love that movie.
  21. Like
    Sleevefornellie reacted to Chanel22 in Insurance denied me :/   
    My insurance denied me twice.. The third time I was approved.. You can fight it.
  22. Like
    Sleevefornellie reacted to Inner Surfer Girl in Insurance denied me :/   
    I am so sorry to hear this. After being around these boards for a long time I would suggest that you appeal. You should be able to get your PCP or surgeon to help with the process.
    Don't give up.
  23. Like
    Sleevefornellie reacted to Jennifer575 in Before and After Pics   
    This is the first time posting any pics. I am a couple days shy of 2 mos post op. Down 46lbs.

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    Sleevefornellie reacted to ooffa511 in Before and After Pics   
    I had surgery almost 10 months ago. Hubby is just eatting better

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    Sleevefornellie reacted to Losin4good in Before and After Pics   
    I remember being pre-op and my favorite thing to do was look at progress photos and dream
    I am 6 months, 10 days post op and I am down 128 pounds total. This isnt a very great pic since I have been sick, but i still took it because anything is better than my before!!

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