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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by lexiemia

  1. Oh thank goodness I was not required to do a bowel prep.
  2. lexiemia

    Lap Band Fills

    The closest I know is Orlando. Dr. Jawad.
  3. Clear liquids today. Surgery tomorrow. I didn't think this day would ever get here. Not really sure how I feel. I know I am just ready to get this over with and start my next chapter. Ugh! Why does insurance make us wait so long?
  4. lexiemia

    14 days away!

    Thanks Hun!! I've also worked in hospitals for ten year as I nurse I think I know to much and it makes me freak out!!! I should know it will all be ok but the what ifs get to me! I also get up with a headache everyday. I find it's a lil better with a cup of green tea but I'm soooooo ready to be headache free. They suck! Soda withdrawals are tough lol but worth it I know! Good luck to you as well. Feel free to message me after the 8th I'll update you on the process! Or follow me on here I plan to post all about it! What helped me was watching a video on you tube of the surgery. I think knowing exactly what they do made me feel better. Makes me kind of know what to expect. It's funny how we nurses think.
  5. lexiemia

    No fluids with food

    I was told to not drink 30 minutes before I eat and to wait 30 minutes after I eat to drink again.
  6. lexiemia

    I feel so alone

    I say you do what you need to do for you. Some time spouses are afraid of how things will be when we lose weight. It's a security thing. Once he sees the changes for the better in you he will come around. Some times it's also a fear that they may lose you during the surgery. This will be my second surgery. I had lap band in 2004. Hubby was supportive. When we went last week for my pre op appointment I was shocked when he asked the nurse how many patients this surgeon had lost. I guess that was in the back of his mind and he needed the comfort of knowing. Thank heavens she told him none.
  7. lexiemia

    14 days away!

    I know the feeling. My surgery is 28 th. I have worked in hospitals for 25 years. You would think I would not be scared. My other big concern is caffeine withdrawal headache. I have cut way back and I get up with a headache every day. I gave up the diet Pepsi two weeks ago. Now I have one glass of tea every day. I wish you and your mom the best of luck. You are going to be fine.
  8. lexiemia

    New here

    Ask the nurse if she can use lidocaine when she starts your IV.
  9. lexiemia

    Surgery May 26th! So nervous!

    I had gastric band surgery in 2004. I will be having conversion to sleeve on the 28th. I have also had a c section and I will tell you recovering from band surgery was a walk in the part compared to c section.
  10. Don't let this discourage you. My husbands aunt had GB 8 years ago she went from a size 24 to a size 4 and she has maintained her weight loss all these years. I asked her tonight what was her secret. She said no caffeine, no soda, beer, or wine. Drink lots of Water, eat three small meals a day and three small Snacks. I asked what sort of snacks she said yogurt or 1/2 banana. I wish you the best of luck and we are all here to support you.
  11. Glad to hear you are doing well. My surgery is on Thursday.
  12. lexiemia

    Post surgery wardrobe

    That is what I did. Shopped at Goodwill for the year it took me to lose weight. I have actually bought clothes there that were brand new with tags on them. Got most of the formal dresses for our cruises from goodwill as well. I have to warn you once you get use to paying 6 bucks for a pair of perfectly good jeans it's hard to pay full price again.
  13. lexiemia

    feeling a little frustrated

    I read an article recently that said sometimes we feel hunger when actually water is what our bodies need. It said to drink water and wait 30 min to see if the hunger subsides.
  14. lexiemia


    May 28 th for me.
  15. I too am having this problem. I have also noticed that my ankles have started swelling.
  16. lexiemia

    A little off topic... Arnold Chiari Malformation

    There is actually a chairi clinic in Kentucky and I think in Ohio. Google it and you will find their website.
  17. Try peri colace. Its a stool softener a d a laxative. Also senocot.
  18. lexiemia

    May 28, 2015 VSG ISO Buddy

    My facebook page is Debbie Hatmaker Grose. If you have a Face Book page I would love to be friends.
  19. lexiemia

    May 28, 2015 VSG ISO Buddy

    I live in Port Saint Lucie Florida. My surgery is in Jupiter Florida. I am trying to figure out how to post pictures from my iphone. At my smallest I weighed 137 down from 244. After I started having trouble with the band they removed the saline and I gained most of my weight back.
  20. lexiemia

    May 28, 2015 VSG ISO Buddy

    I too am having surgery on 5/28. Having lap band removed and converted to a sleeve. It didn't seem like the time would ever come. I can't believe its only 5 days away. I only have to be on clear liquids one day prior to surgery. I have been trying to make better choices so I can loose some weight prior to surgery. Wishing you the best of luck. Keep in touch.
  21. lexiemia

    A little off topic... Arnold Chiari Malformation

    My daughter has an Arnold Chiri malformation. She has constant headaches and we are thinking she may need surgery at some point. She had her baby last June and put on quite a bit of weight. She has been trying to lose it and has done well as of lately. Are you having the window surgery?
  22. lexiemia

    Did anyone like the band better?

    I had my lap band in 2004. I did good for a while. Over a period of a year and three adjustments I lost 100 lbs. I did have issues now and again with sliming depending on what I ate. Around the first part of 2014 I started have lots of reflux and was not able to drink anything in the mornings. It was usually around noon before I could eat or drink without vomiting. I was sleeping basically sitting up and buying stock in tums. It got to the point where I would wake up gurgling on fluid coming out my nose and mouth. Last May the dr removed all the fluid from my band and I had an upper GI series. He said the band had slipped and it had to come out. We were in the process of moving across the state so he said it was no emergency to do right away. Over the followings months up until now I have gained 87 lbs. I am so frustrated with myself. At my smallest I was 137 lbs wore a size 6. After moving I have found a surgeon, jumped through all the hoops for insurance and now have my sleeve scheduled for May 28. I am so ready to get this band out. I should probably stop reading all this stuff on the net because it is scaring me. Example: people reporting that their band was embedded in their liver. Saw the surgeon yesterday and got some much reassurance. It will also be wonderful to wear the 10 boxes of clothes in my garage.
  23. I am having this same fear and wondering if maybe I should have signed up for the bypass. I asked the nurse today what is the longest they have had a patient maintain their weight with the sleeve. She said they have a patient 6 years out that has maintained and she has even had a baby.
  24. lexiemia

    My Revision Story

    I too have a lap band. My band slipped last year and I am having it removed and converted to a sleeve. I have never regretted having my band even though I am having problems with it now. My only regret is I didn't make myself maintain my weight loss when all the saline had to be removed from my band so next week I begin this journey all over again. I am so afraid of weight gain again once I get the weight back off with the sleeve. I am wondering should I have went for the bypass?
  25. lexiemia

    Multi-Vitamin struggles

    Www.WLSvitamins.com has vitamins made special for bariatric patients.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
