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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Lilpeach_059

  1. Lilpeach_059

    Here Are The Requirements For Tricare

    For me (and I think everybody else that didnt/doesnt use MD's on base) it went like this (Tricare Prime): 1. Go see PCM, tell them you are interested in Lapband surgery and/or you need a referral to see "Dr. Lapband-Surgeon." Just make sure the surgeon you pick out accepts Tricare 2. Call "Dr. Lapband-Surgeon" and tell him you want the surgery and find out what you need to do at this point. (Also make sure your referral went through...I cant see why it should be denied) The rest of the steps went like this for me: The lapband surgeon required seminar, Pulm clearance, nutrition visit, psyc eval, TSH level and letter from PCM saying I was cleared for lapband surgery...letter had to say at minimum my height, weight and BMI. My PCM added a lot of extra including previous failed diets, possible co-morbidities and any other health issues. He then faxed this to Tricare and I followed everything (status of referrals and whether the actual lapband procedure was approved or denied) on humanamilitary.com. Hope this helps
  2. Lilpeach_059

    Hematoma at Port Site!

    How long did it take to go away and what helped with the discomfort. I feel extremely bloated and a little weak.
  3. Lilpeach_059

    Hematoma at Port Site!

    OMG! Same thing happened to me! I left the hospital with the "grapefruit" for a port and it finally seemed to get better until yesterday. Last night I woke up in a pool of blood so I went to see my surgeon. He said the same thing... "big hematoma." My blood has a light funky lil smell to it but the surgeon said it wasnt infected...I didnt ask him to smell it tho...I was/am in a good bit of pain. I hope some others with similar experiences chime in because Im just as worried. :biggrin:
  4. Congrats on the loss! My port incision opened up last night and i woke up in a pool of blood. My surgeon says its not infected and just had the nurse tape my abdomen with a ton of gauze and told me to expect to lose about a cup more of blood. So that "sudden episode of gas pains" was actually bloating/fullness from fluid leaking. I took chewable gas-x max strength and pain med but that fullness was still there and very painful so then I knew something was not right.


    Thanks for the encouragement! When I went to the surgeon they let me weigh myself and I am down about 12lbs in 11 days. I was really schocked but right now im more focused on healing than anything. Oh yea...im jealous that you had hot wings LOL!! I cant wait to start feeling better!

  5. Dr. Scott Steinberg is located in Decatur, Georgia...please move this.
  6. Lilpeach_059


    Wow...thats a beautiful gown!!
  7. Lilpeach_059

    port sticks out

    Mines does ...Im only 9 days post-op but I think it will protrude a bit because the rest of my tummy has gone down except the port site. I know the port site can stay sore/swollen for 6 weeks...so I guess I'll see in 6 weeks if it goes down any. But I can suck my tummy all the way in..and there is a lump where my port is. I noticed you have a realize-c band...so do I.
  8. Lilpeach_059

    Does full feel different after banding?

    I am 9 days post-op and I feel the same way! I dont feel that "full" feeling that got me this fat anymore...but I do miss it. I dont miss it more than I want to be healthy...thats for sure! I was having this convo with my mom, she asked me if I get full faster but I told her I didnt know! She was like ....I told her that I just sip a little (still on full liquids for 12 more days:rolleyes:) and then hunger just kinda goes away.
  9. Hey, Im ok...you have you been? I had some major swelling near my port that I was worried about but it seems to be ok. My gas pains got all of a sudden more intense as of yesterday for some strange reason though. But other than that, things are fine. Have you weighed yourself yet? And are you still on full liquids? Im so tired of broth lol!

  10. I agree, thats one of the reasons why I elected not to tell so many people. Also people say that the dangers from the actual procedure are not worth losing the weight (:biggrin: right). Or; that the complications and the new lifestyle arent worth the weight you lose.
  11. Lilpeach_059

    July22 and 23rd Bandits, check in here!

    My surgery was moved from 930 to 11am on july 23 2009. Then the surgery was delayed until about 3. Surgery started at about 340 and i was out by 420. I woke up in recovery in severe pain and once i was stable i was sent to my room. My surgeon did require an overnight stay which was ok with me. I read about people having to share rooms and i really didnt want to do that and i have a history of mrsa (aug 2008) so i reminded my surgeon and he made sure i got a private room. So when i get up to the room my sis and nephew wanted to to say hi because none of my family could come. im assuming my know it all nurse went straight to the charge nurse instead of asking me the patient about my health history. so in walks the charge nurse explaining why im in isolation and i tried to explain that i am negative for mrsa but shes the charge nurse so she knows everything...so she just overtalked me. but she then tells me that my nephew does not need to be in my room!! My nephew that i live with? The same nephew that i babysit almost everday and take naps with almost everyday? I really did not like how they made assumptions without asking me, or checking my chart or askinb the person allowed to talk for me if the need arised; my sister. But other than a few bad nurses and my my port area being swollen to the size of a grapefruit my stay was ok. I was discharged the next evening. I do have a sore throat and gas pains in my belly.
  12. Thanks so much!! Im starting feel like everything is ok. Just tired of being bloated and looking four months preggo on top of that!!!
  13. Lilpeach_059

    was your tummy swollen afterwards?

    Thanks everyone!
  14. Lilpeach_059

    was your tummy swollen afterwards?

    Thanks soooo much!!! I was sure that everyone would have some type of swelling/bloating...but it looks like they accidently put a grapefruit instead of a port in my main incision lol. Thanks again, i feel sooo much better/normal!!!!!!
  15. My surgeon said it was ok, I still didnt feel right so my nurse at the hosptal called his office and one of the other surgeons there, said she would come by and do bloodwork and check me out.The bloodwork came back satisfactory and she said the swelling was normal. I stiil feel a little uneasy :biggrin:...
  16. Lilpeach_059

    Girdles, Cinchers or even spanx

    I have 2 squeems so far...and I love mine too! :tongue2: How long did you wait after getting the band to start back wearing your squeem? I cant believe you found them at Walgreens :biggrin:...gotta check out my local Walgreens!!
  17. Thanks.:tongue2: So it looks like I have a grapefruit, not a port under there...it hasnt gotten bigger, so I know thats a good thing. So large grapefruit sized is pretty normal? Thanks again!! :biggrin:
  18. Lilpeach_059

    was your tummy swollen afterwards?

    Thanks again every one...my port area looks like a very large grapefruit is under my skin. Does everybody else have general swelling, or is anybody else swollen more in one place only?
  19. I just got banded July 23 and where my port, I have a knot the size of a huge grapefruit...so Im sad just thinking about having a complication with this band. :-( So if my post seemed a little rude, it was not intentional just me thinking in terms of working so hard for something and losing it before you even get to use it. But I know you were not directing that comment at me, im just home now in my own bed able to think a little clear. But not to hijack....but was your tummy swollen where the port is located? My surgeon (and another one in his group said it was fine)...im not so sure...any advice would be appreciated!
  20. i think it increases your chances of ur band slipping. i kno its hard but it will b harder if u lost the band due to slippage.
  21. Lilpeach_059

    was your tummy swollen afterwards?

    Thanks so much! I was a little worried.
  22. Lilpeach_059

    need help..again..tricare...PCM

    ok, i went back and found it....its something along the lines of i lap place gastr adj device hospital doctor date submitted date approved outpatient bariatric surgery they approved me in about three hrs so hopefully u will get yours really soon!
  23. Lilpeach_059

    need help..again..tricare...PCM

    when the surgery is approved it will say something like....approved one visit lap or gastric band placemen. if you look up my posts you will find where i posted exactly how tricare words it. i would find it and post it here but im on my cell. hope this helps and good luck!
  24. i hope everyone has a good banding today and a speedy recovery.
  25. My surgery was for 9am so i wasnt worried about being npo after midnight...but now they pushed it back to 2pm!!! Im so nervous, but ive been keeping calm!

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