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Everything posted by LLawless

  1. LLawless

    Weight Loss Stall at 2 weeks Post-op

    It will trust me. I used to get so frustrated but then I quit weighing myself every day.
  2. Get Moving was my challenge, so I got me a fitbit and I love it. To me it is challenging me every day along with my friends that have them and now my daughter has one. Everyone that has this surgery should get one.

  3. My 1 year post op appointment is in 6 days and I am 7.4 lbs from my goal. This year has been a great journey and I am very proud of my accomplishments.

    1. MozzaWehsha
    2. LLawless


      Thank you, I might not reach my goal by my appointment but I will reach it soon.

    3. LLawless


      My appointment we well. I am only 6 lbs from goal, all of my labs came back great and my BMI is 25.7 YAY!!!!

  4. LLawless

    20150927 114108

    From the album: LLawless

  5. 11 lbs to loose before my 1 year post op appointment April 20th 2016

  6. Well, I am adjusting to my new lifestyle. I'm back to eatig out with the family but me and my husband share dinner or we get to appitizers. He says I'm a cheap date now. That's ok because I'm loosing weight almost daily. I exercise 5 days a week and feel great. I am very glad I committed to having my surgery.

    1. jane13


      that's what the waitress said to hubby Saturday night at Fridays!

  7. Today is a Great Day!! Reaching my 25lb mark!!!!

    1. ShrinkingPeach
    2. Liz5012



    3. LLawless


      Thank you very much. Your support is appreciated throughout my journey.

  8. LLawless

    Our Indian

    From the album: LLawless

  9. Yes verdalilly it is part of the process from what I have been reading. I started moving after about a week and a half of a stall. Just keep drinking Water and getting your Protein. I ordered another 6 cans of protein because with out my shakes I'm having a hard time eating enough protein.
  10. I lost 15 lbs at my 2 week post op appointment and then hit a stall that lasted about 10 days. I was so freaked out because I am only eating around 550 calories a day and couldn't understand how this was happening. I started tracking everything and was getting ready to call my doctor until I found this site. You all have helped me understand that a stall is normal. My body went into starvation mode and was storing my fat. Now that it is getting used to the less calories I have lost another 6 lb an average of 1/2 lb a day. I feel great and am motivated again. I am exercising 5 days a week to help tone, which is harder for my 50 year old skin. Thanks again everyone for all your knowledge to help me on this journey.
  11. LLawless

    I usted To love eating

    You know what Inner Surfer Girl you are probably right. I completely forgot about that. Now it makes sense all the vomiting. Thank you
  12. LLawless

    I usted To love eating

    Sherry, my doctor pushes the Protein for muscle and he said to prevent hair loss. So because I'm 50 I need to build more muscle.
  13. LLawless

    I usted To love eating

    You look awesome. I have been doing 30 min a day but I do need to increase that. I started at 210 and am now 190 with a goal of 135. I guess I just better get used to not eating. I haven't been out eating with anyone except my husband, not sure I want to.
  14. LLawless

    I usted To love eating

    Sherry, really? You are 4 months post op and still only eating 3 or 4 bites per meal? So are you still drinking Protein shakes? I'm ordering more today because I just ran out and there is no way with what little food I can eat that I can reach my protein goal of 90 grams. I've actually never reached that goal. I average around 75 grams a day.
  15. LLawless

    Ewww this is horrible

    I am tolerating liquids and shakes but food is a slow process. If I eat more than a couple of ounces I have pain in my chest then vomiting. I've been told that this gets better. I just want to sit down and eat without vomiting.
  16. LLawless

    I usted To love eating

    Well, first of all I have to say congrats on 53 lb in 5 months. That is Awesome! I can totally relate to thinking something sounds good then not eating. Today I made this crockpot chicken fajitas that sounded so good. I ate maybe an ounce of chicken and a couple of pieces of bell pepper with sour cream. I could eat another bite. I told my husband he has leftovers tomorrow. I want to eat but after a few bites I can't eat anymore. I am only 4 weeks post op so I hope I can eventually eat a little more than that. I'm only averaging 550 calories a day and 300 of that is from Protein shakes. I am ordering more Protein powder tomorrow because without that I would die.
  17. LLawless

    Weight Loss Stall at 2 weeks Post-op

    I'm glad I found this site because no one warned me that this would happen. I think it should be mentioned in one of the many classes we had to attend. I think I'm going to mention this to my nurse when she calls next week.
  18. LLawless

    I usted To love eating

    I hate eating now. I had a good day on Tuesday with no throwing up but yesterday I made myself a tiny piece of salmon and a half a can of asparagus and only ate about a quarter of it, then I spent the next hour in pain and vomiting. This is only my second week being able to eat soft foods and I hate it. I think I'm just going to drink Protein drinks for the rest of my life. I'm sure it will get better down the road but right now I don't want to eat.
  19. LLawless

    Weight Loss Stall at 2 weeks Post-op

    I finally seen a 1 lb loss my stall is over for now, lol

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