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  1. Justin1524

    3 weeks post op eating tips

    No reason, the imitation crab legs are soft, a good source of Protein and Omega 3 and 1 or 2 sticks goes down easy enough. Also, inexpensive. I haven't tried shrimp yet but a few shrimp could also go a long way provided they go down.
  2. I'm now just a few days over 3 weeks post op gastric bypass and so far eating somewhat normally again, err, well for my "new normal." I thought these tips might be useful to others... Things that go down fine (and are pleasurable to eat) oatmeal (I buy the quick packets of organic oatmeal, no sugar added), lowfat 1% milk just cover them in a bowl and microwave a minute to a minute and 1/2. Add a handful of fresh strawberries and blueberries with a sprinkle of splenda a spash more milk. Yummy and fills you up with no issues (at least for me) Salads - I've really had no problems enjoying a small salad. No sugar added popsicles (about 25 to 35 calories each) - very soothing and tasty Black bean Soup and almost any cream Soups in the cartons (roasted red pepper etc.) Chili - in small quantities most canned soups like Progresso heart healthy laughing cow cheese - actually, I'm not a big fan but these are fine Light and Fit greek yogurt - 80 calories - these are good Stouffers mac and cheese cups - these are high in fat but only 240 calories or so since you're eating a small amount and a tasty treat once and a while Vitarain from costco - about $10 a case eggs so long as they're cooked soft Low Fat 1 or 2% cottage cheese Almonds - just a few once and a while Flank steak - flank steak is tender, slice it thin, saute with some peppers and just remember small amounts Popcorn air popped - just a small bowl with a tiny drizzle of butter and a little salt Artificial crab - fine in small amounts. Jello Things that hurt to avoid or eat very, very slowly Pasta/Noodles - even small quantities are pretty tough to keep down chicken, especially white meat - doesn't digest well Crackers - almost any kind - a few rice crackers maybe but all others don't feel good to me ground meat - a bit easier then chicken but still, very small amounts bread or bagels - don't feel good anything fried in oil The key is always listen to your body. Chew well, wait for it to go down, see how it feels, if it feels bad stop or slow way down. Hopefully this makes sense to some folks. I'm hoping things get easier but I'm adapting well to my "new normal."
  3. I'm almost 2 weeks post op and breezed right through it. Pain for me was tolerable and pretty much gone 4-5 days post surgery. Sooner or later you'll eat something and feel a pain in your new pouch, take it as a signal to stop or slow way down. You have to learn to listen to your body. You'll be a lot less hungry and watch the weight come off fast at first. Enjoy the ride and look at it as a fresh start to better health! Congrats and don't worry too much!
  4. Just a follow up. The surgery went great! I'm 1-week post op tomorrow and healed up beautifully, no pain after about day 4 and the whole time quite well managed. I only took pain pills once when I got home after 2 1/2 days in the hospital. The eating adjustment period is long and slow. I'm on liquids - 4 8oz Boost's a day, water/crystal light, cream soups. I cheated a bit and tried to eat something solid, well chewed, not a good feeling. On the good side, very little hunger. On the bad side, taste/smell is different and it feels like I'll never enjoy eating again. Actually not sure that's such a bad thing, just comes with a lot of soul searching and weird moments. On the good side, my insulin dose is very, very low and the pounds seem to be coming off. My highest weight was 365, today I'm down to 330 and dropping. Thanks for all the kind words. Justin
  5. I started my journey a year ago. An 8 session nutrition class that lasted over a few months, followed by repeated appointments with case workers, nutritionist, social worker etc. All-in-all, it's been a year of re-learning how to eat, how to exercise, and a re-evaluation of what's really important.. my health. Tomorrow I will have gastric bypass - a 1-2 hour operation that could be the end of diabetes, sleep apnea and a future of health problems related to obesity. I say could be because there are no guarantees and I know it will be critical for me to stay on task with my new lifestyle if I am to succeed. But I know I can do it. This will give me my life back. I've been on a 2-week liquid diet for the past 2 weeks which in my case is 4 - 8oz juiceboxes of Boost a day and sugar-free non-carbonated caffeine free beverages only - no food. The first 3-4 days were hard, after that it got easier. I started my liquid diet at 356 lbs. Today I'm 342 lbs - so 14 lbs down. Post op I'll still be on a liquid diet while I heal and should lose more weight. I know it'll be a challenge learning how to eat but I'm ready for it. Best to everyone going through this.
  6. I'm on Day 5 of 2-week pre-op liquid diet with my RNY surgery scheduled for August 7th. The nutritionist (Brenda) at Kaiser Permanente Sunnyside in Portland, Oregon recommended 4 juice-boxes of Boost Original a day so that's what I went with. Went to a Kaiser hospital's cafeteria and bought 4 cases of the stuff which should last me 1 month (2 cases chocolate, 1 case strawberry, 1 case vanilla). The sweetness and aftertaste is hard when you're feeling like not having "desert." For me decaf starbucks house blend keurig cups made black kill the taste well. I also make one cup in the evening of broth using 2 Wyler's beef bouillon cubes dissolved in a cup of hot Water. This is a 1,800 mg of salt but no calories or fat and I'm not sure my nutritionist would sign off on it. But it is helping me. As I get closer to the surgery I'll try and stop. I've had no solid food at all (hey that's the idea) and kept to 1,000 calories a day. My weight is down everyday a pound or 2 (or so it seems). I was told after day 3 things get easier because you're in ketosis but I don't know. Cravings are there. Gotta stay strong. Best to everyone! Justin
  7. Justin1524

    Portland, Oregon

    I met with Dr. Leger and my surgery is now scheduled for August 7th. I will have an afternoon of pre-op education from the nutritionist Brenda and the case manager Teri followed by a 2nd meeting with Dr. Leger on July 10. Then on July 23 a shorter pre-op physical exam at Kaiser West side (closer to my work). 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after surgery I'm supposed to go on a liquid diet. I'll report back here what I learn. Very exciting time for me as I'm looking forward to the next steps in my journey.
  8. Justin1524

    Portland, Oregon

    Finally got through the steps and am meeting with Dr. Leger on June 10th for a 1 hour consult. Can anyone tell me what to expect? I'm hopeful he accepts my case and we schedule a surgery date soon.

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