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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by maggie409

  1. maggie409

    On my way

    So glad you are home. It will get better. Give yourself a chance to heal. Don't push yourself too hard especially with the hernia surgeries. Sending positive and healing prayers your way!!
  2. maggie409

    Loss first month

    I was sleeved June 15th.
  3. maggie409

    Sugar intake?

    I can use honey and agave nectar. I can have no processed sugar or artificial sweeteners like sweet and low. I am only in my third week post-op so I am not allowed any fruits yet.
  4. maggie409

    Products to make life easier!

    A strainer, food scale, blender, measuring cups, and small plates. Also if you enjoy coffee you may want to consider getting individual decaf coffee bags. Making more than one cup at a time is a waste of coffee. Gas-x strip, miralax, and bandage items for your incisions such as antiseptic spray, antibiotic cream and large bandaids. Also a small travel pillow has been priceless for sleeping at night. When I turn to one side or the other I use it to hold my tummy. For the first few weeks it feels like everything inside is shifting when you shift while laying. It also helps to keep your incisions from feeling so much pressure.
  5. maggie409

    Duration of Recovery time?

    I own my own business so I haven't really had any time off. But I will add that there are several tasks that I have not tackled yet because, though physically I can handle the work, mentally I am not back up to par. I am putting off any financial tasks or detailed work. This has been my biggest battle. The low amount of calories and quite possibly some residuals from anesthesia are making me mentally slower than I am used to. I am in week three or post-op and had my first day today of soft food stage. I had a soft scrambled egg for breakfast, a protein shake mid-morning, lunch was 3 oz baked tilapia in 1/3 cup tomato bisque, for supper I had the same as lunch followed by a cup of hot chamomile tea with honey. I ended the day with 674 calories; 74 gr of protein; and 90 oz of liquid.
  6. maggie409

    Not losing very much

    I have lost 21 total.... 12 during pre-op diet and 9 since surgery. I am 15 days post-op. I lost 8 the first week and only 1 the second week. I wasn't that discouraged because my measurements and the way my clothes fit told a different story. We just have to remember that the scale is not the only indicator. Let's keep pushing forward !!
  7. maggie409


    I have sent each one a friend request on MFP. My username is shiela76442
  8. maggie409

    Decided to stop weighing!

    I sent my scale to my daughters house down the road. I weigh once a week only.
  9. I just started week three and today I had a protein shake (25 gr) for breakfast, water throughout the morning, lunch was 1/2 cup puréed butter beans and 1/2 cup tomato bisque soup, more water and protein shake mid-afternoon (25 gr), supper was 1 cup tomato bisque soup. Also had a couple of SF Popsicles. I ended the day with 60 gr protein and 100 oz liquids. The puréed butter beans is the thickest thing I have had. I stomached it well.
  10. maggie409

    Tomorrow is my day!

    Excellent! So glad to welcome you to the losers bench! ????
  11. maggie409

    Will my shoe size change too?

    I am only two weeks post op and my shoes for loosely. It was my first weight to go. Now if I can convince the apron on my belly to follow, life will be grand!
  12. @vsg_ima there needs to come a point where we aren't worried about what people think of our choices. If someone is rude enough to suggest you may be pregnant because you choose to not drink wine, just smile and laugh and say "oh goodness now. I am just resolved to live a healthier life so all of you can expect to see less of me in the future!" And if they want to converse about how you intend to do that, keep in mind that what our defensive mind sometimes see as intrusive questioning, is actually genuine interest and interesting conversation. Just tell them you are focusing on Proteins and fresh produce. And have eliminated processed foods and cutting back on bad carbs and sugars. If you are exercising add that also. And you can certainly add that you are taking your health and tackling it with just as much effort and determination as you do your work. Any life improvement like we are all taking on will inevitably flow positively over into all other areas of our life. Be confident in your life decision and be proud of yourself. Good luck!! Wow tons of great advise! Do you have a website or a blog? ????
  13. I agree! 33 pounds since June 15th is amazing. I was sleeved on June 15 and I have lost a total of 22 including my 3 week pre-op diet. I have only lost 7 pounds since I was sleeved. I am only weighing once a week.
  14. I am wondering if anyone has had problems with potassium deficiency? I am two weeks post.op. I have done well with my proteins (getting 60-90 per day), getting liquids in (getting 70-90 oz a day). I take all of my supplements (which obviously don't include potassium). Since starting full liquids and adding creamed soups to my diet I am getting between 600-850 calories per day. I am healing well and no nausea. However, I have been very weak and no energy to walk or do much. In the evenings I have heart palpitations. I noticed on MyFitnessPal that I am only getting between 550-850 mg per day in potassium and wondering if it could be a deficiency. I read that the average person should get around 4700 mg per day. Has anyone else experienced this issue?
  15. maggie409

    Potassium deficiency

    Well I think I have found a solution. I bought a can of large butter beans and puréed them. 1/2 a cup has 360 mg of potassium and 5 gr of protein and 100 calories. It will definitely help.
  16. maggie409

    On my way

    Good luck! Keep us posted. You will do great!
  17. maggie409

    Is this normal?

    I am two weeks post op and I'm anxious to see any responses. I had jello one day and it was hard going down and then I felt bad for a few days after. I also have to force myself to consume what is necessary to get through the healing stage.
  18. maggie409

    After surgery

    I had the same type BM and mine was from the barium solution from the last leak test. I just let it clear out of my system. It's disappointing that you can't see your doctor before you leave. Mine came to my apartment where I was staying the night before I flew out to check on me. So did my NUT. Good luck!!
  19. maggie409

    I want to eat

    I think for me it's boredom also of the small variety. At this point I don't even want to eat (drink) anything but I do force myself. We just have to remember this is a very small time frame in a lifetime of good health. My desire for my stomach to heal is greater than my desire for different food. We must not let our negative mind rule over our positive mind.
  20. maggie409

    June Sleevers!

    Isopure protein drinks go down pretty easily! They are clear, and come in many flavors! Blue raspberry is my fav! Having my surgery July 1. When was your surgery? I agree. Some people don't like the Isopure protein waters but I love it over ice. To me it tastes like SF koolaid. I will get a small glass and sip on it all day. If you can manage to drink a bottle throughout the day, that will get you 40 gr of protein. I am still on full liquids two weeks post op because I tried jello and it felt like lead hitting my stomach. Then kind of nauseas feeling for a few days. My NUT said if you try something in a stage and it doesn't set well, then it isn't time to stay in a lower stage for a few more days. I have found a bean and bacon soup at United and I purée it and eat it slowly. It has more protein than most soups. Also I add about a Tbls of unflavored protein power to add another 5 gr. it takes me about an hour and a half to finish a protein drink. As for the soup, it takes me about an hour to eat 1 cup. Also the puréed soups have more calories. Good luck!
  21. maggie409

    Today is the day!

    Good luck! Keep us posted when you can
  22. maggie409

    June Sleevers!

    I am two weeks post op today. I am only weighing once a week and actually took my scales to my daughters house down the road. I am doing well. Not much hunger, no nausea. I have one incision that is being stubborn about healing but it is coming along. I have one more week on full liquids and then on to soft foods. I actually didn't want any food today at all. Everything I ate (or drank) I forced myself to get in my protein and nutrients. I am a little concerned I have a potassium deficiency.
  23. maggie409

    I want to eat

    I sat on the back porch this evening while my family was inside enjoying grilled steaks and grilled vegetables. It smelled soooo good. I am two weeks post op and can have soft foods in one week. This is the first time it has bothered me. Before this I would even cook for everyone from time to time.
  24. maggie409

    Potassium deficiency

    Thanks for the responses! I sent an email to my NUT. I will stop worrying

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
