Hello everybody, I hope this post finds you all well. Firstly, I am unsure how to update my information on my profile so any advice would be greatly appreciated.
My name is Adele, I am 31 and started off my journey at 266lbs. I had my sleeve 27th April 2015 so am still recovering and finding it very difficult.
I am not as sore as what I was but am still very sore all the same, especially from the stomach drain incision which has leaked a few times from the force of me being sick several times. I find it very hard to drink water, it's uncomfortable to swallow and instead I find thicker drinks like Slim fast go down easier.
I feel like I am hungry... Is that normal? I have been told to not eat anything for 3 weeks however I feel like I would be okay with puréed foods... Of course, I won't buy I am finding it hard!
I am down to 252lbs since the op, I really cannot explain why (so please don't think I'm not appreciative) but I feel almost a bit down about not losing more?? What is going on with me.....
Should I be losing more?
Food is a big part of my life, myself and my husband like to cook and have dinner parties, will I be able to do that ever again?
Not sure if I am regretting the sleeve or I just need a pick-me-up, either way, any advice would be fab xx