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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Machalo

  1. That is awesome news @Quinnmedicinewoman52! I hope your insurance turns the approval around fast so you can get the earlier date. Keep us posted.
  2. Machalo


    Great advice here. Especially since the holidays are now upon us with one food event after the next. I'm still working on my own plans - December in particular is a food fest here in the office with people bringing in food every single day. We don't have a full-on Thanksgiving meal this year with the family so that is one benefit. However, that means I have to cook at least a turkey breast for my hubby, along with stuffing, mashed potatoes, etc. Maybe I can negotiate some of those high calorie sides for some low calorie veggies. Wondering what everyone else is planning?
  3. Ooooh, all the best Mikeyy!
  4. Machalo

    Blood pressure 71/49

    That's awesome @Lynda486. I'm glad your doctor took you off your BP meds too. That is great that you can now come off of them entirely. Way to go!
  5. Well, hmm. I chickened out this weekend. We did have a very brief convo about this week's NUT appointment and he was supportive of that, so I think he may be thawing out. I know. I still need to have the full talk with him. Disappointed with myself, but it's another week and I can do better. Why do I have such a hard time advocating for myself? Sheesh.
  6. The video was very helpful, thanks @Healthy_life2 for posting it!
  7. Update: the dreaded conversation with my husband is likely to happen this weekend if I have the nerve to rock the boat. I hate confrontation and bringing up something like this feels like I'm confronting him with something he won't be happy about. But I have to let him know how his pointed disapproval and disinterest has hurt my feelings. Wish me luck!
  8. Update: the dreaded conversation with my husband is likely to happen this weekend if I have the nerve to rock the boat. I hate confrontation and bringing up something like this feels like I'm confronting him with something he won't be happy about. But I have to let him know how his pointed disapproval and disinterest has hurt my feelings. Wish me luck!
  9. Machalo

    Blood pressure 71/49

    Oh I'm glad that you are alright. As you can see, we all were worried about you. And a HIGH FIVE for thinking about your BP meds as being a possible culprit. Not sure that would have been my first option, but my primary care doc is only a phone call away, so he'd have been the first one I called. Glad you are feeling better.
  10. Machalo

    One week to go

    That makes me feel really happy that your husband is so supportive of your journey. Mine hasn't even wanted the subject to be brought up. We're going to have a conversation about how much that hurts my feelings this weekend, and then we'll see how it goes. Try to post a thumbs up or something Monday evening to let us know you're doing well. I'll be saying prayers for you and your surgeon that everything is smooth and uneventful.
  11. Machalo

    One week to go

    Only the weekend to go now. I'm so excited for you all. Remember to breathe and be excited to explore the differences you've already experienced along your journey to this point. You've already become a newer, slimmer self, so you're already successful! You are going to rock your surgery! I'll look for you on the post-op threads next week. Keep us posted as to how you are going and feeling next week. Hugs & blessings.
  12. Hey, way to go in keeping your attitude positive and uplifting! You are getting there and every step is a positive one. Thank you for sharing.
  13. Machalo

    I don't like my Bariatric Team :S

    I'm not sure if you have the option, but can you ask for a different team? You'll have a long-term relationship with them, at least in the US, you have to meet with the surgeon every year, forever. I don't know what will happen to that if you move or something and can't see him or her. The dietician and surgeon and psychologist need to "check boxes" and they're used to meeting with people who don't have a clue, so you thank them for their advice and you move on. It's their loss that they don't take the time to figure out that you have a fund of knowledge already so that you can have a deeper relationship. Hopefully there will be someone on your journey who will appreciate that you've done your research and that you need a higher level of communication. I hope that you are able to find the support that you need and want from someone in your team. And if not, keep coming here ... we're all here to support each other in our journeys. Blessings.
  14. New news. I have my Cardiac consult/appointment February 28th at 10:30am. I guess that shuts out February as my surgery month. A bit disappointed at that actually, but I know it will all be for the best. I'm supposed to travel for work in March - guess I won't make those arrangements yet until I know about surgery. Well, shoot. In other news, I gave my husband two articles about WLS in people over 50 last night. He just put them aside, not even bothering to look at them. I'm going to wait until my next NUT appointment next week and then he and I are going to have to have a talk, because I need his support or at least his understanding, and he needs to know that I'm doing this for me and it's my decision to do it for me.
  15. I have ten days until my next weigh in and I'm just slightly panicking. Why am I panicking you ask? Well, my scale was down by 8 pounds on Friday and completely up to starting weight this morning! Over 2 days!!! I need to drop that 8 pounds again, ASAP. My NUT might not have a fit, because I haven't seen her yet, but I'm having a fit at how dumb I was over the weekend. So here is my plan for the next 10 days: 1 protein bar of 20+ grams of protein, 2 protein shakes 30+ grams protein each, and then salad for supper. The bar is the most calories weighing in at 330cals, but it does have 20 or more grams of protein in it, and I can't go down to zero cals or my metabolism will stall out all together. The shakes are 160 cals each. That puts me at 650 cals so even if I eat 4 cups of lettuce for dinner, with 2 TBSP of dressing that should still keep me under 1,000 cals for the day, or just a little over if I put some chicken on the salad. What do you think? Am I panicking for nothing? How does that food plan sound since I'm still pre-op? I'll be getting all of the protein in while not a lot of the calories from extra stuff that normally goes with a high protein meal, like starches and other carbs. I'm also trying to keep my GERD in check and it flares when I have too many carbs. Your ideas, suggestions, and thoughts are greatly appreciated. Cheers!
  16. Thanks @Recidivist. Good advice. My insurance says I can't gain an ounce during my pre-op program. I'd been doing so well, but then the weekend came, and we ate out too much. All that hidden sodium got me, but good. I'm back on track and hoping the scales will head downward again. I've not really been given a "diet" yet, but I'm freaked out enough about gaining weight that I started changing my diet anyway. Cutting out cookies, candies, chips and fast food all led to my loss. Thank you everyone for your thoughts and advice. I'll get back on track and tell the hubs no to eating out again while I'm doing this pre-op stuff.
  17. Machalo

    Surgery Day!!

    That is so good to hear @Ilianamarie30! I'm sure you'll do great, congratulations!
  18. Oh man, what a bummer! I'm on Aetna too and now I'll have to call to check on that. It used to be six months and I was thrilled that it had been reduced to 3 months; if it's gone back up to six ... ARGH! I see my team again next week so I'll be sure to ask that question to make sure we're still on track. Thanks for the heads' up.
  19. I'm still pre-op and having to decide between sleeve and bypass. I'm going with the bypass mainly because I have acid reflux and the bypass will stop it. As everyone has suggested, make sure to read everything you can get your hands on. This site is a treasure-trove of experiences and advice. The advice I read here plus my team's advice are going to be a winning combination I believe. Feel free to ask any questions, we've all had or are having them too. All the best to you!
  20. My question is how are your families reacting to your decision to have WLS? Mine is currently in the denial phase. Doesn't want me to have it, says I'm too old, too out of shape, etc. He's afraid I think of me croaking on the table. I've started pulling articles about how safe the surgery is now and that it can be done into someone's 70s now. My surgeon will only go up to age 60 and I'm 55. I've researched the surgeries for the last decade and gone back and forth and been anti'd more than once by other people. This time, I'm doing it for my own self health. I'm afraid to tell anyone else because of the anti-surgery messages I got the last time a few years ago when I started the process. That's when I found Bariatric Pal. What a great forum this is! Anyway, I got sidetracked. Any advice in how to raise your family's support of your decision?
  21. Machalo

    Water intake and outflow

    I've heard that the Banana Protein Shake does that to folks, but I have no personal experience with it. Have you tried another flavor?
  22. Machalo


    CONGRATULATIONS! That is quite the accomplishment, do something nice for yourself today, like a manicure, or a new clothing item! Have fun! You deserve it.
  23. Machalo

    Getting a Little Bit Closer

    That cute face will definitely help keep you motivated to move, congrats! Aren't puppies fun?! All but the potty training. What breed is Lola and how big will she get? She's beautiful. Sounds like you've been doing wonderfully on the go. I'm hoping to do the same as my work gears up for the recruiting season. All the best to you!
  24. Machalo

    Blood pressure 71/49

    Please take good care of yourself and do keep us posted. Best wishes.

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