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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Machalo

  1. Way to go, Brent! It is super to see your progress!
  2. Alcoholism is a terrible disease. Yes, I said disease. It isn't about willpower or lack thereof, or just choosing not to drink. To an alcoholic it is a coping mechanism for whatever, stress, uncomfortable emotions. One little drink won't hurt. But there is never one little drink. I grew up in an alcoholic household; I didn't understand it, I tried to help stop it, during every attempt, but nothing helped until my parent decided to do it for themself. I still didn't really understand, since I'd never had an addiction. I viewed my parent as weak-willed. I didn't understand until I found my own addiction: cigarettes. They were the hardest thing to give up 25 years ago, but I was able to use a new tool - the nicotine patch - that changed my habits while weaning me off the nicotine. I will never forget how grateful I was for that tool! I still had to do the work, but the tool helped so much. Now, I'm fighting my unhealthy addiction to food and am planning to use my new weight-loss surgery tool to help me make changes for the better. It isn't a magic pill, it doesn't do it for you, and it isn't temporary. That's like having a temporary fix for alcohol. You're going to go back to it. No. Weight loss surgery is permanent. You have to change what you do with food and how you look at food. It takes hard work every single day. But, it's not impossible. As I'm struggling with my own addictions now, I can have more empathy with my parent all those years ago for struggling to and not quite being able to give up their drinking. If you've never had an addiction, then you just aren't going to understand. Your husband may have to hit "bottom" before he decides to do something about his addictions, and then he will really need your support and willingness to help him in any way possible. I understand your frustrations since it is affecting your and your childrens' lives. This is still on him, though. You can't do it for him, he has his free will. What you have to decide is whether or not you are committed enough to wait for him. Wishing you both all the best!
  3. I've lost just under 40 pounds in the last 6 months on my own; surgery for me isn't until April 13. I had lots of bad habits that I needed to break, like soda, diet soda, chocolate, candy in general, chips, white rice, eating out too much, etc. I picked one or two things each month and weaned off of them. The first month, I gave up candy and chips. Next month I gave up sugared soda, limited diet soda to 2 per day, and stopped eating at fast food restaurants. Do it a little bit at a time. Making small goals will start the ball rolling for you, and that will motivate you to change the next bad habit. For me it was also motivating to have to weigh in every month. My insurance stipulates that once I started the journey and had my first weigh-in, that I couldn't go up so much as an ounce (from that first weigh-in) during my four months or I would be denied. No lie, that was a huge motivator. Also, remember why you want this surgical tool to help you control impulse-eating and binge-eating. Find what works for you and what motivates you, and start tracking your food and water intake. Come out on the forums when and if you have a hard day and talk to us. We're all here to help and support you. You can do this!
  4. Machalo

    April 2020

    Well, I finally got my date! April 13 for me. Woot! I'm very excited to now have a definitive date deadline to gain my new tool. Since last September I've lost 39 pounds which I'm just thrilled about. I'm up to a mile and a half walking 4 times a week and I work one of the weight machines that I've figured out how to use at my Recreation Center. All in all, it's a great Monday!
  5. There are certain posts I've made in my "story" that I want to edit. How do I do that? Is there a time limit for doing it? Any assistance is appreciated! Cheers
  6. My journey starts all the way back to my pre-teen years. I was a chubby little girl. At about 8-9, my Mom put me on my first diet. At 15, I took weight loss shots every week for two years. During High School I stopped eating and dropped weight and grew so that helped. By 17 and graduation, I was at a comfortable 125-130. I maintained it for the next 10 years by smoking and not eating. I didn't eat healthfully, but darn if I didn't eat slowly and chew my food to death. Fast forward those ten years and I was 27, in one abusive relationship after the other, and became an exercise addict. I still didn't eat healthfully. but I ate so little that it didn't really matter what I ate. Forward another two years and I was 29 and getting married to my true love. I still had very bad eating habits, and now I was faced with having to eat regular meals at regular times. ACK! I gained weight almost instantly, and it's been compounding for the last 26 years. I tried SlimFast, Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, Adkins, Mediterranean, and pretty much everything else. If I did lose some weight on them, I gained it all right back once I went off of them, plus more. I became a yo-yo dieter. The only thing that worked for me again was to stop eating. I could do a fast for about a day but by the second day my husband was on me to eat. Not that he didn't want a healthy wife, but I think he was afraid that I might turn out to have an eating disorder that was dangerous. At 36 I moved to where we live now, kind of out in the country, with cities not too far away. Once I worked for the university I started to look into finishing my bachelor's degree. Which I did. In 2008, when I was 44. At that point I was so heavy that I couldn't stand myself and started looking into weight loss surgery. Husband and I both went in, listened to the seminar, got our first appointment out of the way, talked with the surgeon, talked with the insurance guy ... and never went back. Insurance was nigh unto impossible to get cleared back then. The hoops you had to jump through were prohibitive, so I dropped it. For then. I scheduled to do the seminar again in 2015 or so, and again the insurance hoops discouraged me. Plus other people discouraged me. So I stopped. Now, I'm at my highest weight ever. I have GERD, sleep apnea, kidney problems, HBP, low thyroid, and joint pains. All from the excess weight. So I went back (3rd time's the charm, right?) and started the process over again. I've had my initial visit and labs done, I have scheduled the next 4 NUT appointments (thru Jan) and then the post-NUT assessment with the surgeon in January. Between this time and that, I need to get my psych clearance and have an ultrasound of my stomach done. Both are now scheduled. Now, I wait. It seems like it is taking forEVER, yet I only had my first appointment on the 8th. Not even 10 days yet and it feels like MONTHS have passed. I've started cutting things from my diet -- all my bad habits. The first to go in October are candies, cookies, fast food, and chips. i'm already down 7 pounds. Next month, I limit soda intake, and cut portions down to 2 cups per meal. November, I cut soda intake in half, cut my portions down to 1.5 cups per meal. December I go off the soda, drop my intake to 1 cup per meal and increase number of meals per day to 5. January, I'm hoping to be drinking my water, and be at the point where I'm at 1/2 cup of food per meal and 5 meals per day. Hopefully I'll be able to have surgery in February depending on my surgeon's schedule, and my insurance to clear. They have lightened up on their requirements so I'm more hopeful that I'll be approved. As far as who knows, my husband knows I went to my first appointment and that it is my goal to have bypass surgery. He's not super excited about it. In fact, I haven't been able to share any of my excitement or goal setting or anything with him. He is disabled and his health is frail, so he's been having his own issues. So, I bring my enthusiasm and my questions and my hyperactivity here to BariatricPal. You all have taught me so much already. Thank you. I'd love to make some great friends here, and I think I will. If you'd like to make friends, send me a message or reply, or just feel free to add me. I'd love to start a conversation with other like minded folks, who are excited, learning a lot, questioning a lot, and are just generally addicted to this site. LOL. Seriously, though. I'd love to hear your story too. Cheers, Mac
  7. Machalo

    I cheated...

    Sounds like you are in a good place, Tom. Just use it as a learning experience that you don't have to repeat now. Cheating a little bit isn't a deal breaker; only a reminder that we're all human. Keep on the plan, track everything, and you'll soon see little successes. Best of luck!
  8. Machalo

    Tomorrow is the day!

    All the best thoughts and energy coming your way for a safe and uneventful surgery and a quick and easy recovery! (HUGS)
  9. Tomorrow I get my first visit with my surgeon! So excited! I'm down to the 300's now, which is just super duper! I'm loving life and loving my plan! Hopefully I'll get a surgery date tomorrow (fingers crossed). In movement, I'm able to walk a mile each day, even if it takes me 20 minutes to do so. i'm really proud of that since I haven't exercised at all for the last 20 years. I'm also doing a little bit of toning with weight resistance, though that is going much slower than the walking.
  10. Machalo

    Just Met with Surgeon!!

    That is so exciting to hear! Wishing you all the best!
  11. Machalo

    Dry/Scaly Skin?

    Following this topic as I have ridiculously dry skin even pre-surgery.
  12. This is something I worry about in my household too. Hubby needs to lose weight, but isn't on board with that right now, so he still eats a lot of unhealthy meals that I don't touch. I don't really mind though (at this point) because it is fresh in my head why I'm eating differently than he is. I'm hoping that he will start to see the changes in me and want them for himself. But til then, it's a bag of corn chips every other night. Stay strong!
  13. Best thoughts and wishes for your successful surgery tomorrow! Keep us posted on how you are recovering when you are able. ((HUGS))
  14. Machalo


    Way to go, Jake! Your tremendous success should definitely be celebrated! You have transformed your life and gotten on a healthier and happier path. That is just awesome to me, and such an inspiration! Thanks so much for sharing so we could all help you celebrate!
  15. Machalo


    I'm sorry you are having this difficulty, @Tory Myers. The deed is done (you licked your finger). Let it go and don't beat yourself up about it. Just learn from it. Now you know you are tempted by mashed potatoes and you just stay away from them for now. If broths are making you nauseous, then try something else. There are other things you can do, like protein shakes and protein waters. You can semi-freeze the shakes and have them kind of like an ice cream. That will give you some texture, while still being a liquid. Try to focus on all of the great things about what your surgery is bringing you! It's the tool you've been waiting for to help you lose weight. You will be so happy with your decision as soon as you start to see the scales drop. Remember all of the health reasons that made you decide that surgery was the best option for your health. You got this! Keep reading the forums; they always help to keep my mood up and my motivation high. All the best to you!
  16. Machalo

    3 weeks in!

    Congratulations to you, @Mizztiterita and @kswin79 on your success so far! As AJ said, it will all work itself out in the end. Try to be mindful of all the changes you are experiencing. I'll bet you are losing inches even if the scales aren't moving. You are successfully following your plan. Have you measured to track the inches? I just started doing that to get my base before surgery, but it is something that was suggested to combat the inevitable stalls. Keep the faith, you're doing the right thing! Good luck, @IAmGrace on your sleeve tomorrow! Will be keeping you in thoughts and prayers. Keep us posted as you are able during your recovery! (HUGS)
  17. Machalo

    New Fixations

    Congratulations on your SUCCESS! That is great to hear! I look forward to exploring all the new and wonderful tastes with my new little pouch to see what it will tolerate.
  18. Machalo

    Initial Consult Update

    I had to wait 6 weeks from my final weigh in and insurance approval to my surgery work-up this Thursday. The wait was hard when all I wanted to do was GO GO GO! Yet, I've tried to use the time to continue progressing on my weight loss and exercise habits. It's still hard. Coming on here and watching everyone's successes and challenges has been very helpful too. Come out and talk to folks on the forums when the waiting seems to be just dragging on.
  19. Machalo

    100lb Mark SLOWLY Approaching

    Congratulations on all of your success! Try to celebrate how much healthier and happier you are as a person in general instead of focusing on a time deadline. You'll get to your goal weight, just keep to the program. HUGS
  20. Machalo

    Bat Wings

    Thanks @ms.sss. That was exactly what I was looking for! Thanks loads! XOXO
  21. Machalo

    Bat Wings

    I'm not there yet, but the thought bothers me mildly. I'm looking for exercises that will help to tone that area, but have so far (at least at my community center) failed to find anything. Any ideas?
  22. Machalo


    I love your attitude, Grace! Like you, I don't know how long I have on this earth, but I want to make them the best of my life! You will do just great with your sleeve. Keep us all posted! We're here to support you.
  23. So excited for all of you! Congratulations!
  24. Machalo

    Peeing alot

    I hope everything goes well in your follow-up tomorrow and that work on Wednesday isn't exhausting.
  25. Machalo

    Peeing alot

    Thanks @Chas74! I sure hope you are correct! These pills are a pest; always having to know where the next bathroom is no matter where you are going. How is your recuperation going? I see you got sleeved a week ago. Congratulations!

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