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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by VDB

  1. Ok, looking for the dumbest, silliest, craziest weight loss program you ever tried? Mine was the Arnold Schwarzenegger diet. I saw it in a newspaper one day. Here was the diet -- (at the time Arnold was the President's Exercise Guru) -- Everytime there was a food decision to make, such as carrots or doughnuts, you just thought "What would Arnold do?". Of course, Arnold would have the carrots. I thought this was silly, but started trying it. Sure enough, a week later, down 5 pounds, then 10 the next week. My wife was pretending I was Arnold as well, but that is another story. Finally, after about three weeks, I said to the Arnold question -- "Well, screw Arnold"!! And that was that.
  2. VDB

    Shoe Sizes Post Op

    Within a couple of weeks of surgery, the edema in my legs, ankles and feet was gone, and I dropped an entire shoe size in length and width...
  3. I agree with enjoythetime... now at 80#+ down, people in my community are definitely noticing and asking, I also reply "I had WLS, a gastric by-pass" and most know what that is and are supportive. Actually, I am proud that I have the gumption to go through a year of prep, fight the insurance monster, and go through the surgery to this 3 mos post time.... I also know that some people who have never experienced being really fat don't have any real perspective on this change, so I don't blame them for thinking "You should have just lost weight!" I swim 3x a week, have for years, and some of the other obese people have been asking me what happened, and more than one are now considering WLS.
  4. My new goal for the spring is to climb the mountain right across the valley from my rural Colorado home. I am going to try to post a photo of it, Mt. Lamborn, just to the right of my yellow lab's ear in this photo
  5. VDB

    Here's a power move

    Think Siri, but with more of a judgmental tone What I want to know, is there a way to get the scale to lie? Say, announce much lighter weight? Or maybe, give you compliments?
  6. VDB

    Another year alone

    Daveo, I have been married over 35 years, so am not an authority on finding a woman....I know alot about keeping a woman! However, one of my children who was alone for 20+ years and had pretty much given up on finding a partner has in fact found a permanent life partner, I just met her and she is wonderful. How did she do it? She got involved with a group of singles at a large church, even though she was not especially religious. She went to dances. She volunteered. And she found her sweetie. I expect she will marry this one.... having said this, I know that being alone can be tough, I don't mean to offer glib solutions, I know it is painful.
  7. Dr. Meow, why is the BMI moot with apnea? Not heard of that. Thanks John
  8. VDB

    Worst Restaurant Food You Ordered?

    Wife and I either split a meal with her eating 3/4 of it, or I put the uneaten part of mine in a take-home box and get two more meals out of it. I am a very cheap date now.
  9. My NUT is the best nutritionist/dietician I have ever met. She helped me with turning my head into one that is skilled at being a bariatric patient/eater. She not only gave tips, she practices what she preaches in terms of nutrition. I was dreading seeing her because all in the past were preachey snobs who did not like overweight people, and exuded distain and easy answers we have heard all of our lives. I was handed so many written diets over the years, but almost no real help. This NUT, at the Bariatric Clinic in Grand Junction CO (kay) really educated, gave recipes, did not give unrealistic advice or instructions, and was very patient with my ignorance....
  10. VDB

    Hair loss noticeable/problematic?

    I am 3 mos post by pass and 80+ # down, my hair during this time went from fairly bushy to more fine, thinner hair. I am going to have it cut quite short, have worn it long for 45 years, but it is clearly different. I get 80-90 g of protein but may up that a bit. I just feel that hair changes are a hassle, but the health pluses are so worth it, so much important than hair....
  11. VDB

    Struggling with Second Thoughts

    Your reticence is understanding, this is a huge surgery, a giant step. I had to take it to live, with severe diabetes, high blood pressure, urge incontinence, severe edema, all of which are now virtually gone at the 3 mos post bypass timeframe. I had hundreds of attempts to lose the weight but slowly over the decades crept up to over 422#. I, too, used the NSAID pain killers and Tylenol is a hoax, does nothing for me. The good news is that I don't need it anymore. I have already lost 80#, and look forward to a long life. I don't mind the supplements. Having said that, I think you should be solid about why you are doing this major surgery. You seem to think you might be able to make it to health without it. Go for it if you can. In alcohol treatment, addiction counselors frequently tell people who are unsure if they are alcoholics to go ahead and drink and see if there are any negative effects...
  12. I am in the 3 months post bypass no hunger zone, just working on the daily rhythm of water/80% protein; 20% good veges and fruit which will comprise my life time of eating. As much as I value the gift of no hunger and chance to drop lots of weight quickly, I will be glad to see hunger return. Hunger can be a friend, and helped me savor the good food I get to eat. Right now I am working on lots of variation of Protein foods, constantly trying to change it up. At 3 mos. I have learned my pouch and how much to eat. I have not had any discomfort or nausea for 9 weeks.
  13. VDB


    Way to go, it will change your life and the gas will pass...
  14. I have lost 80# in three months post bypass. Other than some hair loss, I am noticing having less energy than normal, and am wondering if this is tied to the fast weight loss. I initially had trouble getting the Protein and Water down, but with tips from others on BP, have now nailed that routinely. For those of you who have lost a bunch of pounds rapidly, what did it do to you?
  15. No one noticed for me until I hit 70#, but now at 80# everyone notices...strange.
  16. Yes, Dub, you will, but you have to work at it. My nutritionist says to eat Protein 80% of every meal, which leaves 20% for a bit of low sugar veges and fruit, and almost no grains, and eat two protein Snacks a day. This gives me over 80-90 g of protein a day. Initially I had trouble getting it in, but now it is routine. I start when I get up with a homemade Protein Drink (1/2 whey, 1/2 dry milk powder, milk and Water, blended with a bit of fruit like peach or applesauce) which is 30 g. I eat soft prepared chicken, pork, but mainly white fish or salmon for other meals, also some low fat cheese. I was roughly your size, BMI over 52 originally, down 80# in three months, and swim/walk and lift weights for workout. BTW, that six months goes quick. I go through alot of clothing, but have a bunch of good jeans, from 52W/32L on down, and have more all the time...message me if you want them (free). I live rural, so jeans and T-shirts are my uniform. I have gone from 3xl shirts to XL already, almost out of 46w jeans...
  17. VDB

    2nd thoughts

    Good on you PaulC, I love it when some of us just float through these complex surgeries -- skilled Docs and good attitudes, way to go PaulC!
  18. I am one with a bypass who has no negative reaction to sweets made with white sugar. How do I know this? I had a piece of pie and no reaction. Greasy mexican food, white flour carbs, too much fruit, oatmeal, all cause negative reactions. I think DrMeow is right. My nature is to try things and find the limits of my pouch, but also to then make conscious choices to build a lifelong set of habits. Now that I am almost never hungry at 3 mos out, I have been given a gift that eliminates cravings and allows me to practice healthy eating. I know three people (friends or relatives) who have gotten bypass in past years, and have regained a majority of the weight. I asked each how they regained it. One said "Soda -- addicted to Coke"; the other said very gradual increase in amount being eaten until the pouch was back to stomach size; the other said not able to switch off white sugar, white flour etc. and go to healthy fats, grains, veges, fruit -- but the good news is that I know more people who have kept the bypass or sleeve weight off, by building good habits during this honeymoon year after surgery...
  19. VDB

    2nd thoughts

    BIGBobo -- way to go, man! Huge effort, totally worth it. I am 3 months out this week, just hit 80# down. Can't beat that.
  20. VDB

    Did anyone go thru a depression after surgery?

    Definitely experienced some short term depression for a couple of weeks. Such a huge shift. Even though the fat was horrible for my health, it was normal, and all liquid and then soft foods was abnormal. It lifted quickly for me and has not been back...
  21. @@drmeow, my nut recommended several teaspoons of good fat (I use olive) per day, at 3 months post, still using it....
  22. I support what PinkDahlia said. For me, sudden change, cold turkey does not work well, but planned methodical decrease of a food item worked well. Three years ago after a heart attack, I set about eliminating the "whites"... white sugar, white flour, rice, etc. in favor of good carbs such as whole wheat flour, quinoa, etc. At the end of a year, had them 90% reduced. Now, just don't buy any of the whites and almost never eat anything with that stuff in it. Gradual works for me, cold turkey produces deprivation thinking which leads to cheating. For some, cold turkey is the way to go, though!
  23. I chose by-pass because of it having better data for curing diabetes, which was the most likely source of early death for me.... three months out today, diabetes 90% better, high BP gone, edema gone, 75# gone.... but following these threads, people also love their sleeves, but the GERD issue is significant.....
  24. VSGAnn2014, great list!! Inspirational! Thank you.

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